Our school will participate Math Olympiads program from Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools, MOEMS®, Division E (up to grade 6) and M (up to grade 8) starting Fall 2016. Certificates will issue to all students, one Highest Individual Scorer will get a trophy, and awards for about 50% of all participating students.
Course Syllabus:
Math Olympiads M and MATHCOUNTS (for 6-8th grade students)
Weeks | Teaching Content |
1 | Warm up, introduction, syllabus, quiz etc. |
2 | Math Olympiads M1 |
3 | AMC8 (1) |
4 | Math Olympiads M2 |
5 | AMC8 (2) |
6 | Math Olympiads M3 |
7 | AMC8 (3) |
8 | Math Olympiads M4 |
9 | AMC8 (4) |
10 | Math Olympiads M5 |
11 | Official Math Olympiads Content M1 |
12 | Math Contest 6th (1) |
13 | Math Olympiads M6 |
14 | Official Math Olympiads Content M2 |
15 | Math Contest 6th (2) |
16 | Math Olympiads M7 |
Course Syllabus:
Math Olympiads E and Math Contest (for 4-6th grade students)
Weeks | Teaching Content |
1 | Warm up, introduction, syllabus, quiz etc. |
2 | Math Olympiads E1 |
3 | Math Contest 5th (1) |
4 | Math Olympiads E2 |
5 | Math Contest 5th (2) |
6 | Math Olympiads E3 |
7 | Math Contest 6th (1) |
8 | Math Olympiads E4 |
9 | Math Contest 6th (2) |
10 | Math Olympiads E5 |
11 | Official Math Olympiads Content E1 |
12 | Math Contest 6th (3) |
13 | Math Olympiads E6 |
14 | Official Math Olympiads Content E2 |
15 | Math Contest 6th (4) |
16 | Math Olympiads E7 |
Course Syllabus:
Pre Math Olympiads (for 3-5th grade students)
Weeks | Teaching Content |
1 | Warm up, introduction, syllabus, quiz etc. |
2 | Math Olympiads E1 |
3 | Math Olympiads E2 |
4 | Math Olympiads E3 |
5 | Math Olympiads E4 |
6 | Math Olympiads E5 |
7 | Math Contest 4th (1) |
8 | Math Olympiads E6 |
9 | Math Contest 4th (2) |
10 | Math Olympiads E7 |
11 | Official Math Olympiads Content E1 |
12 | Math Contest 5th (1) |
13 | Math Olympiads E8 |
14 | Official Math Olympiads Content E2 |
15 | Math Contest 5th (2) |
16 | Math Olympiads E9 |