Dear Parents:
– Book Distribution on 6/7
If you paid tuition on or before 6/4, you can get textbook on this Sunday 6/7 (except K grade textbook). PCC will deliver textbooks to the classrooms for move-up students who have paid on or before 6/4. All students who receive the book have to sign on the book release form. Please let you kid know this.
Here are the details of the book distribution:
- If you have paid the full tuition on or before 6/4:
- New K Students => Book will be distributed to the classroom on the first day of school on 9/13.
- New Students in the 1st grade Chinese classes and 4th grade Math => Pick up your books in the library on 6/7.
- Direct Move-up Students (*) => Books will be sent to their current classrooms on 6/7.
- Non-Direct Move-up Students (**) => Pick up your books in the library on 6/7.
- If you cannot pick up your book in the library on 6/7 or your child will be absent on 6/7, please pick up the book in the library on 9/13. Please print out the book pickup slip and bring to the library (see instruction in the link below).
If you pay your tuition after 6/4:
- You can pick up your books in the library on 9/13. Please print out book pickup slip and bring to the library (see instruction in the link below).
* Direct Move-up Students are the students who move up directly from the same class serial, for example from Grade 2A to Grade 3A, or from Math 5A to Math 6A, etc.
** Non-Direct Move-up Students are the students who move up grades but to a different class serial, for example from Grade 2A to Grade 3B, or from Math 5A to Math 6B.
-Math Contest winners
Congratulation to the following math contest winners. The award ceremony will be on 6/14. All winners should come to the auditorium at 4:20pm on 6/14 to receive the award.
一等奖 Audrey Xiao Kevin Zhao Karen Li Albert Zhang Iris Yang
Conway Xu Nathan Zhao Robin Lu Eric Chen
优胜奖 Aaron Lu Sarah Wei Leo Sun Annie Gao Owen Jin Joseph Shen
Jerry Xia Andrew Zhao Deon Chan Kevin Luo Logan Ngai
Hannah Han Sean Fei Jason Shu Eugene Jiang Robert Sheng
Karen Tong Karen Nie Alexander Deng Jiming Xu Sophie Gu
Andrew Zhao
-Support Education
Led by NCLS teachers, Nan Liang and Weidong Li, the group of 15 students went to Cuozhen, Hefei, Anhui province during this spring break. They had very successful one week exchange activities there.
The student volunteer group formed in September last year. Students participated a series of fund-raising activities which organized by NCLS Support China Education Working Group. With the support of the whole school, parents, Tan’s Education Foundation, and the Boston community, they achieved very good results. The donations have passed to Cuozhen high school, which will help 21 economically disadvantaged students there to finish their high school education.
Please check the i-movie made by team student Helen Dong for the group activities (fundraising and student training) before the trip. The yutube link is –
We will hold a school wide presentation from 3:45pm – 5pm on Sunday, June 7. China trip team students will share their story with you. All parents and students are welcome.
2015年支教团队在梁楠,李卫东两位老师的带领下, 一行共十五人于四月十八日踏上了前往安徽省合肥市肥东县撮镇中学的旅程,进行了为期一周的爱心助学交流活动。
自2014年九月起, 支教工作小组安排了一系列的募捐活动, 在全校师生,家长和波士顿社区的支持下, 取得了非常好的成绩。谭氏教育基金会也对支教项目给予了强有力的支持。此行他们将所得捐款资助了21位贫困学生,帮助他们完成高中学业。
一周的活动进行的丰富多彩, 爱心传递圆满结束。以下是由团队学生董海伦制作的募捐活动和学生培训的短片。 请看Yutube 链接:
-Math teacher recruiting
随着数学教学项目的增加以及数学教师的流动, 牛顿中文学校数学组需要新鲜血液以补充教师队伍和加强教师后备力量。特别是在与家长们的对话之后,我们也感受到家长们对一些新课程的要求。这也推动我们考虑扩大数学组的教师规模。希望有能力有意愿为中文学校做贡献的家长或校外人士,来参加数学教师的应聘。也欢迎家长们向学校推荐优秀的教师人才。
- 有扎实的数学基础(低年级到高年级均可),有一定的教学经验。如无教学经验,也可从助教或代课老师做起。
- 能用清晰,流利的英语教学。
- 有热情和热爱教学,并能基本保证教学的出勤和教学任务的完成。
我们热切希望有志, 有识的人士加入到中文学校数学教学队伍,为提高学校数学教学的规模和质量,为社区的孩子们提供更好的服务贡献力量。
有意愿者请到校务处报名, 也可到校长处报名。如有具体问题, 可与数学组长赵一兵老师联系(
-Independent school board member opening
由于董事会成员的变动,董事会决定从即日起到2015年6月30日开始接受2015-2017 学年董事会董事的申请。根据牛顿中文学校章程对董事会成员组成的搭配的要求,此次的征聘主要针对非教职人员。
牛顿中文学校校章规定学校实行董事会董事两年为一任期,连任期限最多为六年的制度。今年部分董事会成员将于本董事会年度结束时(7月31日)完成任期。这些位置都将公开招聘,到任两年但不满六年的董事会成员有资格申请连任。本着公正、透明、及人均享有为学校服务的权利和义务的原则,董事会在此通告全校家长、职教人员,并真诚希望有意为学校服务的人士提出加入董事会的申请。新选出的董事会成员将成为牛顿中文学校2015–2017 年度的董事会董事。
有关申请事宜及问题请与董事会联系 – Email: 或与任何一位董事会成员联系(联系方式请查询:。)申请人应提交书面申请书及个人简历。申请截止日期为2015年6月30日。
-TA position
If you or your child is interested in NCLS teaching assistant work for 2015-2016 school year, please complete the application form (see link below) and submit it to Tian Yi laoshi at the libary. For current adult TAs and student TAs, please complete the form as well, since we need to know if you would continue with the TA work and stay at the same class.
You can also pick up a copy of the form at the libary.
-May journal
Thanks and see you on Sunday.
Ling and Li