Dear NCLS parents:
The registration for Fall 2013 semester starts on May 19, 2013 for the current students, and June 9, 2013 for the public. Many enhancements have been made to the NCLS registration system, the biggest one is enabling the online payment. During the implementation and testing phase, some emails were sent to parents with dates for testing, please ignore them. We are sorry for any confusion. Some parents entered data into the testing database, those data will be purged. The registration will open on Sunday May 19, please refer to the registration procedure for details
It has been a fruitful month for NCLS. Our students have had excellent performance in the New England Chinese Schools’ Chinese Speech Contest; Our in-school Math Contest has been a successful event, Students from all Math classes and some other classes have tested their Math skills through the contest, it was challenging and encouraging! Congratulations to the students and the teachers for their great achievements. We are very proud of them.
NCLS 在美东中文学校演讲比赛中取得优异成绩
NCLS Math Contest Winners
Name | Grade | Winner |
2-3rd grade Group | ||
丁朗朗 | 3 | 1st |
4th grade Group | ||
Albert Zhang | 4 | 1st |
Karen Li | 4 | 2nd |
David Xie | 4 | 2nd |
Elena Su | 4 | 3rd |
Patrick Liu | 4 | 3rd |
5th grade Group | ||
Richard Chang | 5 | 1st |
Jonathan Mei | 5 | 2nd |
Alex Ding | 5 | 3rd |
Zachary Lu | 5 | 3rd |
Emily Gu | 5 | 3rd |
6th grade Group | ||
Jeffrey Chang | 6 | 1st |
David Hu | 6 | 2nd |
Yuheng Dong | 6 | 2nd |
Charles Ma | 6 | 3rd |
Nathan Zhao | 6 | 3rd |
7th grade Group | ||
Kanming Xu | 7 | 1st |
Alex Zhong | 7 | 2nd |
Dylan Zhou | 7 | 2nd |
Lucy Lu | 7 | 3rd |
Kevin Lu | 7 | 3rd |
Aaron Zhang | 7 | 3rd |
8th grade Group | ||
Savannah En | 8 | 1st |
Nicholas Zhang | 8 | 2nd |
Ellin Li | 8 | 2nd |
Claire Wang | 8 | 3rd |
Ryan Lin | 8 | 3rd |
Charley Zhao | 8 | 3rd |
9th grade Group | ||
Bryan Xian | 9 | 1st |
Chris En | 9 | 2nd |
Brian Gao | 9 | 2nd |
10-11st grade group | ||
Julianna Huang | 10 | 1st |
中国汉语文化日 • 2013年六月一日 • 波士顿中国城
中国汉语文化日庆祝活动将于国际六一儿童节在波士顿中国城举行。它包括“步行游览中国城”的唐人街历史回顾之旅,美中关系,华人对于波士顿城市发展之贡献的讲座与研讨会,关于波士顿华人坎坷历史的讲座,介绍中国城的纪录片,以及汉语角,中国书法,绘画,文艺表演,社区展台,脸部彩绘和一个iPad的抽奖活动。参加者要前往注册处领取“护照”,由此可以享受打折扣的午餐与小商品。如果您组织了十个以上的学生参加此项活动,请通知Renee,届时,您可以直接到注册处领取您们全体参加者的护照。 想要了解更多信息,请联络:Renee Covalucci, 副主任, 中国项目中心, CAPS, UMASS Boston • 617-287-7290 •
Thank you for your attention. See you on Sunday!
Nan and Guangsong
NCLS Principals 2012-2013
The 15th SAPA-NE annual conference and 15 yr milestone celebration
England (SAPA-NE) Annual Conference will take place in MIT Sloan School of Management and Walker Memorial Morss Hall at MIT on May 25th, 2013 (8:00 am – 5:30 pm). Dr. Bruce Beutler, the 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine will join the annual conference as one of the keynote speakers. Please reserve the date in your calendar for this exciting full day event.
The theme of the conference is “Scientific Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Drug R&D”. The conference will have four plenary sections with outstanding speakers and panelists, including Nobel Laureate, Biopharma industry senior executives, Chinese returnee entrepreneurs,
professors, and other experts, who will share their visions on scientific innovation, high-tech entrepreneurship,
and business development in US and emerging markets.
Our Confirmed Speakers:
Dr. Bruce Beutler, UT Southwestern Medical Center, the 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
Dr. Steven Projan, SVP, AstraZeneca
Dr. Will Somers, VP of Global Biotherapeutic Technologies, Pfizer
Dr. Brigitta Tadmor, VP, Novartis
Dr. Phil Vickers, SVP of Research, Shire
And More….
What makes our annual meeting even more special is that this year is also the 15 th anniversary of SAPA-NE.
We will host one of biggest celebration parties in SAPA-NE history at Morss Hall at MIT. Nanjing Economic
and Technological Development Zone will join us to co-host “The Night of Nanjing” for you to enjoy the
excellent networking and job opportunity. More details and exciting news will follow.
We look forward to seeing you all on May 25th, 2013 at MIT.
Sincerely yours,
SAPA-NE Executive Committee
For our full event we highly recommend you register online at: The event is free for active SAPA members or MIT
students. You can pay $30 to become SAPA-NE member (student $10) to enjoy our full year events free. For
dinner Banquet, the ticket is $30 if you pay online, and will be $50 onsite. Part of the dinner revenue will be
donated to Boston One Fund and Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund.
In addition, free breakfast (before 8 am) and free lunch will be provided.
For any questions, please contact
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应很多牛顿中文学校家长的要求, Aileen Travel李亦鸣女士(舞蹈班学生) 将在6月分增加两次为大家代办中国签证的业务。家长们不需出校门,在两星期内即可拿到签证!
2013年5月19日(星期天): 4:15pm – 5:00pm
2013年6月02日(星期天): 4:15pm – 5:00pm
2013年6月09日(星期天): 4:15pm – 5:00pm
受理/取件地点:NCLS Cafeteria
1. Application form ( 共四页,一定要打印,不接受手写)NY edition only
若办两年,请在2.2 ‘other’ (其它)处注明
2. One photo (一张,六个月内近照,请粘贴在申请表上)
3. Valid passport (有效期最好在两年半以上)
4. Previous Chinese visa copy (旧签证复印件)
5. 邀请人的中国身份证影印件 (正反面都需要)
6. 邀请信 (有样本提供, 可来电索取)
1. 孩子出生证明 复印件 (Birth Certificate)
2. 父母的护照复印件或绿卡复印件
3. 名字更改证明复印件
4. 原始中国护照正本 (第一次持美国护照申请签证者)
李亦鸣的联系方式:电话:617-325-6714 or 617-710-2987 cell (可发短信) Email: