1. Announcement of school year of 2013 – 2014 NCLS Support China Education Program
Dear teachers and parents:
As we start the new school year of 2013 – 2014, NCLS Support China Education Program has kicked-off its planning phase. This marks the 8th year of the Program. We will be providing support to students at Chong Ren Yi Zhong in Jiang Xi province(崇仁一中, 位于江西省抚州市崇仁县西部农村)。More information about this school and the students will be available on the NCLS web site. To keep this year’s program successful, we are recruiting new working group members. The number of working group members is not limited. Any parent, teacher or staff who is interested in supporting and contributing is welcome to join. The working group members are all volunteers, but we would like you to take a look at your schedule before you apply, as we do need certain amount of commitment to the program as a team member. We will run fund-raising activities, have meetings and organize the students’ trip to China. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to supporteducation@newtonchineseschool.org before Friday October 5th, 2013.
We are also forming a student’s volunteer group again this year. Every NCLS student above 8th grade is eligible even if you are not planning to go on the trip to China in April and your volunteer hours will be recognized. For those students who would like to apply as a member to go to China in April 2014, volunteer work prior to the trip is required. We especially welcome our program alumni to volunteer again this year as a way to give back to the program. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to supporteducation@newtonchineseschool.org as soon as possible.
NCLS Support Education Program Working Group
2. NCLS First Adult Tennis Tournament for Support Education Program
Newton Chinese School will be holding its first adult tennis tournament (牛顿中文学校网球锦标赛) this fall. Tennis players of all levels are welcome to participate. All you need is to sign up. A voluntary donation of any amount is welcome but we suggest at least a $20 donation from each player ($40 if you play both singles and doubles). All proceeds will go toward the 2013 – 2014 Support China Education program supporting students in Chongren Yi Zhong, Jiangxi province (江西省抚州地区崇仁县一中).
Tournament Detail is as follows:
1. When: Sunday 2:00pm – 9:00pm in October (weather permitting), starting Sunday, October 20th.
2. Where: Tennis courts behind NCLS (FA Day Middle School, Newton) next to the baseball field. Additional courts: Newton North High School tennis courts
3. How:
a. Either pro sets or 24-point games depending on the number of players who sign up
b. 2 levels: Level A: USTA 4.0 and above; Level B: USTA 3.0/3.5. If you don’t know your level, you will be placed at level B.
c. Doubles and singles (Men’s and Women’s division)
To sign up, please contact Hongxing Wang (王红星) at hongxing.wang@hotmail.com and Jackie Zhou (周津平) at jackiejpzhou@yahoo.com by Friday, October 18. Indicate which level and whether you are playing doubles or singles. If playing doubles, please provide partner’s name and e-mail.
Thank you for your support!
3. Talent show fundraising event on November 3rd:
随着又一个金色秋天的来临,牛顿中文学校支持中国教育事业和资助中国贫困学生交流计划进入了第八个年头。我们热忱期望勤学苦练各项才艺的同学们,和拥有十八般武(舞) 艺的家长们投身到这个大舞台来,参加今秋举办的青少年和家庭募捐才艺表演。我们将选送优秀节目参加学校的演出。希望通过这个机会,让更多的家长和同学了解牛顿中文学校的支教计划。才艺表演的具体安排如下:
时间: 2013年11月3日, 星期日 4:00pm – 7:00pm
地点: Auditorium, F.A. Day Middle School, (牛顿中文学校礼堂)
报名办法: 请填好报名表(下载附件), TalentShowAppForm2013-Fall于11月3日前投入报名箱. (报名箱放在中文学校入口处)或网上报名,
售票办法: 票价: 个人 $10,家庭 $20 (欢迎其它捐款, 数目多少不限)
时间: 10月20日, 10月27日和门口售票
地点: 牛顿中文学校一楼入口处
请所有有兴趣的同学和家庭积极报名参加, 也恳请老师, 家长们关心, 支持这项活动。在我们一起享受精彩的才艺表演时,我们没有忘记我们远在中国的贫困学生,我们的心连在一起。如果你有什么问题的话,请联系牛顿中文学校支教工作小组supporteducation@newtonchineseschool.org