NCLS Weekly Newsletter 9/22/2011

Dear NCLS parents:

With the quick conclusion of first two busy weeks, finally we get a chance to take a deep breath and relax a little bit. Here, we would like to thank the tremendous efforts made by all PCC members and other parent volunteers, your help have made it possible for the smooth transition into the new school year. Thank you very much.

As we are getting our attention back to teaching and other important matters, there are a few things we would like to remind the parents:

1. Late payment fee:

We hope most of you have already settled on the class selection and made the payment. Starting this Sunday (including this Sunday), we will charge $5 late fee for each week of delay. For NCLS late payment policy, please refer to the following link:

2. Class cancellation:

The class cancellation policy can also be found at:

Following are the highlights:

Cancel before the Sunday of the 2nd week of the semester, refund 100%;
Cancel before the Sunday of the 3rd week, refund 100%, after $10 processing fee;
Cancel before the Sunday of the 4th week, refund 90%, after $10 processing fee;
Cancel before the Sunday of the 5th, refund 70%, after $10 processing fee;
Cancel on or after the 5th Sunday of the semester, no refund.

3. Book return:

Starting this Sunday (including this Sunday), no more book return is allowed anymore. Please refer to our early announcement at:

4. Announcement from NCLS support education working group

Dear teachers and parents:

With the new school year start, the NCLS support education plan is recruiting new working group members. According to the newly proved general policy (please read it on-line) for this plan, the number of working group members is not limited. Any parent, teacher or staff who are interested in supporting and contributing to this project are welcome to join the working group. The working group members are all volunteers. We will run fund-raising activities, have meetings and help organizing the trip to China. This year will mark the 6th year of NCLS Support Education Plan. It’s a very exciting time to participate and contribute. Welcome all the volunteers to join the working group. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Zhou, Qionglin at and Ni Jihong at before September 30th, 2011. The first group meeting is tentatively set on October 2nd, 2011. Thanks !

The NCLS support education working group.

1. 第4屆「絲竹春吟」青少年中國器樂比賽

 中華表演藝術基金會為激勵青少年學習中國器樂的意願,並進而引發其對整體中國文化的興趣與喜好,將於2011年10月8 日週六哥倫布假日,於波士頓First Church of Boston舉行舉辦第4屆「絲竹春吟」青少年中國器樂比賽。該比賽命名為「絲竹春吟」,其中「春」字意謂參賽之青春少年,而非季節。參加者並無國籍與地區之限制,舉凡9至22歲的青少年,能自費親赴美國波士頓參加者皆歡迎報名參加。

 比賽共分為四組進行,甲組: 9歲及以下;乙組:10-13歲;丙組:14-17歲;丁組:18-22歲。每組分發給金、銀、銅獎及特別榮譽獎各一名。獎金則依組別及各獎項區分。分別有最高獎金丁組金牌($300)、銀獎($250)、銅獎($200),丙組金牌($250)、銀獎($200)、銅獎($150),乙組金牌($150)、銀獎($120)、銅獎($90),甲組金牌($100)、銀獎($80)、銅獎($50) ,各組特別榮譽獎皆得獎金$50。所有參賽者者,皆頒獎狀以玆鼓勵。器樂種類則分為絃樂、管樂、彈撥樂器、打擊樂器等。報名截止日期為2011年9月30日報名費為每人30美元,如同時報名兩項以上樂器,第二項以上之報名費為每項25美元。


第一組非音樂教師(朱蓉、陸惠風、吳潤霖、王麗文、黃憲輝),同時擔任第一輪及第二輪評審委員。第二組:由16位籌備委員中之13位(除譚嘉陵、陳宏林 ,歐陽東美之外),在比賽前以抽籤方式決定其中6位擔任第一輪,7位擔任第二輪評審委員。


譚嘉陵,陳志新,陳宏林 ,張正山,黃少堅,高宏偉,李平,林戰濤,祿艷容,潘台春,歐陽東美,秦君,楊信宜,趙志明,張鎮田,甄若茅

 評審過程分二階段,參賽者至少有二首自選曲; 第一輪、第二輪各一曲(九歲以下一首即可)。曲目以傳統中國樂曲為主。演奏時間最長不得超過5分鐘,以獨奏為原則,不可伴奏。如原曲超過5分鐘需準時停止,但不會因未演奏完而扣分。評分依技巧、音樂性、整體表現等為準。10月8日(週六) 上午10時開始第一輪比賽:依年齡、不分樂器分組進行評選。當天晚上七時以正式音樂會形式舉行第二輪比賽:依年齡、不分樂器分組進行評選。最後以第一輪加第二輪總分決定名次。每年齡組再依樂器頒特別榮譽獎。當場公布結果及頒發獎金與獎狀。



查詢請洽: 中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵

電話: 781-259-8195, 傳真: 781-259-9147


2. 海外华裔青少年中华文化知识竞赛(第三届)通知

2011年“文化知识竞赛”条目, or。


剑桥中国文化中心将承办大波士顿地区海外华裔青少年中华文化知识竞赛(第三届), 竞赛日期为11月19日10:00
报名联系方法: 电话: (781)788-8558,

考试有关的详细信息,包括400道预习题,考题样式等,请见  (“文化知识竞赛”条目), or

NCLS Admin


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