Dear Parents:
-Exit the School
When the school is over at 5:00 pm, it’s getting dark. Please pay more attention to your kids when walking through the driveway and crossing the street. We hope all NCLS families come school safely and also back home safely.
-Classroom Management
Recently, we received three complaints from day school teachers regarding to the classroom. The key points they complained: 1. the desks and chairs have been moved and haven’t been put back to the original position; 2. the teaching materials have been used or disappeared; 3. the sharpener was broken, etc.,
Please remind your kids, we are not allowed to use any teaching materials which belong to day school teachers. Any student and parent are not allowed to enter the classroom if there is no class. We appreciate your cooperation and support.
-Lego Expo
CSTAR is going to host lego expo at library this coming Sunday, 11/22, from 1:30 – 3:30 pm, if you have interest, please stop by library during this period of time.
CSTAR是一个纯义工公益组织, 由牛顿热心家长于2015年7月建立。 它的宗旨是通过整合家长的力量, 为青少年组织丰富多彩的课外活动。 目前 CSTAR 旗下有三支 FLL 队伍和三支 Junior FLL 队伍参加2015-2016年度的比赛。 本次展示活动将为6-9岁的孩子们介绍乐高和机器人活动的基本情况。教练 Alex Wen将在牛顿中文学校开办“乐高班”,欢迎有兴趣的6-9岁孩子参加!
CSTAR is a not-for-profit organization established in July 2015 thru Newton parents’ volunteerism, with the goal of organizing various extracurricular activities for young kids through parents’ efforts. CSTAR is currently running three FLL teams and three Junior FLL teams competing for the 2015-2016 season. This expo is an excellent opportunity for kids aging 6-9 to learn about the basics of robotics and mechanics. Coach Alex Wen is invited to open a Lego class at Newton Chinese Language School taking interested kids!
to preregister NCLS spring lego classes please follow up at or
To become a CSTAR volunteer, please search and join in wechat public group “bostonsorcerers”.
See all CSTAR extracurricular activities please visit, or
关于 FLL — 第一乐高联盟 (FLL) 是 FIRST 和乐高联合举办的一项国际赛事,每年提出一个主题,要求孩子们设计机器人完成规定的模型任务,并且需要选择一个与主题相关的实际问题提出自己的解决方案。今年的主题是垃圾处理。该活动针对年龄9-14岁的中小学生,联盟同时也针对6-9岁儿童举办一个小型化的机器人项目,叫做Junior FLL。
About FLL — The FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is a partnership between FIRST and the Lego Group, which organizes an international competition for elementary and middle school students (ages 9-14). FLL releases a different challenge every year, and for season 2015-2016, the topic is “Trash Trek” and “Waste Wise”. kids are expected to complete defined mission models using robotics, and are also expected to select a real-world problem and propose their own solution. The league also has a scaled-down robotics program for children ages 6-9 called Junior FIRST LEGO League (Junior FLL).
Title sponsor: Feather Education (飞渡教育, tel: 857-242-3261/boston, web:
Supporting sponsor: BrightPearl Academy (明珠舞蹈/中文课后班, 617-971-8866,
Thanks to Newton Chinese Language School ( for providing free expo space!
Date: Nov 22, 2015
Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm
Place: Room #227
Speaker: Donna Doung
Topic: save your electric & gas money
冬天又来临, Eversource 和 National Grid公司的电费又涨价了, 本公司为各用户节省电费和瓦丝费达到30%, 请各位带上自已的电费单和瓦丝单, 我会跟你们解释能够为您省下多少钱。 没有转换费, 没有合约, 我们的公司可以帮助住户和商业, 也可以为住户安装太阳能.
For more info, please contact:
Name: Donna
Senior energy consultant
Phone: 978-394-6882
Or visit website:
Li and Ming