8/28/2020 晚上八点半,支教工作小组利用ZOOM Meeting 网络平台,召开了年度会议。
会议对2019-2020 支教工作进行了总结:
虽然2019-2020 支教活动被Covid -19 打断了,支教之旅未能成行,但是上半年的支教活动很有成效。自九月份开始组队后开展了一系列活动:Team Bonding -Charles River boating (9月); Bake Sales (每周日面包及自制点心义卖);参与牛中建校60周年庆典并表演 (10月);支教第七届网球锦标赛 (11月); 年度支教才艺表演和筹款 (12月);面试申请支教之行的学生并组队 (2020,1月);协助牛顿中文学校校外春晚庆祝活动并表演和现场义卖募捐 (1月),到其他团体的春晚庆祝现场宣传支教和筹款义卖 (2月初)。筹款总额接近预期的三分之二(包括谭老师的捐助和支教志愿者公司的匹配)。疫情期间,支教活动依然进行,同学们录制了视频,已在牛顿中文学校微信公众号发布。也会发给受访的学校,让他们了解牛顿中文学校和支教团队的活动,其中的支教小花絮在牛顿中文学校学年末的家长大会暨毕业典礼上播放。视频链接如下:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Zl0tVYmBDtu5GT3xFrOccQ
2020-2021 新学年支教活动小组负责人: 组长 – 高红, 副组长 – 曹景雁, John Lin.
The NCLS Support Education Program (SEP) 2020-2021 Team Recruitment Starts Now!
Please click the link to sign up : https://goo.gl/forms/6pXh9nZKVWb0ucd83
The 2020-2021 will be the 15th year for NCLS SEP. The program runs various fundraising events, such as bake sale, talent show, tennis tournament, culture fair, dance party, etc. to raise funds for underprivileged students in rural areas in China.
In April spring break, a group of NCLS students will go to China and bring the funds to the scholarship recipients. They will visit the recipients’ families, teach English class at the school and participate cultural activities with Chinese students. Covid-19 disrupted 2020 SEP’s activities and prevented the trip to China. However, in these challenging times, help and support could be needed and appreciated more than ever. Students here and in China could continue to learn from each other and support each other in different ways, including but not limited to, online communication and cultural exchanges, and in-person visit situation permitting.
We welcome NCLS students 8th grade and above to join SEP team for 2020-2021.