NCLS Weekly News Letter 11/10/2011

Dear NCLS parents:

As we are approaching holiday season, our school and community are packed with all kind of activities. Following are the announcements we would like to have your attention:

1. NCLS Thanksgiving Party

As one of the traditions at NCLS, there will be a Thanksgiving party to celebrate this special day. You will enjoy the performance by various NCLS performing arts classes and students. From singing to dancing, from YOYO playing to poem reciting, a full list of program will present you endless excitement, happiness, joy and thanksgiving. Kids from all ages can participate in games and get a small gift. For ballroom dance fans, it is the chance to heat up the floor and show your moves. It will be a night packed with fun and laughter for the whole family. We welcome you and your family to come and join us for this special night.

When: November 19, 2011 7pm

Place: ACAS ActivityCenter,29 Montvale Ave, Woburn, MA 01801

Ticket: $10/person, $20/family

For more details, please see

Tickets will be on sale this Sunday at both library and the school entrance.

In addition to the performances and dancing, PCC has prepared following activities for you and your family:

1.        WII
2.        摸鼻子
3.        套圈
4.        沙包
5.        钓鱼
6.        红绿灯
7.        Limbo (钻杆)
8.        Arts & Crafts
9.        画脸
10.      Music chair
11.       谜语
12.      卡拉OK

2. 牛顿中文学校支持中国教育事业和资助中国贫困学生交流计划青少年/成人/家庭才艺表演

时间: 2011年11月13日, 星期 日晚上5:30 – 8:00

地点: Auditorium, F.A. Day Middle School (牛顿中文学校礼堂)

报名办法: 请填好报名表, 于11月13日前投入报名箱.


售票办法: 票价: 个人 $10,家庭 $20

(欢迎其它捐款, 数目多少不限)

时间: 10月30日, 11月6日, 门口售票

地点: 牛顿中文学校一楼入口处

请所有有兴趣的同学和家庭积极报名参加, 也恳请老师,家长们关心, 支持这项活动。在我们一起享受精彩的才艺表演时,我们没有忘记我们远在中国的贫困学生,我们的心连在一起。如果你有什么问题的话,请联系牛顿中文学校支教 工作小组(周琼林

People can register to participate the show at the door;

Pizza will be sold in the cafeteria

3. 关于支教活动学生报名的通知



    1. 资助中国贫困学生完成高中学业;
    2. 让牛顿中文学校学生通过参与此项活动而受益;
    3. 促进中美学生及文化的交流


志愿参加此一活动的同学, 请于12月31日前将报名表送达:




并CC 给倪继红:

邮件SUBJECT 上务必注明:支教学生报名, XXX(为学生中, 英文姓名, 先中后英,如: 吴晓丹, Wu, Xiaodan )


4. November NCLS school journal is ready for you


NCLS Admin

1. 欢迎您参加牛顿中文学校系列财务知识讲座 (Room 319)

本次讲座主题 建立稳健可靠的终生收入

Turning Retirement Assets into Lifetime Income

经历过90年代末高科技泡沫及2008年金融风暴之后,又赶上现在全球性的经济衰退,也许您对自己的投资非常悲观。更严重的是这将严重影响您退休后的生活,再加上复杂的税务问题,这使得我们必须重新考虑今后的出路和退休后的收入问题.本次讲座将围绕上述问题展开讨论并最终提供一些可行的解决方案, 欢迎各位出席!

Speaker:           John Shen

Time:                3:30pm-5:00pm November 13th. 2011

Address:          NewtonChineseLanguageSchool

2. 北京舞蹈团 Witness the “New” China

John Hancock Hall

Witness the beauty and awe of the “NEW” China when the celebrated Beijing Dance Company makes its Boston debut with a spectacular array of classical and contemporary dances. Bringing alive the masterful choreography of Zhang Jianmin (House of the Flying Daggers, The Butterfly Lovers) and Chen Weiya’s classic Emperor Qin’s Soldiers, the Beijing Dance Company, housed at the famed Beijing Dance Academy, presents an exciting program of classical Chinese dance fused with vibrant, cutting-edge new works. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the magic and mystery of China’s best dancers who have already captured Europe and Asia by storm!

Founded in 1954, the Beijing Dance Academy, China’s preeminent center for dance, has trained generations of professional dancers in traditional Chinese classical dance and contemporary new works. For its Boston season, Beijing Dance Company, with its hand-picked group of ‘star dancers’, brings the most exquisite dance works from the People’s Republic of China to the stage of John Hancock Hall at Back Bay Event Center. Please visit: for more information.

BOSTON – November 12th at 7:30 pm & November 13th at 1:30 pm
John Hancock Hall
Back Bay Events Center
180 Berkeley Square (corner of Berkeley & Stuart Streets)
Boston, MA 02116
Tickets:TicketFusion at 877-548-3237, or
For the Best Discounted Tickets:
Please contact: or call Ms. Liu at 617.956.2084


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