Class Introductions – Spring Semester

Dear Parents,

For the coming spring semester, we would like to introduce you three classes that you can register:
*Beginner Fencing:  击剑初级:  2nd class period  3:40-5:00pm

教练:王会凤 原中国国家队队员参加1992年巴塞罗那运动获得银牌。2002年来到美国在加利佛尼亚州、内华达州任教。现在波士顿“金”击剑俱乐部任教。
宗旨 培养学生对运动的兴趣、击剑是个人项目,有利于提高学生得自控能力和敏捷度、在短时间内做出准确判断、克服困难争取胜利。同时,有一技之长,将来进入大学可以加分。
1 准备活动二十分钟,(进行各种肢体操) 2 击剑基础姿势 3 各种步法的训练 4 各种攻防转换训练 5 各种对练 6 实战 7 与本俱乐部队员进行实战


*Adult Beginner Ballroom Dancing Class: 1st class period  2:00-3:00pm

Ye Wu has been inspired by many great dancers around the world. She was attracted by famous dancers and traveled to Blackpool of United Kingdom observing the best world Open Championships continuously for five years.
Ye Wu has been teaching adult group standard ballroom, Latin and social dance since 2000.  More than thirteen years group teaching experience makes her strongly believe that “ We are Human, We are Dancers. “

Ye Wu’s strong passion, enthusiasm and understanding of dance has been influenced hundreds of her students. The character of her responsibility, motivation and encouraging make her students enjoying dance more and more. She loves training students from the solid, strong basic concept.

Ye Wu, a Chinese native and a Biologist of graduated degree. She is now a member of National Dance Council of America and she is certified by Dance Vision International Dance association with Dance Degree and professional teaching certification in International Standard.

Ye Wu’s Dance achievement includes:     2005年英国黑池 UKA 国标舞公开冠军赛五项全能师生组第四名    2007年美国东北地区国标舞公开冠军赛业余组五项全能冠军      2007年美国康州国标舞公开冠军赛业余组五项全能冠军        2007年加拿大 Monteal 国标舞公开冠军赛业余组五项全能第四名       2008年美国 Ohio Start Ball 公开冠军赛业余组五项全能第四名        2008年 USA National 公开冠军赛业余组五项全能第四名 (曾有电视转播)
2009年十二月十六日,  Ye Wu has passed a Porfessional qualifying exam with high Honors in International Style. The Diploma demonstrating Professional Level Dancing, Theory and Teaching Skills

*书法  Chinese Calligraphy: 2nd  class period   3:40-5:00pm

方正厚老师自幼喜好书法,尊先祖"忠厚传家久,诗书继世长"之教诲,届天命之年更效仿祖辈渴求翰墨,潜心研习。曾师从天津书法名家李德海先生专心欧楷。后师从名家袁健民先生,王冠一先生临习楷,隶,行等古代大家碑帖,书艺幸有长进。其作品先后参展海雅杯,老年艺术节等展览并多次获奖。后加入老年书画研习会,积跬书社,并在该社组织的书法作品展中展出一些作品。并被聘为市老年书画院书画师。 方正厚近年加入波士顿纽英伦艺术协会,中华书法会,其书法作品受到各界好评,并多次受邀参加波士顿周边地区各类书法活动。

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