2021-2022 will be the 16th year for Support Education Program (SEP) in NCLS. The program runs an annual talent show to raise funds to support underprivileged students around the world, mainly in China. Under the current Covid-19 environment, this year’s Talent show will be ON-LINE and expanded to include the traditional on-stage performances; art exhibits such as drawing, photographing, and calligraphy; and cooking, baking, and other artful work products. Performances or art exhibits can be submitted via prerecorded video, picture or PPT. The submissions will be presented together with the live performances during the talent show. The entire talent show proceeds will be designated to SEP. Please join us to show your talents, artful hobbies, adventures during Covid-19, and support a great cause!
Please submit the performance registration form before 11/30/2021. This link will be disabled after the deadline.
请在2021年11月30日前注册您或您所在团体的节目,2021 NCLS Talent Show Registration form (google.com) 逾期此链接将不生效。