Welcome to Math 7A, Fall 2013 Semester

Weidong Posted in Fall 2013
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The school starts on Sunday 9/8/2013. The classroom is 325. For each paid student, you will get a workbook.

Please visit my blog site at http://blog.newtonchineseschool.org/wangweidong for more information about this class, the textbook information, the teaching plan, etc.

I see most of the students have taken NCLS Math 6, which is the prerequisite for this class. This is good.

For those new students, you are required to go over the page for “New Student“, which contains helpful information for you to decide if you are ready for the class, including a placement test.

Remember, sending a student too early for a class does not do any good. The last thing you want is to make your kid hate Math and lose interest!

For all students, go over the “New Student” section as well, as it also contains information about homework, classroom rules, classroom expectation, etc.

I will start using my blog site exclusively for the communication with you guys, so get into a habit to check it often.

Once again, welcome to my class.