Math 7A, Lesson 9, 11/9/2014

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We have midterm exam today. Results will be given back to the students next week.


Math 7A, Lesson 8, 11/2/2014

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[I am still out of town]

It is review day today. We will have our midterm exam next week. Please go over your classroom notes as well as homework to prepare.

No particular homework today other than reviewing the past notes and homework.


Math 7A, Lesson 7, 10/26/2014

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[I am out of town and this class was taught by our substitute teacher Zheng Laoshi]

We further study solving linear inequalities using the properties we learned last time. We look at applications of simple inequalities.


Page 18. #8 – #13, #20, #23 – #25.


Math 7A, Lesson 6, 10/19/2014

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We study simple linear inequalities. Unlike a simple linear equation where there is always one and only one solution, a linear inequality can have many solutions. We study the properties of ineqaulities:

If a > b, and k > 0, then ak > bk.

If a > b and k < 0, then ak < bk.

If a > b, then a + c > b + c.

If a < b, and b < c, then a < c.

The above properties are also true for cases of a >= b.

We talked about using the above properties to solve very simple inequalities like 4x < 28, or 3x >= 36.


Page 17, #1 to #7, #14.


Math 7A, Arithmetic Sequence and Geometric Sequence Answers

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Some parents ask for the answer sheet for the homework on arithmetic and geometric sequences, as it is a bit hard.

Please find it below:


Math 7A, Lesson 5, 10/5/2014

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We study the slopes of line graphs, which is to measure the steepness of a straight line, and is defined to be ratio of y rise over x run, or the ratio of vertical change over the horizontal change.

We talk about the meaning of positive slope and negative slope. We study the special cases of horizontal line where the slope is always 0, and vertical lines where the slope is undefined.

We practice on how to calculate slopes based on the given information.


Page 11, #9 to #17.


Math 7A, Lesson 4, 9/28/2014

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We introduce Cartesian Coordinate System, how to plot points in the coordinate system, the quadrants.

We look at linear graphs, how to draw them and interpret them.

Homework: Page 9, #1 – #8.


About Math 7A

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[Since some parents said they didn’t get my email last week, I am posting it here. BTW, the email must have gone into your Spam or Bulk folder. You should get into a habit to periodically check that folder.]

Dear parents:

I hope by now your child is in the right class and everyone has got his workbook. I have several students who just got their books last Sunday, hence they didn’t do their homework for last week.

I need your cooperation to make sure that your child is indeed learning. One thing I have been telling the students is that they should have one notebook to take notes in the classroom, then they should have another for doing the homework. One way you can help is to check his classroom notebook to see if he has taken any note. Some students came to the class empty handed, no pen/pencil, no notebook, had to borrow a piece of paper and a pen from others. Also, please check my blog site at least weekly to know the homework and make sure that your child is doing his homework.

You should also encourage your child to participate more in the classroom, don’t be afraid of asking questions or making mistakes.

Thanks for your help.

Math 7A, Lesson 3, 9/21/2014

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We focus on geometric sequences. A geometric sequence is a sequence where the ratio between any two consecutive terms is always the same. We usually use r to represent this common ratio.

So for a geometric sequence whose first term is a and whose common ratio is r, its nth term is:

an  = ar^(n-1)

Keep in mind that the complete sequence of a geometric sequence is determined by a particular term and the common ratio.

We did a bunch of exercises in the classroom.



Math 7A, Lesson 2, 9/14/2014

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We focus on Arithmetic sequences. An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where the difference between any two consecutive terms is always the same. We usually use d to represent this common difference.

So for an arithmetic sequence whose first term is a and whose common difference is d, its nth term is:

an  = a + (n-1)d

Keep in mind that the complete sequence of an arithmetic sequence is determined by a particular term and the common difference.

We did a bunch of exercises in the classroom.

Homework: Workbook Page 4, #21, #22, #26, #27 and the following: