NCLS Weekly Newsletter 21-January-2016

Dear Parents:

1/24 will be the last school day of Fall semester, thanks a lot for all of students hard work and parents support, wish we have perfect ending. The spring semester will start from 1/31.


The spring registration is still on and enter into the 3rd period, open to all students including new families. If you have not register, please follow the registration procedure and register as early as possible. If you already registered and did not pay, please do it either online or send the check to school as early as possible.

-New Class

The newly opened LEGO class opens to the entire community this week, and there are only 4 seats available now. If your kid has interest, please register him/her as early as possible. Here is the detailed information about this class:

1)Lego imagining and decision making rounds: Individual student will expand his/her imaginary capacity in planning, configuring and comparing a variety of lego models she/he will make. Finally with the aid of teacher(s)/ assistants, students will come up with their final decisions on what they will make.
2)Lego building rounds: Class will start out with individual rounds, where each student will build a lego model on his/her own. Rounds of lego activity will be upgraded to two students working in a pair. [TEAM ROUNDS] At the end of the semester, class will be able to form several group of 4-6 teammates, work together to build a final lego model ea. group, and exhibit it to the whole class.
3)Lego presenting rounds: Students get the opportunities to show lego models they built to the class multiple times, and to the parents/ public at the end of semester.
4)Robot exposure rounds: In these rounds students will be exposed to higher level of lego activities including robotic mechanisms, mincraft gaming, arduido displays etc.
Students will be using the LEGO equipments provided by NCLS. Therefore, a material fee of $25 is included in the tuition for this class.

-NCLS Chinese New Year Spring Gala

2016 Newton Chinese School Spring Gala will be on January 30, 7:00-9:30 PM, the address: Final Art Center Regis College, 235 Wellesley St, Weston  MA. The finely selected programs include NCLS classes and also some state well known performers. You and your family are very welcome to attend this  great event. The ticket selling will be on 1/24 at school Library.

-Severe Weather alert

During winter time, if there is snow storm on Saturday and Sunday morning, principal will send the email on Sunday morning to inform whether the school will be closed or not, please check your email before you drive to  school. The most important thing, please don’t drop your kid alone during the severe weather condition.

-Community News

N&D芭蕾2016春季开始招生啦!Newtow与Lexington均开设不同程度的新课程。新设3岁宝宝入门班,启发幼儿舞蹈韵律及音乐节奏感!欢迎喜爱芭蕾舞蹈的学员加入,免费体验舞蹈课程。2016暑假夏季舞展日程已发布,学员可利用假期集中学习和感受更多,名额有限,快快报名!更多新资讯请登录 查询,或致电617-331-4279 邮件至

We chat(微信): 78011598

-Piano Concert

Saturday concert go on as scheduled. Don’t miss pianist Dang Thai Son at Jordan Hall, Saturday 1/23 at 8 PM‏


 Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts  
            3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, Tel: (781) 259-8195
go to our websitesee us in facebookemail us    

(Everything will go on as scheduled.
Limited CDs are available for sale at $20 and $30 each,
cash only!)  
Saturday, 1/23/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall

Dang Thai-Son
The first Asian to win the First Prize
and Gold Medal at the International Chopin
Piano Competition Warsaw 1980
“A genuine musician” –Isaac Stern
“He is a pianist of superb discipline and
undeniable distinction…
The playing was first-class.”
     The Boston Globe
$15 (Students), $30, $50 (VIP)
                          100 free student tickets
             available at                            (1 per request for age 14 and up)  

                      Children under 6 not admitted
                    Student/Senior rush tickets $10
                   6:30PM at Box office, if available
Ballade Op.19
  – Images book 2
     Cloches a travers les feuilles
Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
Poissons d’or
     Two Arabesques
  – L’Isle joyeuse
Four Impromptus D 899, Op. 90

    No. 1 in C Minor
No. 2 in E-flat Major
No. 3 in G-flat Major
No. 4 in A-flat Major


  – Nocturn in C Minor Op.48, No. 1

    Scherzo No. 2 in B- flat Minor, Op. 31

Coming Events
 Sat. 1/23/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
Dang Thai-Son
Sat.3/26/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
The Ying Quartet

April 15, 2016 (Deadline)
The 25th Annual All-American
Chinese Brush Painting and
Calligraphy Competition
 Sat. 5/14/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
Haochen Zhang
The 25th Music Festival 
at Walnut Hill
July 21 to August 14, 2016.
 Concerto piece 2016: 
Edvard Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16
Application Deadline: April 10

   We Need Your Support
Support us make a

 Your tax-deductible donation enables us to continue presenting the best artists, maintaining low admission and free student tickets.  Please support usespecially at this time
Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts
Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵, Founder and President

Thanks and Stay Warm

Li and Ming

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