NCLS Weekly Newsletter 24-Sept-2015

Dear Parents:

中 秋 节 快 乐!

The school just passed two weeks, thanks for all of parents support and cooperation. There are a few things that needs to be addressed:


The registration is still on and will be extended to 10/12/2015. Until now, the following classes still have available seats:

K-grade Chinese, 1st grade language,2nd grade language, 3rd grade MLP language, 3rd Grade – Ma-1, Math: Introduction to Calculus – A, Adult Beginner Chinese, 5th grade language, 6th grade language, 7th grade language, 9th grade language, 9th grade MLP language, 少儿健美操 -1 Children Fitness -1, 乒乓球 Ping-Pong 2, Physics Concepts and SAT II, 成人交谊舞(初) Adult Ballroom Dance (Beginner), 幼儿学儿歌班, SAT:Critical Reading 2, 绘画十(国画, 10岁以上) Art 10: Chinese Bru, 绘画八(国画, 8-10岁) Art 8: Chinese Brush Pa, 绘画三(素描, 9-10 岁) Art 3: Sketching, 绘画一乙(蜡笔, 4-5岁) Art 1B: Crayon, 绘画十一(国画, 10岁以上 and Adult) Art 11: Chinese, 儿童演唱艺术 Children Vocal Arts (7 yrs+), 儿童民族舞 Children Chinese Folk Dance (8 yrs +), 书法 Chinese Calligraphy, 演讲和主持人培训班 Public Speaking and Anchor Training, 中国笛子Chinese flute,围棋 (初中级) GO (begin/intermediate level), 国际象棋(高级) Chess (Advanced Level), 武术拳击健身 Martial Art 2, 数学10甲, Math – X (A) (Math PSAT), 数学11甲, Math – XI (A) (Math SAT), Chemistry SAT, Math Competition Class, Adult Latin and Tap Dance Exercise, 老人英语会话 Senior English conversation.

-Classroom Management

Please confirm your  kid classroom number again from your personal account before you come and drop off your kid at classroom. The classroom teacher will count the name of whole class. If your kid is not on the list, he/she will be sent to library and you will have responsibility to help her/him to find the right classroom. Anyone without registration is not allowed to sit in the classroom.

Due to the limited seats in each classroom, parents are not encouraged to stay in class once the class started. Only the 1st class of school year allow parents sit in the class. For adult class, please don’t bring little kids inside and it will impact the whole class.

All students have to follow the classroom rule, respect teacher and TA. Touch and removal of the day school materials are not allowed.

-Book distribution

Thanks a lot for PCC great effort for delivering the text books to almost all classes. This coming Sunday,  PCC will continue deliver the rest of books. If your kid didn’t receive the text books, please come to library to pick up books. 

– Math Award

For students who won school math contest during last school year, but haven’t picked up your award, please come to library between 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm,to pick up your award from Zhao Lao Shi.

-Parking issues

With the school growing bigger and bigger, the traffic and parking impact on the local residents also become the huge concern. From the beginning of school day, we received quite a few complaints from the following streets, Linwood Ave, Churchill street and Albemarle Rd. During sport season, Albemarle rd parking lot always is very tight, if you can not find parking spot from there, you can park your car at Newton education department parking lot that is located the corner of Linwood ave and crafts street, and Carr school playground parking lot that is located between Linwood and Fair oaks ave, both parking lots are within walking distance to school.

Last Sunday, six cars were found parking inside school parking lot without teacher parking tag. We have stressed this rule many times that any cars without teacher parking tag won’t be allowed to park inside. The purpose we offer this privilege to teachers that allow them go to class on time, instead of struggling to find parking spot far away from building.

-Car pool

The heavy traffic during Sunday school time caused significant inconvenience to the local communities, in order to minimize this impact, we encourage  parents car pool to school, we believe your support will play significant role.

– NCLS Support Education Program Announcement

As we start the new school year of 2015 – 2016, the NCLS Support China Education Program has kicked-off its planning phase. This marks the 10th year of the Program. We will be providing support to students at Chongren Yi Zhong, Jiangxi province (江西省抚州地区崇仁县一中). More information about this school and the students will be made available on the NCLS web site. To keep this year’s program successful, we are recruiting new working group members. The number of working group members is not limited.  Any parent, teacher or staff who is interested in supporting and contributing is welcome to join. The working group members are all volunteers, but we would like you to take a look at your schedule before you apply, as we do need certain amount of commitment to the program as a team member. We will run fund-raising activities, have meetings and organize the students’ trip to China. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to before Friday October 2nd, 2015. If your kids will sign up for the student volunteer team, please sign up with your kids online by click the

We are also forming a student volunteer group again this year. Every NCLS student above 8thgrade is eligible even if you are not planning to go on the trip to China in April and your volunteer hours will be recognized. For those students who would like to apply as a member to go to China in April 2016, volunteer work prior to the trip is required. We especially welcome our program alumni to volunteer again this year as a way to give back to the program. If you are interested, please register online by click the link  as soon as possible.

Support Education Program Working Group will host a presentation by 2015 China trip team on September 27 2015 at 3:45pm in room 325, please come and join us to share all the interesting and meaningful stories from our students. This presentation will help you to understand and know more about this program and we will answer whatever questions about the program you have. There will be a registration onsite, you all are welcome.

Thanks and we are looking forward to working with you!

The NCLS Support Education Program Working Group


Date: Sep 27, 2015

Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm

Place: Room #227

Speaker: Marc Zawel, Sophie Gray

Title of the topic:  Inside the College Admissions Office

Short introduction of topic

  • Howcollegeapplications are read
    • Who reads applications
    • What matters most to admissions officers
    • When to get started
    • How to stand out in the application pool
    • Why some applicants do (not) get in

 Short introduction of speaker

Marc Zawel is the co-founder and CEO of AcceptU. As author of Untangling the Ivy League, he literally wrote the book on gaining admission to highly selective colleges. Marc received a BA from Cornell University and an MBA from University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School, where he chaired the admissions advisory board and evaluated application essays. He has also conducted alumni interviews for Cornell for ten years.

Sophie Gray is the managing director of AcceptU. Her career spans a variety of roles in admissions and higher education at several institutions, including Columbia University and the City College of New York. Previously, Sophie was a college counselor for AcceptU, supporting both domestic and international applicants. She received a BA from University of Vermont and an MA from Columbia University Teachers College.

For more info, please contact:

Name: AcceptU

Phone: 617-424-0700


 Or visit website:

– 波士顿2015年《黄河大合唱》



我们波士顿的华人当然不会落后。乔万钧领导的北美合唱协会隆重推出北美史无前例的千人黄河大合唱(10月11日晚7:30,波士顿大学体育馆Boston University Agganis Arena)!1000余演员来自美国和加拿大的20个华人合唱团和其它艺术团体及个人,届时有200人交响乐团伴奏,6000名观众到场观看助威!我们要用歌声缅怀先烈,弘扬正义,讴歌世界和平!



1)    捐助 – 大合唱组委会需要财政支援!这次千人黄河大合唱完全是民间发起的爱国演出活动,没有任何商业目的,所有募捐和门票收入全部用于支付BU体育馆租金。在此恳请并呼吁各界人士解囊相助,慷慨支援!几百不多,几元不少,票价$20,朋友们量力而行。当年抗战那样的艰苦卓绝都过来了,还有什么困难我们不能共同克服的呢?!

2)    参与 – 朋友,只要你能发声,只要你爱中华民族,爱和平,你就够格参加本次千人黄河大合唱!或许你善长弦乐,铜管乐,你可以来加入黄河交响乐团,演奏出最动人的旋律,为世界和平做出一份贡献!

3)    宣传 – 是到总动员的时刻了!七十年前中华儿女浴血奋战,谱写了中华民族历史上不朽的乐章 – 黄河大合唱!没有什么比支持,参与,宣扬黄河大合唱更光荣,更激动人心了!朋友们,请告诉你的家人,亲戚,朋友,同学,让他们加入到我们的行列中来!



Li and Ming

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