NCLS Weekly Newsletter 13-Mar-2014

Dear parents,

1. Fundraising Dance Party This Saturday 3/15:

The NCLS support China education project fundraising event – Dance Party

When: Saturday, March 15, 2014 7:00pm – 11:00pm

Where: Hyde Community Center  90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highland, MA 02461.

Ticket:  $12 per person    We welcome all NCLS parents, teachers and your friends to join this meaningful event.

2. Seminar:  房产投资EB5/L1绿卡和全套安居服务

Date: 3/16/2014   Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm   Room#: 227

About speaker:  陈艺平(Patty Chen)

1988年7月毕业于中国人民大学获86级国民经济管理双学士学位.她于1989年从中国大陆来到美国. 1997年在美国芝加哥的伊利诺斯理工学院获生物学硕士学位, 2003-2005进修美国MBA. 陈艺平从2001年进驻房地产投资市场并做为创始人,成立了派蒂克总集团 (PattyC Group),  派蒂克房地产投资集团 (PattyC Property Group), 和美亚商旅-波士顿 (America Asia Business Tour Group- Boston), 为中国民营企业家来美国做商务提供个性化的全套服务。在美国和中国百家报纸, 电台,和网络上报道和转载了陈艺平 (Patty Chen)和本公司为华人来美国做出的杰出贡献, 包括:《华尔街日报》最近采访;《波士顿环球报》星期日头版;WBUR波士顿美国国家公共广播电台, TVB 香港電視廣播有限公司, 和胡润百富专访;以及《中国日报》美国版采访等

她是美国亚洲投资协会会长 (。曾作为资深研究员任职于芝加哥大学,哈佛大学医学院,和杜邦公司,担任重大生物开发项目高级研发工作。 曾是杜邦公司亚裔美籍协会领导者之一。

See you this Sunday!

Guangsong and Ling


Community News:


请各位老师家长利用这个好机会带您家的长辈和孩子共同到剧场感受传统国粹的魅力.  此次年度公演将是一次精彩的精品节目集锦演出–汇集了过去五年来每年年度公演中精彩优秀的节目.  非常值得期待的是, 本次公演的大轴戏是由社长,当家刀马旦刘玮珊女士, 当家青衣汪荣华女士, 当家小生朱惠源先生联合演出的折子戏 “白蛇传.断桥”.

京剧社票 价: 每张$10.

演出时间:  3月29日 周六 晚7:00

Cambridge Family YMCA Theater
820 Mass Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139

此剧场靠近红线地铁Central Square一站(Red Line Central Square station).
1.Parking lot between Prospect Street and Bishop Allen Dr.
2.Pilgrim parking at 438 Green St., Cambridge (



Boston Beijing Opera Association (BBOA) will have its 6th annual performance on March 29, Saturday at Cambridge YMCA Theater. 
The 6th annual performance will be a wonderful collection of the excellent excerpts that had been performed in the past 5 years.
When    March 29, Saturday, 7:00PM.
Where    Cambridge Family YMCA Theater   820 Mass Ave    Cambridge, MA 02139
Public Transportation & Parking
Cambridge YMCA Theater is near to the Red Line Central Square Station.
Parking near YMCA 
1.Parking lot between Prospect Street and Bishop Allen Dr.
2.Pilgrim parking at 438 Green St., Cambridge (
Ticket Price $10    
3/16/2014 and 3/23/2014 two days sale at School library
 BBOA Links
A excerpt from 5th annual performance in 2012



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