Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

  • 我将举办个人画展,请同学们和家长们前往莅临指导

    Date: 2016.02.03 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear Parents,

    Here attached is the flyer. I will give an art exhibition in Brookline town hall from Feb 1 to May 27.  I cordially invite everyone to visit it.


    Michelle Yu

    THW Flyer Feb-May 2016

  • Letter to all parents——1/12/16

    Date: 2016.01.13 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0



  • Letter to parents——9/8/15

    Date: 2015.09.09 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,

    Welcome to my art class! Time goes by quickly, the summer vacation is over. I hope that everyone had a wonderful vacation. And we are almost in the beginning of a new school year. The first class will be on 9/13/15. The parents are welcome to come to classroom for 15 min to listen to my teaching plan and overview of the course.

    Students should prepare a pack of crayons, a pencil, an eraser, a sketch book. I look forward to seeing you all in the classroom.


    Michelle Yu

  • Letter to Parents——6/5/15

    Date: 2015.06.05 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,

    Time flies and we are in June now. This semester will end in two more weeks. We only have two classes before the end of this school year. It has been a pleasure to have your kids in my class. They are all wonderful kids, devoted in drawing and coloring. Some of kids stayed with me for an entire year, two semesters. They are not only my students, but also my friends now. I am glad to see my students growing up, moving one grade up. The art world is immense. You just enter the door.

    In the past month, the students have made a lot of progress in drawing and coloring objects of animals. We drew alligator, goose, sea horse, and giraffe. The students made a wonderful artworks about animals. They like the animals so much so that they devoted themselves into drawing.

    For the coming two classes, in Sunday, 6/7, we will draw and color owls. In the next Sunday, 6/14, we will draw buffalo. Then we will have a summer vacation. If you have suggestions and questions, please feel free to let me know.  I will appreciate them. Have a great summer!


    Michelle Yu , Teacher

  • Letter to parents——5/4/15

    Date: 2015.05.04 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,
    It is May now. Here is my May newsletter to you.
    Kids are continuing doing great drawing and coloring.
    Some parents asked me how to improve their ability in the class,

    and I found the following link, an article, is really helpful. Enjoy!
    Michelle Yu (Yu Laoshi )

  • Letter to Parents——4/7/15

    Date: 2015.04.07 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,
    I hope that everyone had a happy Easter!  Ever since the last letter to you, we have had a lot of changes. Students have made a lot of progress. We made drawings about cupcakes, eagles and spring flowers. The art works made by students are beautiful, colorful and mindful.  Our class art exhibition was on March 29. It was well done. A lot of parents went to library to see their kid’s drawing and were proud of kids.  You should never underestimate your kid’s ability.
    In the coming month, we will continue to make a progress of drawing and coloring. We will draw more animals.
    Michelle Yu ( teacher)
  • Letter to parents——3/17/15

    Date: 2015.03.18 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,
    One more month flies away quickly and we are in March. Almost all new students are getting into the class and are comfortable with the class now. This is good and they are making a progress in drawing.  We have drawn elephant, chicks and rabbit. Kids made good artworks on these subjects.  I am still collecting students’ artworks for the art class exhibit.  Our class exhibit has been rescheduled to March 29th.  We look forward to it. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
    Michelle Yu, Teacher
  • Letter to Parents——Feb. 7, 2015

    Date: 2015.02.07 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,

    We have had two classes of drawing in the new semester. The new students are doing well and old students, of course, have already entered the door of art world.  In the coming Sunday, we will draw elephant, exciting.

    One thing I would like to let you know is that every art class will have an exhibit of their artwork. Our class will do it on 3/8.  It is a little challenging, particularly for our young and new kids. So I hope that parents can help kids practice their drawing and coloring skills over next three weeks break. I am collecting students’ artwork.

    On 2/7, tomorrow I will be in Newton city hall to do face painting. If you have time, please bring your kids there to have a fun.


    Michelle Yu

  • Letter to parents——Jan.16, 2015

    Date: 2015.01.17 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear  parents,
    Happy new year!
    After 3 weeks of break, all the students got taller and bigger, and I am so happy to see their growth. At the some time, I almost treated them as they were the 5th grader students.
    At the first class of 2015, we drew a snowman. The kids liked it.  It is so easy to draw it, we used a basic skill of drawing circles at different sizes and put them in different places and a live snowman walks out from sketch book.  The students are so listening and following that they did exactly what I ask them to do. Their artworks have been posted in my blog. The parents are all welcome to take a look.
    The coming Sunday, we will draw Micky mouse. This will be the last class of this semester. On 1/25, we will start a new semester. Please remember to register it even when you are in vacation and slots go away quickly. I don’t want to see the old students missed the place, then occupied by new students. That situation happened before.
    Best regards,
    Michelle Yu (teacher)
  • Letter to parents——12/20/14

    Date: 2014.12.21 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,

    This Sunday is the last art class in 2014.  We are going to draw and color Santa Claus.  Then we have a holiday break and resume art class on 1/11/15.  After this Sunday class, we have two more classes (1/11/151/18/15).  Then we start a new semester, the spring semester on 1/25/15. I hope that every one has a good time and won’t forget to register for a new semester.

    We have had wonderful classes over last month. We discussed holidays and holiday related decorations and symbols. Towards this direction, we made artworks of turkey, Christmas tree, wreath and bells. On the coming Sunday, we draw and color Santa Claus. The students not only learn holiday culture, but also recognize holiday related objects around them.  Their meaning, their beauty, their story are all fascinating, so artworks display all of those.  Kids are getting more and more comfortable about class. When they come to class, they are ready and prepared to draw.  They are clearly interested in drawing objects by themselves in the class and coloring it in their own way based on my instruction. They have their own artistic view and truly believe their ability of drawing. I am glad to see their confidence on their drawing and coloring skills.  They all have potential to develop to an artist with parents’ and teachers’ support.

    Meanwhile, I wish all of you happy holidays and happy new year!

    Michelle Yu (teacher)