2021 NCLS 8th Tennis Tournament for Support Education Program


We are excited to bring back our annual charity fund raising tennis event after a brief pause last year due to COVID.  Tennis players of all levels are welcome to participate.  All proceeds will go toward the Newton Chinese School 2021 – 2022 Support Education program (16th Year) supporting the education needs of underprivileged students in rural China and greater Boston area.  To find out more about the Support Education Program at NCLS, go to http://blog.newtonchineseschool.org/supportchinaeducation/

Tournament Detail is as follows:

  1. Registration begins immediately.  You can sign up via the web registration form:  https://forms.gle/hcp84xo7E7Xx7Gwg9
  2.  or call/email/text/WeChat Jianqing Luo (罗剑青) at 617.957.6354, jianqing.luo@gmail.com or Jackie Zhou (周津平) at 617-538-4318jackiejpzhou@yahoo.com.   If this is the first year you are participating in this tournament, let us know your level (USTA NTRP rating or UTR if available), your email address and phone number when you register.  
  3. Entry fee – a donation of $25 for Singles, $50 per pair for Doubles.  You can sign up for multiple flights. Please make your check payable to “NCLS” and write “Support Education” in the memo section.  Or send your donation to Jianqing Luo via PayPal/Zelle/BOA transfer at: 617.957.6354 jianqing.luo@gmail.com and write the player’s name(s) and NCLS Tennis Donation in the Note section. 
  4. Tournament Flights:
    1. Men’s Doubles A Group – USTA 8.0 Combined
    2. Men’s Doubles B Group – USTA 7.0 Combined
    3. Mixed Doubles – all levels
    4. Men’s Singles A Group – USTA 4.0/4.5 level
    5. Men’s Singles B Group – USTA 3.0/3.5 level
    6. Women’s Singles – all levels
    7. Girls’ Singles – all levels
    8. Boys’ Singles – all levels
    9. Junior Doubles – all levels
  5. Match Format:  Matches could be round robin or single elimination depending on number of entries. Final detail will be published on 10/9 with the draw.
  6. All matches will be self scheduled.  Players in the same flight will arrange a time and court to play with opponents and report the results back to organizing committee. Organizing committee can facilitate the scheduling if needed.  All rounds are expected to be completed by end of October.
  7.  Registration deadline is Friday, 10/8/2021.  Draws will be announced via email and WeChat and accessible via Google Doc on Saturday, 10/9/2021. Please contact Jackie Zhou (周津平) at 617-538-4318 if you have any questions.
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About Shirley Chen

2011-2013 《中文》五年级中文老师 2013-2019 《马立平中文》四年级中文老师 2019-present (2024) 《马立平中文》六年级中文老师 2006-present (2024) Support Education Program (SEP) Member 2013-2016 Support Education Program (SEP) Chair 2013-present (2024) School Events Committee (EC) Member 2018-2020 School Events Committee (EC) Chair 2019-present (2025) NCLS Board Member

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