NCLS Weekly Newsletter 16-Jan-2014

Dear Parents,

Registration Fee Waiver Deadline:

We would like to remind you that the registration fee waiver deadline is this Sunday 1/19 for full tuition payment.  If you pay the tuition on or before 1/19, a $10 registration fee will be waived.

Final Exam:

This coming Sunday 1/18 is the last school day in the Fall 2013 semester. All Zhong Wen students (excluding Ma Liping Chinese) will have final exam for this fall semester. Please have your child be prepared for the exam and come to school with a good spirit.

In School Chinese New Year Performance:

We had a successful in school Chinese New Year performance last Sunday. A big thank you goes to our PCC, who helped organizing and operating this event, to our student MCs who did such wonderful job, to all teachers and students who made great efforts in these performances, and to all parents who continuously give us support in these events.  Here is the performance picture link:

Out-School Chinese New Year Gala:

With a great start of our in-school performances, we are looking forward to a fantastic out-school new year gala this coming Saturday 1/18 @ Newton North High.  We hope to see you at the gala!

演出地址:457 WALNUT ST ,NEWTON,MA 02460 (牛顿北高中礼堂)


Guangsong and Ling

1. Call for Donation:

朱福蓉老师成人唱歌班的Lisa Ma (马聪)unfortunately died in a car accident on 12/14 of 2013 in Florida (on her way for a holiday vacation).  Along with her in the car were her mother, her uncle and her cousin.  All four were killed in this fatal crash.  This is a very tragic accident. Please see the accident info in this link:

As a loving community, NCLS calls for a donation to her family.  You can make donations by sending a check to the following address:  CAAL, “CAAL DBA Ma/Sun Family Relief Fund,” PO Box 453, Lexington, MA  02420. Or use to send money via Paypal. In the  purpose field, enter “Ma/Sun Family Relief Fund”.

2. 北京同乡会联盟天津老乡共庆中国新年 —-2014新春联欢会

岁月似水,时光如棱. 挥不去的记忆, 留不住的年华. 不知不觉我们的脚步跨入了又一个新年. 又是老乡见老乡的日子, 又是亲朋好友欢聚一堂的时刻. 北京同乡会联手天津同乡共同邀请您和您的家人及朋友与我们共度佳节, 分享快乐.

新春联欢会时间:    2014, 28. 周六, 下午12:30 –4:30PM

地点:   剑桥中文学校  (Cambridge Chinese School)  

 411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, suite 214  

 Waltham, MA 02452

 内容:   午餐分享, 美食评比, 文艺表演, 自娛自乐

 备注:    本次活动由北京同乡会主办特邀天津朋友共聚一堂   请您带上足够自家份量的午餐. 12:30正式开餐.

入场费: bring food $5/each; without food $10/each. 6 岁以下儿童半价.

联系人: 北京同乡会赵进: Tel : 781-698-9061; 潘延 Tel : 617-559-0713

天津老乡: 刘希纯: Tel: 781-861-3529




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