NCLS Weekly Newsletter 6/7/2012

Dear NCLS parents:

Most of the Chinese language classes will have the final exam this Sunday. Please help the students preparing for it at home, and please arrive at the classrooms on time.

This month’s journal is available at following link:

1. Support education program report

This year’s support education program report will be hold on Sunday June 10th at 3:45 pm in classroom 319. As same as last 5 years, the students and teachers who went to China this year have many good stories to tell. Look forward to seeing you there.
The NCLS Support Education Plan Working Group

2. Seminar:

” 12 Reasons to Invest in Tax-Free Municipal Bonds ”


Stock market volatility, interest rate risk, preservation of capital and asset re-allocation are just a few of the reasons why municipal bonds have garnered so much attention over the past few years. Individual investors own over 70% of the more than $2.4 trillion outstanding municipal bonds.

Still, a great many individual investors remain unfamiliar with the uses and features of municipal bonds. This brief summary will help you begin the process of familiarizing yourself with an investment that may become a keystone of your portfolio and a vital source of tax-free income in the years ahead.

Presented by :  

Gwen Ren
Financial Advisor / Portfolio Manager
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
28 State St, 25th Floor, Boston, MA 02109

Direct Tel 617-570-9266

NCLS Admin

1. 14th Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association New England (SAPA-NE) Annual Conference

Dear SAPA members,

We are very pleased to announce that the 14th Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association New England (SAPA-NE) Annual Conference will take place in MIT Sloan School of Management and Walker Memorial Morss Hall at MIT on June 16th, 2012 (8:00 am – 5:30 pm). Please reserve the date in your calendar for this exciting full day event.

The theme of the conference is “Science, Innovation, and Emerging Market:  Reshaping the Future of Biopharma Industry”. The conference will have four plenary sections with outstanding speakers, including biopharma industry senior executives, Chinese returnee entrepreneurs, professors, and other experts to share their vision on science, innovation, business development in the emerging market, with the focus on how big pharmas can tailor their global strategy to seize the opportunity, and how the Chinese entrepreneurs can reshape the future of China in the area of innovative drug R&D.

Our Confirmed Speakers:

Dr. Michael Rosenblatt, MD, PhD (Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Merck)

Dr. JC Gutierrez-Ramos (SVP/CSO, Pfizer WRD)

Dr. Karin Briner (Head of Global Discovery Chemistry, Novartis)

Ms. Anna Protopapas, MBA (Vice President, Millennium / EVP, Global Business Dev of Takeda)

Dr. Donald Bergstrom, MD, PhD (Head of global translational & experimental medicine, Sanofi)

Dr. Yinxiang Wang, PhD (CEO&CSO, Zhejiang Beta Pharma Inc.)

Mr. Bob Capse,  (Founder, International Entrepreneurship Center, Babson College Professor)

Highlights of our program:

1.    High level Keynote speakers from big pharma, including Novartis, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Millennium/Takeda.

2.    Business development tailored program. Our afternoon program will tailor to business development and provide excellent networking opportunities.

3.    Problem-solving panel discussion. Two panels will mainly be moderated by outside professional moderators and provide face to face interaction with panelists.

4.    Well attended SAPA-NE event. We expect around 1000 people to join our annual meeting with close to 200 people from China. One thing that makes our annual meeting special is that we will have a delegate of 100 entrepreneurs from China to join our afternoon talent recruitment event and provide you with excellent job opportunities.

5.    Zhejiang talent recruit event will happen as part of agenda of SAPA-NE annual meeting afternoon program. To register, please refer to:

We are looking forward to seeing you all on June 16, 2012.

Sincerely yours,
SAPA-NE Executive Committee

The event is free for active SAPA members or MIT students, $20 for general public, $30 for dinner ticket.

In addition, free breakfast will be offered before 8am.
For any questions, please contact



2. 2012浙江民营资本与海外人才智力对接活动暨海外高层次人才洽谈会









6月16日(星期六)下午 2:00pm -5:30pm,1:30pm 开始签到

三、 地点:MIT Walker Memorial,Morss

地址: 142 Memorial Dr., Cambridge, MA, 02133

3. 剑桥签证服务社第二次办理签证服务通知

在广大家长们的信任和支持下,在“剑桥签证服务社”全体工作人员的辛勤努力下,“剑桥签证服务社”开办的第一次代理办签证服务以高质量高获签率圆满完成。 应剑桥中文学校家长和波士顿等中国社区的需求呼吁, 本社决定继续开办代理签证业务,竭诚为大家服务。

为了更有效地为大家服务,来本社申请签证服务者请简单填写下列登记表。没有预先填写登记表的,每份签证须交 $2.00的现场登记费。

6/16/2012:星期六:2:00pm – 4:00 pm
6/17/2012:星期天:2:00am – 4:00 pm

剑桥中国文化中心 (Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture)
411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, Suite 214, Waltham, MA 02452

$166.00 ($140 签证费+$26/服务费/人)
剑桥中文学校教职员工学生及家长可享有$4.00 /人的折扣优惠。
如申请一年以上多次往返,加收$10.00 (如果没获批准,恕不退费)


剑桥中国文化中心 (Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture)
411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, Suite 214, Waltham, MA 02452


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