Singapore Math 8th Class, Lesson 14, 12/15/2019

Today was the last class of 2019 in NCLS, as well as our math class. In today’s class, students continued to study word problems in fraction section. In order to help students to overcome the barriers in solving word problems, I suggest students to set all variables if necessary, and translate the words from sentences to sentences in math expressions and equations. Writing as many variables as equations, then eliminating non-used variables and only saving the variable you want to find out.

In the new chapter, congruence and similarity, the definitions and properties of congruence, reflection, and translation were introduced. The most important part is to represent different figures in coordinate plane, including the operation of reflection and translation.

Here is the homework for today’s class:

workbook 8A
Ch. 5,

7, 9, 10, 17
Ch. 6
1, 3, 4, 5.a,d, 6, 13, 14.a, 15, 16

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