NCLS Weekly Newsletter 6-Mar-2014

Dear parents,

We have a few announcements in this week’s newsletter:

1. 第四十一届美东中文学校协会年会   中华文化专题简报比赛

美东中文学校协会 (link:今年第四十一届年会将在五月二十四和五月二十五日在Boston (Boston Marriott Burlington)举行。今年我校准备报送学生参加年会的中华文化专题简报比赛。

比賽主題 : 中華傳統/地方戲劇

比賽時間:二零一四年五月二十五日 (星期日) 上午八點三十分至十一點五十分 

比賽地點 :Burlington Marriott, One Burlington Mall Rd. Burlington, MA 01803

參賽資格中年級組: 9至13歲,高年級組: 9至18歲 (年齡以05/15/2014為界) 。

  1. 每隊參賽學生為兩人, 可以混合年級成隊,但以隊伍內最高年級學生為報名組別。每校各組限一隊報名。
  2. 學生最近在美國連續居住六年 (含) 以上及在本協會會員的中文學校內就讀三年 (含) 以上,而且目前正在本協會會員的中文學校就讀的學生。
  3. 如在參賽前五年 (含) 內曾回國居住累計超過一年 (含) 以上者, 均不得參賽。

To see the contest details as well as the registration form, please check this link:

The parents will self-organize the team and select the topic.  Please submit the team registration form to 田毅老师 at the school library no later than 4/6.  The school will select one team for each age group and have experienced teachers to give advice and instruction.  The presenters need to be ready for a selection process on 4/13 at the school.

If you have any questions regarding this contest, please stop by the library desk.

2.  Yard Sale this Sunday 3/9

2014 年义卖   时间:二零一四年三月九日,1:30pm 5:10pm

地点:F. A. Middle School 餐厅 (NCLS)

捐赠各种使用过的,但仍然有价值的艺术品,装饰品,日常生活用品,陶瓷器具,电子产品,衣物鞋帽,玩具,儿童书籍,厨房用具,运动用品, 光碟,录像带, 或其他。请将捐赠物标上你的估价,送到 F. A. Day Middle School 餐厅, 由我们的工作人员卖出去。所得额全部交NCLS支教项目。未售出的物件送去慈善机构。

欢迎商家摆摊设点。注册费将归NCLS 支教项目,营业利润则属于业主。详情请联系NCLS支教工作小组

3. Seminar:

Title: Introduction of national math contest oriented program and Math summer camp

Date: 3/9, Room#: 227, Time: 3:45 pm to 5 pm.

Speaker: Areteem Math Zoom Academy team

Description: A national math contest oriented program for the gifted, Areteem – Math Zoom, is coming to Boston this summer. Areteem – Math Zoom is      founded by Dr. Kevin Wang, former IMO China Team member and former      math faculty at UCLA and UCI.  Dr. Wang and his faculty team      consisting of IMO winners and coaches have been very effective in Math Olympiad training, and have produced numerous USAMO and IMO level winners. They specialize in identifying students who have limited math contest experience but with the potential, and training them from ground up and taking them to the highest achievement level.  More information about the program can be found at and . WSCC is pleased to host a seminar at our school to introduce the  program to our families. Representatives from Areteem – Math Zoom will be flying in to present the program and answer your specific questions.  The summer program will be offered at Boston College, with both commuting and residential options. Scholarship certificates will be given out at the seminar.

See you this Sunday.

Guangsong and Ling

Community News


东方舞蹈团(DongFang Dance Troupe ,前‘妈妈舞蹈队’)在我们牛顿中文学校春晚演绎的以川剧水袖为题材的舞蹈《百花争妍》,入围了Newton Has Talent 2014(的the Top 20,正向the Top 10 acts进发。组委会将通过演出视频点击的好评率以及评委的评判,最后判定哪10个节目胜出,所以,请伸出您热情的手,为我们点击您珍贵的  “LIKE”。您还可以通过Share, post, tweet, text and email给你的亲朋好友,帮助我们获得更多的支持。   这个舞蹈将中国古典舞与戏曲表演相结合。十几个身着明艳戏曲舞服的女子,将两米长的水袖,以转、抛、甩、收、翻等技巧,俏生生地舞成了一幅“百花”盛开的图卷,极富韵律和造型之美。东方很希望借这次机会把这个很具戏曲代表性的舞蹈介绍给更广的社区观众群。請記住有效的點擊投票期為:3月1號-3月10號,所以,請立即行動吧!




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