NCLS Weekly Newsletter on 5-APR-2013

Dear NCLS parents:

Spring is here, it is the season of new beginnings. You’ll be amazed how helping others will create new beginnings for you and bring renewed meaning into your life. NCLS is participating the 2013 NewtonSERVES event, and will work on some in-school renovation tasks for Day School. We are calling for volunteers to work with us on April 28. If you could help, please sign up with the Principals Assistants this Sunday in the school library. This activity is eligible for Community Service Hours for student participants. Thank you!

We have the following notes for you this week-

Online survey for the school journal

Our school journal editor has been working very hard to make the journal the best media platform for the school. Please take a few minutes to fill up this online survey and provide your feedback. Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Chinese Speech Contest Results (低年级组和高年级组) 

The Chinese Speech Contest (Part One) went very well on the last school day. The attendees have shown an extraordinary enthusiasm and strong capabillity in Chinese speaking.









Part Two contest, for 中年级组, will be conducted this Sunday during the second class period. You are welcome to come to the auditorium and watch, you will be inspired!

Homework and classroom behavior

As the second half of the semester is approaching, students usually need to be reminded about their school works and classroom behaviors. Our teachers are on top of that. Please join our teachers’ effort and reenforce it at home, by checking the homework during the weekdays, and stopping by the classrooms before/after classes to offer help and attention to the teachers.

Thank you for your help. Let’s work together to make NCLS the most efficient learning place for the students.

Best regards,

Nan and Guangsong

NCLS Principals 2012-2013



千呼万唤, 2013年海外华裔青少年“中国寻根之旅”夏令营终于出笼了。如大家所知,由敦煌文化服务中心协办的2012年海外华裔青少年“中国寻根之旅”夏令营在广州暨南大学取得了 很大的成功, 反应热烈。有鉴于此,今年本中心在名额上得到绝对的优先 。今年的团更多,内容更丰富。名额有限,加上其它地区在等待我们的剩余名额,希望各位马上行动,仔细阅读,比较参详,花多而不眼乱,一旦决定,从速报名。以下所列是各团的概况。有意者,请电邮 索取报名表或从网址下载:  *备注:所有机票自付。学生跟带队人员的比例约为10:1。 “附加随团费”根据具体情况 而定, 比如每个领队要带多少个学生,以及领队的普通级的机票价 。 选 择不随团队坐机的营员免“随团费”, 但必须预先报上行程。 所有营员(包括随团或不随团的)都可享受到达营地 的免费接送机。

Here finally come the 2013 “Tracing Your Roots” Summer Camps in China for Overseas Chinese-American Teenagers. As you might have known, Silk Road Center successfully assisted Guangzhou Jinan University in holding the 2012 “Tracing Your Roots” Summer Camps for Overseas Chinese-American Teenagers in Southern China. The feedbacks from the campers and the families were absolutely positive, which has made our camp programs even more popular this year. In 2013, Silk Road Center has the privilege to assist in making camp plans and to be notified first once the camp plans released. A lot of information will be provided, so read carefully before making your decision. Once a decision is made, please register right away before we transfer the spots to other organizations, since the openings and the time left are both limited. Don’t forget, the earlier we book air tickets, the better prices of tickets will be. Below is the general information for each camp.*Note:  All campers are responsible for their own airfare. The ratio of chaperone and camper is about 1 to 10. The fee added for chaperoned traveling depends on how many students each chaperone will lead and how much an air ticket will cost. Chaperoning fee is not applied for those who choose to travel without a chaperone; however, a copy of the travel itinerary must be submitted to Silk Road Center in advance.
All campers (of chaperoned or non-chaperoned) have pick-up/drop off service at the destination airport of the camp city, unless one waives. For a registration form, please email: or download from our website at

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