1. 2012 牛顿中文学校演讲比赛结果:
中年级组 (九至十一岁)
俞梦安 四年级丙班 《纸船和风筝》
胡天辰 六年级乙班 《难忘的2008》
李天悦 四年级马立平 《我爱少林精神》
范雪景 五年级丙班 《我骄傲,我是中国人》
张欣然 五年级马立平 《只有合作,才能共赢》
周 月 四年级马立平 《地球爷爷和我打电话》
高年级组 (十二岁以上)
高硕程 七年级乙班 《如果我是一滴水》
董海伦 八年级丙班 《我和古筝》
唐若洋 八年级马立平 《中文的魔力》
廖丹琳 八年级乙班 《春天》
熊美林 六年级乙班 《我的姐姐》
俞梦嘉 九年级甲班 《天马行空》
图:俞梦安, 高硕程同学在演讲比赛中:
2. Parking at Newton Chinese School
The parking spaces around Day Middle School are reserved for NCLS teachers and staffs. Recently, we have had increasing number of parents parking in the Day School parking lot. PCC is going to patrol the parking lot and write down the licence plate number for vehicles without NCLS parking permit. For vehicles with more than two violation, we are going to publish the licence plate numbers to all NCLS parents.
3. Day School Facilities
Again, we would like to remind all NCLS parents that we are not allowed to use the Day School facility without permission. Last Sunday we observed several students and parents using the facility in the library. Please restrain yourself and your children from doing this in the future.
4. Water in library
The bottle water in the libray is only for NCLS teachers and faculties. No parent is allowed to take the bottle water from the library.
Thank you for your attention.
NCLS Admin.
1. NCLS Seminar: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney – The Myth of Buy & Hold: What Warren Buffet Is Actually Doing ?
Date: Sunday Mar 25, 2012, 3:40pm – 5:00pm
Location: Newton Chinese School
Speaker I: Gwen Ren, Financial Advisor / Portfolio Manager, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Subject: The Myth of Buy & Hold
– What Warren Buffett is actually doing
– Why Tactical Portfolio Management
Speaker II: Dennis Hart CFP, Regional Vice President, Prudential Annuities
Subject: Retirement Income
– Why should you rollover your 401K as soon as you leave the company
– Where to invest your retirement money that keeps going up despite volatilities in the equity market
2. Craft Fair/Yard Sale Fundraising for NCLS Support Education Project
(All your support and contribution will be highly appreciated. For details about this project, please visit http://www.newtonchineseschool.org).
. Business booth registration: All local business owners can register a booth to advertise, exhibit and conduct their business, products and service. Registration fee is $100. Registration contact info: Tian Yuan <yuantian01@hotmail.com>, Zi Tong tongzi88@yahoo.com
. Bake sale goes on 3:40-5:30pm in Cafeteria.
• Donate all kinds of gently used, still valuable artistic toys, decorations, paintings, crafts, paper cuts, sculptures, sweaters, wallets, scarf, pottery, electronics, clothes, shoes, children’s books, CDs, sportswear, kitchenware… school cafeteria on the day before 1:30pm
• Raffle ticket selling: donate gift cards, certificates, and highly valuable items and buy raffle tickets, Drawing on March 25th, at 5:00pm in Cafeteria of NCLS.
• Come to the craft fair and buy what you like at a price you want to pay
• Parents on duty or volunteers will help with donation sale
• Unsold items will go to Charities such as local churches
• Raised funds will go to the Support Education Project
• All NCLS members (teachers, teaching assistants, staff, parents, students)
• F.A Day Middle School Cafeteria, NCLS.
March 18th and March 25th 2012, Sundays, 1:30-5:00
捐贈各種使用过的,但仍然有價值的藝術玩具,裝飾品,繪畫,工藝品,剪紙,雕塑,毛衣,錢包,圍,陶器,電子產品,衣服,鞋,玩具,兒童書籍,光碟,廚房用品,運動用品, 兒童書籍,錄像帶, 或其他。请将捐赠物标上你的估价,送到NCLS cafeteria, 有我们工作人员卖出去。所得额全部交NCLS支教组。未售出的東西去慈善機構。
地点:NCLS Cafeteria
3. Harvard 5th Annual Children’s Day Carnival
Bring your family and join HCC at our 5th annual Children’s Day Carnival! There will be plenty of prizes, entertainment and food including….
-Bubble Tea
-Shaved Ice
-Live performances
-Activity booths
Past performers include:
-The Harvard Story-Time Players
-Harvard Asian American Dance Troupe
-Harvard Wushu
-Harvard Magic Society
-Harvard Chinese Music Ensemble
-MIT Dance Team
We will also be raffling off a Kindle Fire! Everyone who comes will be entered in the raffle.
*Funds will go to sponsor TianLe’s Spina Bifida surgery.
Date: Sunday, April 1, 2012, 1-5PM
Location: Penthouse of the SOCH at Harvard College (59 Shepard Street, Cambridge)
Admission: COMPLETELY FREE!!!! Activities, games, food, and performances are also free!
Here’s the link for more information: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~care/content/childrens-day-carnival