NCLS Weekly Newsletter 28-January-2016

Dear Parents:

The fall 2015 is successfully over, thanks a lot for all of your great support. This coming Sunday, 1/31 will be the 1st day of Spring 2016 semester, and hopefully, with all of your support, we will another fruitful school year.

-Classroom management

Again, this is a long time topic which we have been talking and emphasizing. But we did receive the complaint from Day Middle school teacher in regarding to the Day school teacher’s personal belongings were touched and moved. Please work with school, educate your kid at home, the removal and touching the Day school room teacher’s teaching and personal belongings are not allowed.

Another very important thing for all our NCLS parents, please be aware of that, under the agreement with Day middle school, we are not allowed to use and unplug any electronic device at Library and classroom. If you want check information regarding to registration, and anything that are related to NCLS, please ask for help from NCLS admin.

-Registration and tuition payment

The spring 2016 registration is still on and continue until the February 4th. If you have done the registration and haven’t paid the tuition, please pay either on line or drop the check at library as early as possible. If you registered your kid to different class, please check the new class room number and send your kid to the right classroom, and also you need to tell the teacher you switched your kid to her class.

-NCLS Chinese New Year Spring Gala

2016 Newton Chinese School Spring Gala will be on January 30, 7:00-9:30 PM, the address: Final Art Center Regis College, 235 Wellesley St, Weston  MA. If your child is going to perform, please following the teacher’s requirement and drop your kid at Regis college on time

-New class

应广大跳舞爱好者要求,牛顿中文学校国标舞高级班将于2016春季正式开课,网上注册现已开始。主讲老师由我校张馨梅和刘暾老师担任。这个班是为有一定国标舞基础的学生继续深造提高而设。 上课时间是每周日12:30-1:45PM。 这个班将详细解析每个动作的基本要领以及音乐、节奏的配合,使学生最大限度地掌握国标舞的特点,进一步提高舞蹈的水平,同时能够在社交舞场合发挥自如,提高学舞的兴趣。将要逐渐学习的舞种包括International Style的十种舞(华尔兹,探戈,狐步舞, 伦巴,恰恰恰,等)及一些American Style的舞。


Due to very limited parking space inside school, and only the cars with teacher’s parking permit are allowed to park inside and allow the teachers have enough time to prepare for the class. Last Sunday,  we found there were still some cars parked inside without parking permit , this is absolutely not allowed. Here is the list of cars which parked inside without parking tag: 1. White Toyota 2HA 566; 2. Gray/Silver Toyota 698 YJ7; 3. Black Toyota IVC411; 4. Silver Honda 190 3906; 5. Blue Honda 847 JAO;

-Community News

1. Chinese New Year free sports/games

2016-2-13 Chinese New Year free sports/games
2-13-2016,周六 1:30-8:30PM @Burr school gym
[本次免费活动需预先注册; WALK-IN将不被接受]
波士顿CSTAR青少年俱乐部 (
今年中国农历春节是2016年2月8日~2016年2月14日。波士顿CSTAR青少年俱乐部将在这期间举行室内足球/篮球/排球/羽毛球比赛,以庆祝这个中国的传统节日。这场比赛欢迎所有华人/学生参加。此比赛的日期、时间和地点是2016年2月13日星期六@Burr Elementary School小学。巧合的是这天将是NPS学校冬假的第一天!
活动对所有参赛者免费开放!但是需要预先在http://www.bostoncstar.org注册!志愿者的热心服务是活动成功的关键!本次活动同时招募下列志愿者: 教练、裁判、普通义工、snack bringers。预先感谢您的热心,并敬请您在注册您孩子的同时注册成为一名义工为此次活动服务! 如果您有任何疑问,请随时发送邮件到 CSTARYOUTHCLUB @ GMAIL. COM 。
活动日期、时间及地点:2-13-2016,周六, Burr小学体育馆
1:30-3:00 youth futsal (11 yo & under) – WAIT LIST
3:00-4:30 adult futsal (including youth 12yo&up)
4:30-6:00 adult badminton/volley ball split court
6:00-7:30 youth basketball (11 yo & under)
7:30-9:00 adult basketbal (including youth12yo&up)
2. Application Deadlines: Music Festival at Walnut Hill 4/10, Painting Calligraphy Competition 4/15‏




 Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts  
            3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, Tel: (781) 259-8195
go to our websitesee us in facebookemail us    

The 25th Music Festival at Walnut Hill
July 21 to August 14, 2016

Concerto piece 2016:
Edvard Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16
Application Deadline: April 10, 2016

LOCATION: Walnut Hill School, 12 Highland St., Natick, MA 01760.
The 25th Annual All-American
Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
Details at:
 April 15, 2016 (Deadline)
All of the artworks have to arrive at the Foundation before April 152016
It will be exhibited from April 23 to May 3, 2016 at the Chinese Culture Center
 (90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA).
The judgment will take place on Saturday morning, April 23, 2016.
The results will be announced immediately.
Coming Events
 Sat. 3/26/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
The Ying Quartet

April 15, 2016 (Deadline)
The 25th Annual All-American
Chinese Brush Painting and
Calligraphy Competition
 Sat. 5/14/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
Haochen Zhang
The 25th Music Festival 
at Walnut Hill
July 21 to August 14, 2016.
 Concerto piece 2016: 
Edvard Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16
Application Deadline: April 10

   We Need Your Support
Support us make a

 Your tax-deductible donation enables us to continue presenting the best artists, maintaining low admission and free student tickets.  Please support usespecially at this time
Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts
Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵, Founder and President


Li and Ming

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