Apr 24

2024 中国行团队春假访问奉化武岭中学

2024 SEP 中国行团队利用春假走访奉化武岭中学,圆满完成一周的文化交流助学活动,师生平安返航,满载而归!武岭中学校领导高度重视,热烈欢迎本校师生的到访,安排了丰富多彩,形式多样的项目。团队师生通过风俗人情考察,传统文化体验,特色课程学习,并走进课堂,和同龄学生互动,中英文演讲,英语角交流,在体育馆里进行球类切蹉,在全校性的”三独” 比赛上倾情出演,短短的一周时间,结下了深厚的友谊。我们这次共资助了武岭中学22位同学,12位高一年级学生和10位高二年级学生。

借用带队老师胡凤飞董事长的微信朋友圈来作个小结: 牛顿中文学校支持教育项目第十四次中国行活动,完美收官。
此次中国行团队被学校师生家长们评为最强阵容:最强男女领队组合,董事长校长亲自带队。 最强学生组合,六位男生,六位女生,个个中文流利,才艺双全。 最强团队家长: 从波士顿到香港航班,从上海转机香港回波士顿航班,都有一位家长同行协助领队办理团队出关安检,登机,并协助摄影记录下团队合作互动的精彩瞬间。在星期六宁波的一天参观活动中,又有一位家长同行协助。

下面是来自武岭中学的报道:春日有约迎远客,文化交流共芬芳——美国牛顿中文学校来访交流: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kt9XEkpf3yI3NbDLegqHOQ

青春正当时|武岭中学举行“三独”比赛:Part 4 有参演的照片和《科目三》视频:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ua3P1L_zmjekKp_96nrdDQ


Sep 24

总统义工奖申请程序 / PVSA Application

President’s Volunteer Service Award Application
  1. Please click the PVSA Guideline for details.
  2. Submit your application materials to nclspvsa@newtonchineseschool.org  by October 15th, 2021
  3. Put applicant name in the email subject when you send us the application.

Application materials:

  1. Application statement (Cover Letter)
  2. All the supporting documents 
  3. Fill up the following form(s)
  • Write down your name and email address clearly
  • All the hours should have supporting documents
  • The name and contact info of the person who proofs your service hours
  • On the Form 2: Do Nothing with “Tax ID”


Aug 31

2022-2023 (17th) Team Recruitment / 2022 SEP Working Group Annual Meeting

The NCLS Support Education Program (SEP) 2022-2023 Team Recruitment Starts Now!
Please click the link to sign up
: https://goo.gl/forms/6pXh9nZKVWb0ucd83

SEP Working Group had an annual meeting on August 7, 2022, at Newton Auburndale Park. Attendee: Helen Cao, Shirley Chen, Faith Hu, Nan Liang, Ling Zheng, Qionglin Zhou, Naizhong Qiu

  • Reviewed all activities that SEP has organized and participated in the past year
  • Discussed two new programs, tutoring and financial aid. The Tutoring program has been running for two years and it’s a success. We will start the financial aid program in Fall 2022. The program needs more broadcasting.
  • Explored channels communicating with students in China to increase the understanding of both sides.
  • Would resume the trip to Sichuang Daqiao School if permitted.
  • All working group members will keep contacting with different schools to explore the possibility of corporation

May 11

Scholarship Opportunity

The NCLS Support Education Program (SEP) offers financial assistance to needing families by providing partial or full scholarships to cover NCLS tuition.
Scholarships are funded through grants, donations, and fundraisers from SEP.
Application and Grant Process:
Step 1: Please register the NCLS courses at www.newtonchineseschool.org.
Please note: the financial aid application will not be considered without the course registration.
Step 2: Fill out and sign the application form (to be completed by parents/Guardians of the household). The deadline for the Fall semester is the last day of July. The deadline for the Spring semester is the last day of December.
Step 3: Once receiving the application form, the SEP Financial Aid Committee will review the application. The approval process usually takes about 1-2 week.
Please note: The Committee may ask the applicant to provide more information or documents if needed.
Step 4: The applicant will be notified through email about the financial aid decision. If approved, the tuition in the registration system will be deducted based on the approved amount.
Please send the form to sep_aid@newtonchineseschool.org and email us should you have any questions.

Aug 28


牛顿中文学校支教领导小组于2021 八月十九日晚召开了线上年会。郑凌、梁楠、陈卉、周琼琳,周津平,丁一红,高红参加了会议。


  1. 8:30-8:45 2020-2021 支教活动总结
  2. 8:45-9:30 SEP 章程扩展
  3. 9:30-10:00 2021-2022 支教活动展望


  1. 支教活动总结:
    1. 2019-2021虽然因为疫情支教中国之旅未成,支教小组在环境允许的情况下继续坚持烘培义卖,举办了线下和线上才艺表演,参与了牛顿中文学校春晚庆祝,开设了线上义务辅导,庆祝了支教15周年,和庭院义卖。在大家的慷慨捐助和大力支持下,支教小组筹集资金约两万美金。其中五千美金捐助给了四川省大桥中学,奖励和资助优秀学生和教师。
  1. SEP 章程扩展:
    1. 领到小组在此次会议前经讨论提出了支教章程扩展版的初稿,与会同仁就初稿提出了建议和修改。大家通过了最新版本。在此征询修改意见后会定稿。
    2. 扩展版以资助中国贫困地区有需要的学生为基础,把奖/助学金扩展到在中国贫困地区坚持教学的老师和在牛顿及周边地区、美国其它地区、以及其它国家有需要的学生。
  1. 2021-2022 年 SEP 展望:
    1. 继续保持与四川大桥学校的联系
    2. 继续义务辅导项目 – 分享经验并吸引更多志愿者,帮助真正有需要的学生。
    3. 联系沈安平老师,了解那些学校和学生能从支教义务辅导中受益
    4. 当学校实体课开学时,有需要的学生可以在周末前往 NCLS 接受辅导
    5. SEP 奖学金 – 免费注册牛顿中文学校课程或课班,SEP 志愿学生在需要时提供额外帮助。
Aug 25

SEP Annual Meeting & 2020-2021 Team Recruiting Announcement

8/28/2020 晚上八点半,支教工作小组利用ZOOM Meeting 网络平台,召开了年度会议。

会议对2019-2020 支教工作进行了总结:
虽然2019-2020 支教活动被Covid -19 打断了,支教之旅未能成行,但是上半年的支教活动很有成效。自九月份开始组队后开展了一系列活动:Team Bonding -Charles River boating (9月); Bake Sales (每周日面包及自制点心义卖);参与牛中建校60周年庆典并表演 (10月);支教第七届网球锦标赛 (11月); 年度支教才艺表演和筹款 (12月);面试申请支教之行的学生并组队 (2020,1月);协助牛顿中文学校校外春晚庆祝活动并表演和现场义卖募捐 (1月),到其他团体的春晚庆祝现场宣传支教和筹款义卖 (2月初)。筹款总额接近预期的三分之二(包括谭老师的捐助和支教志愿者公司的匹配)。疫情期间,支教活动依然进行,同学们录制了视频,已在牛顿中文学校微信公众号发布。也会发给受访的学校,让他们了解牛顿中文学校和支教团队的活动,其中的支教小花絮在牛顿中文学校学年末的家长大会暨毕业典礼上播放。视频链接如下:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Zl0tVYmBDtu5GT3xFrOccQ


2020-2021 新学年支教活动小组负责人: 组长 – 高红, 副组长 – 曹景雁, John Lin.

The NCLS Support Education Program (SEP) 2020-2021 Team Recruitment Starts Now!
Please click the link to sign up : https://goo.gl/forms/6pXh9nZKVWb0ucd83
The 2020-2021 will be the 15th year for NCLS SEP. The program runs various fundraising events, such as bake sale, talent show, tennis tournament, culture fair, dance party, etc. to raise funds for underprivileged students in rural areas in China.
In April spring break, a group of NCLS students will go to China and bring the funds to the scholarship recipients. They will visit the recipients’ families, teach English class at the school and participate cultural activities with Chinese students. Covid-19 disrupted 2020 SEP’s activities and prevented the trip to China. However, in these challenging times, help and support could be needed and appreciated more than ever. Students here and in China could continue to learn from each other and support each other in different ways, including but not limited to, online communication and cultural exchanges, and in-person visit situation permitting.
We welcome NCLS students 8th grade and above to join SEP team for 2020-2021.

Sep 11

2019-2020 NCLS SEP Recruiting Announcement

SEP working group has a meeting on Sunday, July 21, 2019.
2019-07-21SEP meeting
News from NCLS Support Education Program (SEP)- The 2019-2020 Recruitment starts now!
The 2019-2020 will be the 14th year for NCLS SEP. The program runs various fundraising events, such as bake sale, talent show, tennis tournament, culture fair, dance party, etc. to raise funds for underprivileged students in China rural areas.
In April spring break,  a group of NCLS students will go to China and bring the funds to the scholarship recipients. They will visit the recipients’ families, teach English class at the school and participate culture related activities with Chinese students. For 2018-2019, SEP had a fantastic year with record fundraising and our China trip team had a successful trip to Jiangxi Fengyi School.
We welcome NCLS students 8th grade and above to join our fundraising team for 2019-2020. Please use this form to sign up. https://goo.gl/forms/6pXh9nZKVWb0ucd83
May 19

2019 支教中国行团队报告会

2019 SEP China trip team has successfully completed their mission in Fenyi Middle School in Jiangxi province (江西省分宜中学), and will share their experiences, inspiration and aspiration with us.
Time: 3:40-5pm, May 19, 2019
Room: 322 @ NCLS
 Please come join us for a great informative session if you are interested to know more about SEP China trip.
More details about trip from Fenyi Middle School, please click the link below –

周二晚上的联欢会:  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ourvB_CpXaDQTIC4EO3Pkg

Will upload more….