Dear Parents:
-Newton Chinese Cultural Festival
The 2nd Newton Chinese Cultural Festival will be hosted by Newton Chinese Language School(NCLS) and Chinese American Association of Newton(CAAN) on Sat. March 12, 2015, at Newton City Hall from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please join us to celebrate this great event. The admission is free.
-Speech Contest
今年校内的比赛仍分为演讲比赛和朗诵比赛两部分。根据美东中文学会(ACS)和新英格兰中文学会(NEACS)的规定,演讲比赛的题目可以自定,但不得抄袭书报杂志或网路文章。 朗诵比赛可选用他人的作品,不限制题目内容。所有比赛必须在规定的两分三十秒到三分钟之内完成。低于或超过这个时间都将被扣除一定的分数。校内比赛报名截止日为3月13日,过后将不再接受申请。比赛日期定于3月20,27两日。学校将选出7名具有丰富教学经验的中文课老师组成比赛裁判组。有关比赛的具体事宜学校会在报名截止后通知参赛学生的家长。参赛学生将根据年龄分为三个组:低年级组(六至八岁);中年级组(九至十二岁);高年级组(十三至十八岁)。牛顿中文学校演讲朗诵比赛报名表.pdf
-Book Fair
牛顿中文学校与中国科学出版集团美国公司共同举办的“中华文化书刊音像大展”,将于本学期3月20日(周日)在Day School 一楼餐厅隆重举行,时间从9:00 am-5:00 pm。届时,由中国300多家出版社,音像公司出品的数千种中文书籍、电影、电视剧DVD和笔墨宣纸荟萃一堂,供学生、家长、以及广大中文和中国文化爱好者选购。
书展地址:F.A. Day School, 21 Minot Pl Newtonville, MA 02460
停车信息:下午12:30–5:00, 没有停车证的车辆,请停在校外Crafts Street 停车场,步行到校内。
-Art Work Exhibition
The annual art work exhibition will be starting from the March 20th. All NCLS art class students and teachers will present their art works at school library. It will be a very good opportunity for each painting class to present not only its unique style, but also show what achievements they made. At the same time, it also provide an opportunity for new students and parents to learn what level and style of each class they should register if they have interest. The 1st group of classes that will present will be 绘画二乙 (创意绘画, 5-6岁) , 赵嘉媛老师; 绘画四(彩绘, 7-8岁) , 赵孟瑶老师; 绘画五乙(彩绘, 6-7岁), 李青俊老师。
Li and Ming
-Community News
2016 NSC 科学文化户外夏令营
Nature.Science.Culture (NSC)夏令营今年的招生开始。致力于推广青少年对科学,户外和中国文化的热爱和了解,NSC一年一度的夏令营推崇寓教于乐。NSC夏令营结合科学讲座和小实验,户外探索与健身,以及富涵文化的手工及表演,帮助营员建立对科学,户外和不同文化的好奇与探索。同时,我们通过各种互动形式培养孩子的独立思考,协同合作,和领导力。
Sessions: 9am-6pm, Week 1 June 20-24, Week 2 June 27-July 1
Contact Info:781-444-1612
-The YING Quartet at Jordan Hall, Saturday 3/26 at 8 PM
Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts
3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773, Tel: (781) 259-8195
Saturday, 3/26/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
The Ying Quartet
Robin Scott, Janet Ying, Violins
Phillip Ying, Viola
David Ying, Cello
“The Ying Quartet performed with technical mastery, musical insight, vivid imagination, and tireless enthusiasm.” – Joe Sekon, Peninsula Reviews
$50: VIP Reserved Seats
$30: open seating at non-VIP section
$15: student open seating at non-VIP section
Children under 6 not admitted.
(1 per request for age 14 and up)
Quartet in E-Flat Major, Op. 127
Quartet in F Major, Op. 59, No. 1
CDs of The Ying Quartet
are available for sale
at the concert.
$15 each
As the Quartet-in-Residence at the Eastman School of Music, and previously the Blodgett Artists-in-Residence at Harvard University, Music, the
Ying Quartet
occupies a position of unique prominence in the classical music world, combining brilliantly communicative performances with a fearlessly imaginative view of chamber music in today’s world. Now in its second decade, the Quartet has established itself as an ensemble of the highest musical qualifications. Their performances regularly take place in many of the world’s most important concert halls, from Carnegie Hall to the Sydney Opera House; at the same time, the Quartet’s belief that concert music can also be a meaningful part of everyday life has also drawn the foursome to perform in settings as diverse as the workplace, schools, juvenile prisons, and the White House.
The Ying’s ongoing LifeMusic commissioning project, created in response to their commitment to expanding the rich string quartet repertoire, has already achieved an impressive history. Supported by the Institute for American Music, the Yings commission both established and emerging composers to create music that reflects contemporary American life. Their most recent recording of commissions, titled “The United States,” features works by Ned Rorem, Jennifer Higdon, Chen Yi, and Augusta Read Thomas.
The Ying Quartet’s recordings reflect many of the group’s wide-ranging musical interests and have generated consistent, enthusiastic acclaim. The group’s most recent CD, “American Anthem” (Sono Luminus), heralding the music of Randall Thompson, Samuel Barber, and Howard Hanson, was released in 2013 to rave reviews; their 2007 Telarc release of the three Tchaikovsky Quartets and the Souvenir de Florence (with James Dunham and Paul Katz) was nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best Chamber Music Performance category. In addition, their much-heralded collaboration with the Turtle Island Quartet, “Four + 4,” explored the common ground between the classic string quartet tradition and jazz and other American vernacular styles, and won a Grammy Award in 2005. “Dim Sum” (Telarc), released in 2008, features music by Chinese-American composers that merges the Western string quartet with the aural world of traditional Chinese music. Released by Quartz, “The Ying Quartet play LifeMusic” was named Editor’s Choice by Gramophone magazine.
Coming Events
Sat.3/26/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
The Ying Quartet
April 15, 2016 (Deadline)
The 25th Annual All-American
Chinese Brush Painting and
Calligraphy Competition
Sat. 5/14/2016, 8 PM
NEC’s Jordan Hall
Haochen Zhang
The 25th Music Festival
at Walnut Hill
July 21 to August 14, 2016.
Concerto piece 2016:
Edvard Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.16
Application Deadline: April 10

We Need Your Support
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Your tax-deductible donation enables us to continue presenting the best artists, maintaining low admission and free student tickets. Please support usespecially at this time
Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts
Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵, Founder and President |