AoPS_Number Theory_Ch 4 Prime Factorization

lilijia Post in AoPS_Number_Theory
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Lesson review:

  • factor tree
  • prime factorization
  • rational numbers
  • lowest form (reduced form) vs. unreduced form
  • gcd (a,b)
  • lcm [a,b]
  • ab = gcd (a,b)*lcm [a,b]
  • gcd(ac,bc) = cgcd (a,b)
  • lcm [ac,bc] = clcm [a,b]


  • P.68 Ex.4.2.1 (b) (k) (p)
  • P.71 Ex.4.3.2, 4.3.4
  • P.74 Ex.4.4.1 (b) (f), 4.4.2 (b) (d)
  • P.77 Ex.4.5.1 (d) (e) (g) (h)
  • P.79 Ex.4.6.1, 4.6.5
  • p.83 Ex.4.7.1 to 4.7.4
  • * bonus: p.86 Ex. 4.36, 4.37, 4.38, 4.39

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SAT Math_Ch16 Quadratics

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Thank you for everyone doing a fantastic job in the online-lesson! Hope you are having fun with the annotations on the whiteboard:)

SAT-Math Chapter 16:  Quadratics

Lesson Review:

1. Chapter 15 HW review (see pictures attached)

2. Quadratic functions (see pictures attached, and textbook Page 139)


1. Corrections of Chapter 15 Exercise

2. Chapter 16 Exercise (Page 140-142)

Other Resources:

Take care and look forward to meeting you next week!

SAT-Math Chapter 15: Functions

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Lesson Review:

1. Function (vertical line test)

domain (x), range (y)

vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes

input (x), output (y)

2. A function is undefined when:

a. the denominator is 0

b. the radicand of an even power radical (e.g: square root) is negative

3.  Composite function (a function of other functions): such as f(g(x)) : start from the inside and work your way out.

4. maximum and minimum value of y (the highest and lowest point in the graph)

5. zeros, roots, or solutions of f(x): the x value(s) when f(x)=0.

6. use special points in the graph (vertex, y-intercept, x-intercepts)


  1. Corrections of Chapter 14 Exercise (Page 113-116)
  2. Chapter 15 Exercise (Page 123-127)

Other Resources:


Take care in this special season and stay safe!

AoPS_Number_Theory 2020 Spring Chapter 3: Multiplications and Divisions

lilijia Post in AoPS_Number_Theory
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Lesson Review:

  • Common divisor
  • GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) or GCF (Greatest Common Factor)
  • Relatively prime or coprime
  • Common multiple
  • LCM (Least Common Multiple)
  • gcd(m,n)
  • lcm[m,n]
  • The Division Theorem: a = bq + r (0≤r<b) a:dividend, b:divisor, q: quotient, r: remainder
  • Euclidean algorithm: gcd(m,n) = gcd (m-n,n)
  • The extended Euclidean algorithm: gcd(m,n) = gcd (m-n,n) = gcd (m-kn,n) = gcd (r,n)


  • Page 40: Ex 3.2.5
  • Page 43: Ex 3.3.2
  • Page 45: Ex 3.4.1 (d) (g)
  • Page 50: Ex 3.5.3
  • Page 53: 3.6.1, 3.6.6
  • Page 59: 3.7.1 (b)
  • Page 61: 3.24 (d), 3.32, 3.33, 3.34

Other Resources:

Take care, and wish everyone to stay safe and healthy!

Sums of Consecutive Counting Numbers

lilijia Post in AoPS_Number_Theory
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Sums of Consecutive Counting Numbers

by Mr. John Bookston

Definition:  A sum of consecutive counting numbers can start with any counting number add at least the next bigger counting number and stop adding after any number of consecutive integers.

Examples:  3+4 = 7                   7 is a consecutive sum of counting numbers

   1+2+3+4+5 = 15    4+5+6 = 15 and 7+8 = 15     15 is a consecutive sum in 3 distinct ways.


For numbers that are consecutive sums, investigate patterns to predict the number of distinct ways larger numbers can be written as consecutive sums.  

Starters:       1 and 2 are not consecutive sums

Every odd integer starting with 3 can be written as a consecutive sum of two counting numbers:

                                      (n-1)/2  +  (n+1)/2  =  n       for every odd number, n.

Make a conjecture about which numbers are expressible as “the sum of 3 consecutive counting numbers”. 

Extension: Do the same for numbers that can be expressed as sums of 4,5 and 6 consecutive counting numbers.

Extension:  Consider the prime factorization of the counting numbers that cannot be expressed as a consecutive sum.  Make a conjecture as to which counting numbers less than 1000 fall into that category.


Good luck. 

SAT Math Practice 3 Answer

lilijia Post in SAT math
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Dear all,

In the email please find the answer key to SAT Math Practice 3. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Have a nice weekend and see you on 3/1/2020!

Best regards,


SAT Math Practice Test 3

lilijia Post in SAT math
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Dear all,

In the parents’ email please find SAT Math Practice Test 3 if you need some more practice during the spring break. I will email the answer key next weekend.

There is no school for the following two weeks. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding our previous exercises. I will be very glad to help.

Enjoy a safe and lovely spring break, and I look forward to meeting you on 3/1!



Answer to the bank question

lilijia Post in AoPS_Number_Theory
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Dear all,

Enclosed please find the excel file with the answer to the bank question in our brain stretcher last week. Many thanks to Mr. Zhang (Jason’s dad) for sharing!

Q4: Bank of America has money in the forms of $1, $5, $10, $20 and $100. How many different combinations can Tony withdraw $100 dollars at the counter?

There is no school for the following two weeks, but please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding our previous chapters/exercises. I will be very glad to help.

Enjoy the spring break, and I look forward to meeting you all when we are back!



SAT Math 2/9 Online Class

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Thank you for attending the online class and bringing the math questions to the class discussion today! I enjoyed working with you all.

Here are the questions that we went through:

Abby’s question, Practice 1, Section 3, Question 15
Danielle’s question: Sample test (20 questions), Question 9
Emma’s question: Practice 1, Section 4, Question 38
Ms. Li’s Question: can SSA work for congruent triangles? No.

Please try to finish the two practice tests that I shared last week and this week. Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Take care,


AoPS_Number_Theory 2: Primes and Composites

lilijia Post in AoPS_Number_Theory
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AoPS_Number_Theory 2020 Spring Week 2:  Primes and Composites

Welcome new friend Quinn! It’s great fun to try our first online class today. The kids did a great job participating in the class activities!

Lesson Review:

  • Prime number & composite number
  • 0,1 (special numbers)
  • Methods to identify prime numbers:
    • Sieve of Eratosthenes
    • Test prime factors from 2 to root square of q
  • Perfect number (a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors): 6, 28, 496, 8128…


  • Page 31: Ex 2.3.2
  • Page 35: Ex 2.4.1, 2.4.2
  • Page 37: Ex 2.7, 2.9 (a) (c) (e), 2.10. 2.11
  • Page 38: Ex 2.14, 2.15

Other Resources:

No school for the following 2 weeks. No school for the following 2 weeks. Hope the Coronavirus gets controlled soon. Best wishes to our motherland China!