Feb 27

2017 年义卖

时间:二零一七年三月十二日,1:30pm – 5:00pm
地点:F. A. Middle School 餐厅 (NCLS)
捐赠各种使用过的,但仍然有价值的艺术品,装饰品,日常生活用品,陶瓷器具,电子产品,衣物鞋帽,玩具,儿童书籍,厨房用具,运动用品, 光碟,录像带, 或其他。请将捐赠物标上你的估价,送到 F. A. Day Middle School 餐厅, 由我们的工作人员卖出去。所得额全部交 NCLS 支教项目。未售出的物件送去慈善机构。
欢迎商家摆摊设点。注册费将归 NCLS 支教项目,营业利润则属于业主。详情请联系

Feb 14

2017 Dance Party for Support Education Program (SEP)

(click here for 2017Dance_flyer)
Dear Teachers and Friends,
NCLS Support Education Program is celebrating its 11th anniversary!  With all of the group members’ tireless and selfless contributions and efforts, NCLS board leadership, parents and teachers’ support and students’ participation, this program has become one most prominent community service programs in Massachusetts.
You are cordially invited to join this year’s fundraising dance party on March 25th, 2017! Come for a wonderful night celebrating the coming of spring, and have fun! Contributions to the SEP cause will go the impoverished families of Shanxi province. Come support our local community in promoting education in China.
SEP works to help those in need. Each year, student participants work to raise money for provinces in rural China; this year, the students will be taking a trip to the Yuci middle school. This trip serves to allow our students to be immersed in Chinese culture, learn about their own environments in contrast to China’s and to better help those in need.
If you have any questions regarding the dance party or the SEP program, please contact Yan at yyan5221@yahoo.com or Ginger Yao at gingeryao@gmail.com. Please see the party details in the attached flyer. 
Best Regards.
The NCLS Support Education Working Group