NCLS Newsletter 3/15/2012

Dear Parents,

        The Spring term has been progressing smoothly; we have some news for you before this coming Sunday-

        1. 2012年牛顿中文学校演讲比赛 is taking place this Sunday at 3:40pm in our school auditorium. Teachers and the student participants from 4th to 10th grade have been actively preparing for this speech competition. Parents are welcome to attend this event and watch the competition. Please help us maintaining a supportive and quiet environment for this event in the auditorium if you are coming. Thank you.

        2. The mid-term exam for the《中文》classes is approaching us in about two weeks. The mid-term exam date is 3/25/2012. Please print the review materials related to your children’s Chinese classes, and let the kids bring it to school this Sunday, since the teachers will have the review session this week-年春季一年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季二年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季三年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季四年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季五年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季六年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季七年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季八年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季九年级期中考试复习题.pdf年春季十年级期中考试复习题.pdf

        3. The fundraising Craft Fair/Yard Sale for NCLS Support Education Project is being held in the cafeteria on this and next Sunday. Please refer to the Community News section of this newsletter for details.

          Thank you for your attention. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

NCLS Admin.

 Fundraising for NCLS Support Education Project
Craft Fair/Yard Sale

(All your support and contribution will be highly appreciated. For details about this project, please visit


·     The event provides business booths for local business owners to advertise their business. The way to do it is that, each business owner like dentists, ophthalmologists, doctors, hair dressers, restaurant owners, artists, travel agents can buy a booth at a price of $100 a day and $200 two days. In the
booth, each business owner can advertise his/her business, set up posters, exhibit their products and introduce their services to the community during the yard sales. The people from the business take care of setting up a booth and cleaning up afterward.  The interested owners can contact Xiaomei Yu at and Hui Chen at for more details.

·    Donate all kinds of gently used, still valuable artistic toys, decorations, paintings,    crafts, paper cuts, sculptures, sweaters, wallets, scarf, pottery, electronics, clothes, shoes, children’s books, CDs, sportswear, kitchenware…;

·    Come to the fair and buy what you like at a very reasonable price;

·    Items for donation should be brought to school cafeteria on the day before 1:30pm;

·    Parents on duty or volunteers will help with donation sale;

·    Unsold items will go to Charities such as the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters   Foundation;

·    Raised funds will go to the Support Education Project;


·    All NCLS members (teachers, teaching assistants, staff, parents, students)


·    F.A Day Middle School Cafeteria, NCLS.


      March 18th and March 25th 2012,  Sundays,  1:30-5:00

捐贈各種使用过的,但仍然有價值的藝術玩具,裝飾品,繪畫,工藝品,剪紙,雕塑,毛衣,錢包,圍,陶器,電子產品,衣服,鞋,玩具,兒童書籍,光碟,廚房用品,運動用品, 兒童書籍,錄像帶,  或其他。

请将捐赠物标上你的估价,送到NCLS cafeteria, 有我们工作人员卖出去。所得额全部交NCLS支教组。未售出的東西去慈善機構。

地点:NCLS Cafeteria


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