Dear Parents:
– NewtonServes Day is this Sunday 5/3!
This coming Sunday 5/3, Day school will start NewtonServes from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Same as previous years, NCLS will partner with Day School and participate this meaningful community service event. Community members gather together at the school to complete projects for the school. If you and/or your kids are interested to participate, please go to the cafeteria to sign up first on Sunday. You can join any time. We hope to see you there.
Below are some project ideas:
1. Rake up leaves/debris outside.
2. Clean up all the trash outside, especially trash that is technically off school grounds and on park grounds.
3. Mulch bushes.
4. Wash inside and outside of 1st floor windows.
5. Clear out the book room.
6. Clean up and prepare the courtyard plants for spring.
7. Post current maps of building (clearly indicating “You are here”) near stairwells and at major corners of building, on each floor.
8. Hide away construction materials/junk/debris under the archways on exterior of building near gym.
9. Dig out and level the long jump pit used for track and field. The wooden board is overgrown and nearly buried. It needs to be dug out and raised and level. The landing area needs to stretch out as a wide rectangle starting from the edge of the board. The sand pit should be leveled.
10. Tighten the hurdles’ bolts. They’re in the stairwell near the boys’ locker room.
11. Sand and paint 4 book cases in room 227.
Please consider participating and showing our NCLS spirit! More hands make ligher work. You can join the work at any time and stay as long as you wish. It will be great if you can bring your yard tools, such as rake, etc. We hope to see many NCLS families at NewtonServes.
-NEACS(新英格蘭中文學校協會) Speech Award
Congratulations to the following students who are winners at the 4/25 NEACS Speech Competition. In the meantime, we gave two thumbs up to all participatants. As always, we thank the parents and teachers who gave great help and support in this event. GO NCLS!
第一名 牛顿中文學校 楊瑞秋 第二名 牛顿中文學校 何明耀
第一名 牛顿中文學校 周颖欣 第二名 牛顿中文學校 范雪景 牛顿中文學校 潘岩
第一名 牛顿中文學校 吴绮 第二名 牛顿中文學校 馬轶姗
優勝 牛顿中文學校 張路路
第二名 牛顿中文學校 马思远 第三名 牛顿中文學校 高唯芸
第三名 牛顿中文學校 李章涵 優勝 牛顿中文學校 张怡然
第一名 牛顿中文學校 卢正宇 第三名 牛顿中文學校 周丽丽
優勝 牛顿中文學校 宓尹康
-Annual Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Award
恭喜下列各位學生參加中華表演藝術基金會主辨的第24屆 2015全美青少年國畫書法比賽穫獎﹕
There are a total of 296 entries (Brush Painting 221, Calligraphy75) submitted by 28 different Chinese Schools, arts studios, and individuals from 8 states (CA, CT, GA, MA, MD, MN, NJ, TX) The images of the 68 winners’ art works will be posted on website at: around June 1, 2015.
第24屆全美青少年國畫書法比賽,4月25日經朱蓉、陸惠風、白謙慎、阮圓、高靜華、鍾耀星 六位評委,三小時的精挑細選反覆審查,己由全部 296件作品中選出68件 金銀銅佳作等得獎作品,將獲獎金獎狀。本次參賽作品來自﹔馬里蘭州、紐澤西州、加州、明尼蘇達州、德州、康州、佐治亞州、及麻州等8州,28所中文學校、書畫學苑及個人。全部參賽作品,包括國畫221件,書法75件.
國畫甲組(9 歲及9歲以下)
1, Mimi Yuexiao Yang杨月潇, 銀獎
(Her second piece of painting was also chosen as Bronze 銅獎, but will not be awarded in duplicate)
國畫乙組(10-13 歲)
2, Alyssa Chen 陳琳珊, 銅獎
3, Cathleen Chen 陳凱琳, 佳作獎
4, Iris YuQing Yang 楊寧青, 入圍獎
5, Madeline Yi Shan Ma馬軼姗, 入圍獎
6, Meiling Zhao 赵美翎, 入圍獎
7, Angela Lai 賴伊琳, 入圍獎
8, Selena Lilly Liu 劉麗麗, 入圍獎
9, Erik Zou邹奕鍇, 入圍獎
Instructors: Hochung Lam, and Cathy Chan (Tan Jialin)
– Art Show
Here is the art show schedule for the following classes, if you have interest, you can stop by Day School library and their art work.
成人国画 Adult Brush Painting 谭嘉陵
绘画十(国画, 10岁以上) Art 10: Chinese Brush Painting 谭嘉陵
绘画八(国画, 8-10岁) Art 8: Chinese Brush Painting 汪庆
成人书画研习班 Adult calligraphy and painting 方正厚, 沈亚虹
绘画二乙 (创意绘画, 5-6岁) Art 2B: Creative Drawing 赵嘉媛
绘画四(彩绘, 7-8岁) Art 4: Drawing/painting 赵孟瑶
– Adult TA and Student TA application Form
If you or your child is interested in NCLS teaching assistant work for 2015-2016 school year, please complete the application form (see link below) and submit it to Tian Yi laoshi at the libary. For current adult TAs and student TAs, please complete the form as well, since we need to know if you would continue with the TA work and stay at the same class.
You can also pick up a copy of the form at the libary.
– PCC position
牛顿中文学校是一个非盈利性的社区文化教育机构,其宗旨是为大波士顿地区的华人子女和对中国语言文化有兴趣的人士提供学习汉语和中国文化的机会与环境。牛 顿中文学校建校50多年来,依靠全校教职员工及家长的团结合作和奉献精神,取得了优异成绩。为了学校更好的未来,我们呼吁更多的家长积极参与、热 情支持学校的工作。如果您有兴趣申请2015秋季家长会职位或者希望进一步了解家长会在中文学校的功能,请申请人与家长会会长联系(email:, 电话:781-690-1825)
– April School Journal
See you on Sunday.
Ling and Li
Community News
Date: May 3, 2015 Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm Place: Room #227
Speaker: 卞院长
2、1對1哈佛、MIT、耶魯、普林斯頓等頂級精英私教可提高學生注意力3倍–人人考A 95%,人人都可差生變優生。
– 翰林院夏令营“50倍速学习法”讲座
地址:154 Horn Pond Brook Road Winchester, MA 01890
牛顿中文学校5月3日3:45PM- 5:45PM。
地址:21 Minot Place,Newtonville,MA 02460
“50倍速快乐学习法+300遍扫描记忆法”由翰林院夏令营MAVERICK BIAN院长于20年前创立。在教学中采用1对1精英私教提高学生注意力3倍以上,运用300遍复习扫描记忆法,帮助学生在学习中不断筛选并攻克各个知识弱点和认知规律,从而在短期快速形成知识的长久记忆。翰林院在教学中采用自创的ISO教学管理流程生产线,编组形成群体压力,将传统的灌输式教学变为学生内在的自激励学习。8周的夏令营学一半玩一半,英文单词量爆增10,000以上,10岁儿童轻松掌握高中课程,12岁儿童知识达到大学水平,所有参加夏令营的学生的知识普遍可以提高学业二三个年级。凡5到7年級學生通過3期夏令營可直通所有重點高中;8到11年級學生通過4期夏令營即可滿足常春藤高校GPA、AP課高分要求,並幫你孩子SAT衝刺2,300分!
知识的超前使孩子变得更加自信,每年可以为孩子节省出几百个小时用于其他方面的学习和娱乐。如2014年夏令营中的8岁小移民杰西卡原本英语基础很差,在班级内成绩垫底,但经翰林院8周培训再回到学校后,就用英语将一千多人的四五六三个年级所有美国本土学生全部打败,获得康州公立学校Spelling Bee、Social Studies和数学等所有冠军,被学校封为皇后,最近又在哈佛评测中夺冠,目前杰西卡的知识面已突破到了十年级的水平。。