Sep 27

The 4th Tennis Tournament in October !

Newton Chinese Language School (NCLS) 4th Tennis Tournament (牛顿中文学校网球锦标赛)
for Support China Education Program 
Tennis players of all levels are welcome to participate.  Entry fee – a donation of $20 for Singles, $40 per pair for Doubles.  Please make your check payable to “NCLS” and write “Support Education” in the memo section.  Bring payment to Newton Chinese School @FA Day Middle School tennis court or to organizers.  All proceeds will go toward the 2016 – 2017 Support China Education program supporting underprivileged high school students in Yuci Er Zhong, Shanxi Province (山西省榆次二中).   To find out more about the Support China Education Program, go to
Tournament Detail is as follows:
1. Registration begins immediately.  You can call/email/text/WeChat Mingshi Dai (戴明时) at (978) 930-2992, or Jackie Zhou (周津平) at   Let us know your level, email address and phone number when you register.  All matches will be played at Newton FA Day Middle School and Newton North / South High School courts over 2 weekends:  10/8– 10/9 and 10/15 – 10/16.  Rain date: 10/22-10/23.
2.  Match rules:  
·         Men’s Singles A Group (USTA level 4.0/4.5 only):  Pro sets.  Best of 3 sets.  The 3rd set is a Coleman 10-point tie-breaker.  (Players in the A group will be designated by tournament organizer based on self rating and player tournament history). Matches for this group will be self scheduled at
·         Men’s Singles B Group: One set with 7 point tie-breaker if games tied at 6:6.
·         Women’s Singles: One set with 7 point tie-breaker if games are tied at 6:6.
·         Doubles: One set with 10-point tie-breaker if games are tied at 6:6.
3.  Registration will be closed on 10/6.  Draws will be announced on 10/7.
Please contact Jackie Zhou (周津平) at 617-538-4318 if you have any questions.
Sep 17

2016-2017 NCLS SEP Recuiting Announcement

Dear teachers and parents;

With the strong support from school parents, teachers, staff, working group members, The Tan Family Education Foundation and the communities surround Boston area, NCLS Support China Education project become very popular. We have celebrated our school 10 years successful Support China Education project in June this year. More parents and students would like to join the team, to contribute their time and to help the students in China who has financial issue but eager to learn.

As we start the new school year of 2016 – 2017, the NCLS Support China Education Program has kicked-off its planning phase. This marks the 11th year of the Program. We will be providing support to students at Yuci Er Zhong, Shanxi province (山西省榆次二中). To keep this year’s program successful, we are recruiting new working group members. The number of working group members is not limited.  Any parent, teacher, or staff who is interested in supporting and contributing is welcome to join. The working group members are all volunteers, but we do need certain amount of commitment to the program as a team member. We will run fund-raising activities, have meetings and organize the students’ trip to China. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

before Friday September 30, 2016. If your kids will sign up for the student volunteer team, please sign up with your kids online by click the link below –

We are also forming a student volunteer group again this year. Every NCLS student above 8th grade is eligible even if you are not planning to go on the trip to China in April and your volunteer hours will be recognized. For those students (9th grade and above) who would like to apply as a member to go to China in April 2017, volunteer work prior to the trip is required. We especially welcome our program alumni to volunteer again this year as a way to give back to the program.

Support Education Program Working Group will host a presentation by 2016 China trip team on September 25, 2016 at 3:45pm in room 325, please come and join us to share all the interesting and meaningful stories from our students. This presentation will help you to understand and know more about this program. We will also answer all your questions about the program.

Thanks and we are looking forward to working with you!

The NCLS Support Education Program Working Group