Dear Parents:
You received this newsletter because you are registered NCLS member.
–Registration Procedure for 2016 Fall Semester
Registration for Fall 2016 semester is still on and moved into the 3rd period, “Open Registration” Period: 00:01 AM 6/6/2016 – 11:59 PM of 9/25/2016, the registration opens to all students including new students and new K-graders.
-Book distribution
This coming Sunday, 6/12, school is going to distribute the textbooks to all paid students. If you registered and haven’t paid the tuition, please do online payment before noon of 6/11. The most important thing, please let your kid to sign on the pickup sheet once the teacher or TA hand the textbook to your kid.
Date: Jun 12, 2016 Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm Place: Room #227
Speaker: Adam Schwartz, Ph.D.
Topic: Writing a Successful College Application essay
The personal essay is the third most important factor(after grades and test scores) in college admission. This presentation will provide strategies for writing a compelling and authentic college application essay. Adam Schwartz taught in the Writing Programs at Harvard and Wellesley for twenty-five years and served on the Board of Admissions at Wellesley College. In 2016, three of his students were admitted to Harvard and three were admitted to Yale.
-Community News
-Newton Chinese School Students/Newton Gymnasts won National Champions
Great News! A group of girls included Newton Chinese school students and Newton North High school won Advanced Group – National Champions, Congratulations!
(left to right)
Nina Wang – Newton North High School, grade 9, Newton Chinese School
Rachel Gu – Newton South High School, grade 10, graduated from Newton Chinese School
Ksenia Moskalenko – Newton North High School, grade 11
Maya Mashatina – The Rhythmic Gymnastics coach
Amy Kaluzhny – Newton North High School, grade 9
Tiffany Wang – Wellesley Middle School, grade 8, Newton Chinese School
The girls have demonstrated an amazing performance in apparatus (three hoops and two balls) program, scoring 16.2! Floor – 12.45. All Around – 28.65
You can watch the videos of their performance on youtube: the floor routine and the apparatus routine
-Chinese Students looking for Host Family
Educatius International welcomes every year students from over 50 countries to attend schools in the USA. As a trusted and experienced organization, we are now looking for host families for Chinese students who will be attending Newton South High School next academic year.
The students are medically insured and have their own spending money, they speak English and must maintain good grades.
As a host family you receive a stipend of about $800 to $1000 a month and have to provide 3 balanced meals a day, a bedroom with their own bed, desk and dresser.
A local coordinator will support the families and the students throughout their stay.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact International Coordinator:Ruth Sondermann:
(Tel) USA 617-965-3260
Skype ID Rsondermann
N&D芭蕾2016秋季开始招生啦!Lexington,Newton,Needham等均有新课程及有限名额开放,欢迎4~15岁喜爱芭蕾舞蹈的学员加入!详细课程信息请登入官网 查询最新课表,或联系我们了解进一步选课信息。
Li and Ming