SAT Math L5: System of Linear Equations

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Dear all,

We went over the problems from DSAT#2 today and practiced the system of linear equations. Please check the notes for your review. 

Homework: System of linear equations. (Remember to use the Desmos Graphing Calculator to save your time!) 

Next week, we will start the Geometry unit. See you soon!


Ms. Li

PS: I will run an AMC8 math competition prep course next week. If you have any younger siblings in middle school who are interested, please help share this registration form with them. Thank you:)


lilijia Post in SAT math
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Dear Students,

Today, we took DSAT#2 in class. Please fill out this Question form to let me know which questions we will review next week. For students who are absent today, please try to finish DSAT#2 before Monday 11:59 pm.

Here is a friendly reminder about the schedule change: there is a class on 11/24, but not 1/19. Please update the course calendar accordingly.

We will review 5. System of Linear Equations next Sunday. See you soon!


Ms. Li

SAT L4: Linear Inequalities

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Dear Students,

Welcome our new friends, Richard and Christina! Please visit my teaching blog for our previous notes: 

Happy Birthday to Tony Sun (10/26), and good luck to students who will take PSAT on 10/26!

Sorry about the tech issue with our projector (and thanks a lot to Tony, David, and Evan who helped with the projector)! We went over the Linear Inequalities questions on the board. Please check the notes for your review. 

No homework this week (students please use this opportunity to review previous notes, and make up for any missing assignments). 

Next Sunday, we will take DSAT #2 in class. Please get ready:)

Again, please note that we have updated the course calendar, as NCLS changed the school dates. Here is the new version for your reference.

Enjoy the lovely weather! See you next week!


Ms. Li

SAT Math L4: Linear Inequalities

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Dear Students,

It’s nice to work with you again in class! We reviewed questions in DSAT#1 and HW3: Linear Equations, and practiced the strategies of fraction operations. Please check the notes for your review. 

Linear Inequalities. Due 10/19 Saturday 11:59 pm.
Fill out this Google Form to share the questions with me.

No school next Sunday. Enjoy the long weekend, and see you on 10/20:)

PS: One of our classmates lost an iPhone today at school. If you happen to find one, please contact Ms. Li as soon as possible. Thank you so much!

Ms. Li

DSAT#1 + HW3: Linear Functions

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Dear Students,

Today we took the class’s first digital SAT practice test (math modules). Please fill out the Google Form below to let me know which questions you want us to discuss next week.

This week’s homework is: 
Linear Functions Practice on Test Innovators (2 Easy, 2 Medium, 2 Hard). 30 Questions in total. 
Due 10/5, Saturday, 11:59 pm.

Again, please fill out this Google Form to indicate the questions:)

Ms. Li

Updated Calendar

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Something about this Course

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关于小白板:今天我们第一次试了小白板,孩子们人手一个,现场白板答题,感觉他们挺喜欢的^_^ 下周会有第一次完整test,在课堂内完成。这周就不留家庭作业,让孩子们用这个时间“温故而知新”。



关于家庭作业:我们的routine是每周一份作业,是一个topic的easy/medium/hard难度不同的全套题,通常是30~40题左右),截止日期为周六晚上11:59(这样老师会在周日早上check,给没有做作业的学生发提醒)。每次作业都会在Google Classroom里给分。

关于考试:我们全年一共有安排10次practice tests. 考试前一周不留家庭作业。这个班今年好几个孩子是9年级的(还有一位8年级),很多孩子还没有学到Algebra 2和三角函数的一些知识点,所以考试中有些题目可能会做不来。不要担心平时的practice test分数,更多是模拟真实考试的平台练习积累实战经验,以及在练习中查漏补缺。现场考试是2个modules,分别为22题35分钟,合计70分钟。我们会在剩余10分钟+下周课部分时间点评重点题目。

关于communication: 我每周会通过Google Classroom、Teaching Blog、Group Email和微信群(四个渠道同步)发布lesson notes和作业,如有任何问题/建议,请随时与我联系(Email或WeChat都可以)。如孩子有事请假,请提前告知。


SAT L3: Review for Test 1

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Dear Students,

Nice to see you all again! Happy (belated) Birthday to Sarah (9/19)! 

Thanks to Yuehan, Sarah, Lily, and Anna for submitting the Google Form and sharing the questions:) We will continue doing that in the following weeks whenever we have homework practices. 

Each of you did a great job explaining the questions from HW2: Linear Equations with Two Variables. Please see the notes for your review. 

Each student also received a mini whiteboard and was able to show your work in real-time when I projected the questions on the screen. Great fun!

No homework this week. Please use the time to check our previous work and review for the test next Sunday. Bring your laptop, notebook (solve your problems there instead of on a piece of paper), and calculator to class. Hope the wifi will be better next week!


Ms. Li

SAT Practice Question Form

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Yet another Mid-Autumn Festival away from home. | Vincent Loy's Online  Journal

Dear Students,

Please use this form each week to share which questions you would like to be discussed in our class:)

Happy Learning!


Ms. Li

SAT Math L2: Linear Equations in One Variable

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Dear Students,

It was great to see you again, and have each of you come to the front and explain math questions on the whiteboard! I am so proud of you!

We went over Q2, 5, 10 in Sample test M2 Honor Level, and problems from HW1:Linear Equations in one variable. Please check the class notes for your review.

HW2: Linear Equations in two variables 

Due 9/21 Saturday 11:59 pm


Ms. Li