Dear Parents:
We don’t have school this coming Sunday (Oct 11, 2015) due to Columbus Day. Wish everybody have a relax weekend. The school will resume on Oct 18, 2015.
-Fire Drill
This past Sunday, we successfully finished our annual fire drill. Thanks a lot for PCC, school admin team, and teachers/TAs for all of your hard work and cooperation. The whole building was emptied less than five minutes which meets the requirements of Newton fire department. However, there are a couple of important things that need to be improved:
1. After all people exited the building, there are still a lot of people stood near the building doors instead of walking far away from building as quickly as possible, made the other people difficult to move out quickly.
2. The main entrance driveway is not clear. The majority of parents just stood on the main entrance (driveway) that will make other people difficult to move forward, and even worse, that may cause the fire trucks difficult to drive in.
The purpose of the fire drill is let everybody get familiar with the general emergence evacuation process, strengthen the urgent feeling, know where to go if something happens in the building. The prevention of potential disaster and keep the safety of our community is always the school’s top priority.
The registration will be closed on 10/12/2015 midnight. If you have not paid the tuition by this date, please pay it online asap, otherwise, the extra fee will be added to your account.
-Writing Contest
The registration for the 4th ‘Qiao Bao’ Chinese assay contest already started and the dead line is 11/15, if you have interest to participate, please contact Sara Liu: , She will be in library from 2:00 – 3:30 pm during school time.
2015 第四届”侨报”青少年作文大赛已开始接受报名,截至日期是11月15日。有兴趣报名参赛的同学或同学家长请在2:00 – 3:30期间到二楼图书馆找宣传部刘玲老师报名或咨询
· 初赛将于2015年12月在各地办事处举行。
· 初赛各年龄组优胜者将参加2016年1月16日在纽约曼哈顿美东侨报总部进行的总决赛。
· 总决赛优胜者将获“美国《侨报》小记者俱乐部”入会资格。
· 初赛优胜者将颁发证书和纪念奖品。
· 总决赛每个年龄组分设一、二、三等奖,每组设:
· 总决赛还特别设立“最佳组织奖”,表彰积极参与并协助组织赛事的公立学校、中文学校、团体和机构。
学校收集学生作品统一参赛或个人参赛,请在截稿日期前将参赛作品联通报名表寄至活送交波士顿《侨报周末》办公室。请在信封上注明:“ 美国《侨报》第四届青少年儿童写作大赛”报名
地址:1035 Cambridge St., Suite 27, Cambridge, MA 02141
《“ 美国《侨报》第四届青少年儿童写作大赛”报名表》
Community News
With the incoming of various local elections, the candidates within school district are actively approaching NCLS and want to introduce themselves to school community. Here is one candidate, Wenhua Zhang, also NCLS parent, who is going to campaign for Newton Charter Commission. Below is his campaign introduction.
大家好! 我叫张文华,在竞选牛顿市宪章修改委员会。我 7 年前搬到牛顿市,现在是 牛顿公立学校的学生家长。
牛顿市宪章就是我们的城市宪法。 11 月 3 日,牛顿市的选民将票投给 9 人担任 2 年 的宪章修改委员,来修改我们的城市宪章. 修改后的宪章将提交 2017 年 11 月的牛顿 市选举投票表决。
据美国人口普查局,牛顿市每 8 个居民中就有 1 个是亚裔。亚裔是我市增长最快的群 体。牛顿宪章关系到每个居民的切身利益。我希望能在 9 个选出的成员中,代表亚裔 站有一席。
我在中国出生长大。大学本科毕业后 23 岁来到美国留学。我在学习工作一段时间后, 在沃顿商学院获得了工商管理硕士学位,随后就职于几家投资基金和一所大学- 哈佛 大学基金管理公司,担任高级副总裁兼投资组合经理。现在我希望此机会为社区服 务。请访问我的网站 了解详细信息。
你的工作方式? 我计划以事实和数据作为分析的基础。 一些值得研究和讨论的问题包括: 1)是否缩减市议员会人数,减少现有的 24 名成员。 2)是否任期限制市议员年限。 3)是否延长市议员的任期和交错的选举。 4)是否聘用专业化人士来管理区划和土地使用功能。 我会有条不紊地分析这些问题,并和其他成员合理讨论。我希望在网站上 听到大家的反馈,并在 11 月 3 日得到大家的选票。
谢谢! 张文华 宪章修改委员会
My name is Wenhua Zhang. I am a parent of Newton Public School student.
What is Charter Commission?
The Newton Charter is like our city’s constitution. On November 3, Newton voters will vote for 9 people to serve on a 2-year commission to review our city Charter. The changes proposed by the commission must be approved by voters in November of 2017.
Why are you running?
I add diversity to the Commission, and I come with an open mind to listen to voters. According to The Census Bureau, more than 1 out of 8 residents in Newton are Asian, which is also the fastest growth group in the Garden City. I volunteer in the Asian community at Newton Chinese Language School.
What is your background?
I came to the United States from China at the age of 23. I had no money, but this nation gave me a chance to prove myself. I went to the Wharton School to get my MBA degree, then worked for several investment funds and one university – Harvard Management Company where I served as Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager. Now I want to give back to the city that has been so good to me and to my children. Please visit my website for details.
What is your plan to work on the Commission?
I will approach the Charter Commission as I have approached every project in finance: with close scrutiny to facts and to data with no pre-conceived notions. I will be as studious and analytical as I was when investing on behalf of pension funds and university. Some of the issues that I believe deserve rigorous research and deliberation include: 1) Whether to downsize the Board from 24 members to a smaller number. There is evidence to suggest that downsizing may increase the efficiency of government, but we need to examine second-order effects carefully. 2) Whether to term-limit aldermen in accordance with the School Committee’s policy of eight-year terms. 3) Whether to lengthen aldermanic terms and stagger their elections so that Newton voters are not asked to remember dozens of candidates every two years. 4) Whether to professionalize the zoning and land use functions so that technocrats, not politicians, are making expert assessments. Please let me know your thoughts on my website I will analyze these issues methodically and debate them collegially. I am proud to offer my time and expertise to the Garden City and I ask for your vote on November 3rd.
Li and Ming