Dear parents, students, staff and teachers:
The annual fundraising yard sale for Support Education Project will be held in NCLS at the Day Middle School Cafeteria on March 9, 2014. We welcome all NCLS families to participate in this meaningful event. Please donate items and label your items with your suggested prices. In addition, please bring some pocket money to buy things from the yard sale. When you buy items at very reasonable prices, you also support some disadvantaged young kids to complete their high school education in China. All yard sale items will be sold at customer prices (means you price the items yourself) except labeled items. Business owners can register booths to conduct businesses at the yard sale (one day only). The registration fees will go to the Support Education Project, while business profits belong to owners.
If you have any questions, please email to
Craft Fair / Yard Sale / Bake Sale
Fundraising for NCLS Support Education Project
• Donate all kinds of gently used, still valuable artistic toys, decorations, paintings, crafts, paper cuts, sculptures, sweaters, wallets, scarf, pottery, electronics, clothes, shoes, children’s books, CDs, sportswear, kitchenware…;
• Come to the fair and buy what you like at a very reasonable price;
• Business booth should register one week before. One registration per company / family;
• Items for donation should be brought to school cafeteria on the day before 1:30pm;
• Parents on duty or volunteers will help with donation sale;
• Unsold items will go to Charities such as Churches;
• Raised funds will go to the Support Education Project;
Who: All NCLS members (teachers, TA’s, staff, parents, grandparents, students…)
Where: F.A Day Middle School Cafeteria, NCLS.
When: March 9th 2014, Sundays, 1:30pm-5:10pm
2014 年义卖
时间:二零一四年三月九日,1:30pm – 5:10pm
地点:F. A. Middle School 餐厅 (NCLS)
捐赠各种使用过的,但仍然有价值的艺术品,装饰品,日常生活用品,陶瓷器具,电子产品,衣物鞋帽,玩具,儿童书籍,厨房用具,运动用品, 光碟,录像带, 或其他。请将捐赠物标上你的估价,送到 F. A. Day Middle School 餐厅, 由我们的工作人员卖出去。所得额全部交NCLS支教项目。未售出的物件送去慈善机构。