NCLS Weekly Newsletter on 15-Mar-2013

Dear NCLS parents:

The first Newton Chinese Culture Festival last Saturday was very successful. NCLS has sponsored this event. We have also actively participated with performances and exhibitions.  The Mayor of Newton has attended the Festival. Mayor Warren has highly recognized our school as a “strong leadership” in promoting Chinese culture,  and he called the audiences to give us a big round of applause.  Thanks, Mayor!

Here are some photos for the event-

The notes for this week are:

School Journal online

Please enjoy our March school journal online!

Seminar on Sunday

There will be a seminar in school this week about “Tax Diversifying Your Retirement Income”- 税务优化讲座, 演讲人: 纽约人寿保险公司 黄洁玲

当代人的退休收入策略可以归纳为两个词: 税务多样化。30 年前,税率高,而且有众多的税率等级,因此延迟收入是减轻税务负担的一个合理的策略。而当今税率等级少,税务多样化可能是您实现税务优化,防备退休后提前花光积蓄的最好策略。请参加我们这次免费讲座和保险销售演示,学习如何採用一项合理的退休规划策略。时间: 3/17/2013, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm   地点:  Room 319


It’s been a good week. We are looking forward to having another successful school day with all the families on Sunday!


Nan and Guangsong

NCLS Principals 2012-2013

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