Archive for February, 2015

  • Letter to Parents——Feb. 7, 2015

    Date: 2015.02.07 | Category: Uncategorized | Response: 0

    Dear parents,

    We have had two classes of drawing in the new semester. The new students are doing well and old students, of course, have already entered the door of art world.  In the coming Sunday, we will draw elephant, exciting.

    One thing I would like to let you know is that every art class will have an exhibit of their artwork. Our class will do it on 3/8.  It is a little challenging, particularly for our young and new kids. So I hope that parents can help kids practice their drawing and coloring skills over next three weeks break. I am collecting students’ artwork.

    On 2/7, tomorrow I will be in Newton city hall to do face painting. If you have time, please bring your kids there to have a fun.


    Michelle Yu