NCLS Weekly Newsletter 23-April-2015

Dear Parents,

Hope all had a nice spring break week!  This Sunday 4/26 is a snow make-up day, we will have class.

– NewtonServes Day is Coming!

This year, NewtonServes Day is May 3rd 1:00-4:00pm.  Same as previous years,  NCLS will partner with Day School and participate this meaningful community service event. Community members gather together at the school to complete projects for the school.  Below are some project ideas:

1. Rake up leaves/debris outside.

2. Clean up all the trash outside, especially trash that is technically off school grounds and on park grounds.

3. Mulch bushes.

4. Wash inside and outside of 1st floor windows.

5. Clear out the book room.

6. Clean up and prepare the courtyard plants for spring.

7. Post current maps of building (clearly indicating “You are here”) near stairwells and at major corners of building, on each floor.

8. Hide away construction materials/junk/debris under the archways on exterior of building near gym.

9. Dig out and level the long jump pit used for track and field. The wooden board is overgrown and nearly buried.  It needs to be dug out and raised and level.  The landing area needs to stretch out as a wide rectangle starting from the edge of the board.  The sand pit should be leveled.

10. Tighten the hurdles’ bolts.  They’re in the stairwell near the boys’ locker room.

11. Sand and paint 4 book cases in room 227.

Please consider participating and showing our NCLS spirit!   More hands make ligher work.  If you and/or your kids are interested to participate, please email  You can join the work at any time and stay as long as you wish. We hope to see many NCLS families at NewtonServes.

– Adult TA and Student TA application Form

If you or your child is interested in NCLS teaching assistant work for 2015-2016 school year, please complete the application form (see link below) and submit it to Tian Yi laoshi at the libary.   For current adult TAs and student TAs, please complete the form as well, since  we need to know if you would continue with the TA work and stay at the same class.

You can also pick up a copy of the form at the libary.

PCC position

牛顿中文学校是一个非盈利性的社区文化教育机构,其宗旨是为大波士顿地区的华人子女和对中国语言文化有兴趣的人士提供学习汉语和中国文化的机会与环境。牛 顿中文学校建校50多年来,依靠全校教职员工及家长的团结合作和奉献精神,取得了优异成绩。为了学校更好的未来,我们呼吁更多的家长积极参与、热 情支持学校的工作。如果您有兴趣申请2015秋季家长会职位或者希望进一步了解家长会在中文学校的功能,请申请人与家长会会长联系(email:, 电话:781-690-1825)

See you this Sunday!

Ling and Li


Community News:

Seminar:   Title of the topic:  Save your gas and electric money

Date: Apr 26, 2015        Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm    Place: Room #227     Speaker: Donna Doung

Short introduction of topic: Ambit (安必) 能源公司创始于2006年, 提供长期稳定廉价的能源给用户, 已成为全国成长最快的公司之一, 我们诚意地为用户省钱, 用户并有权选择收费合理的能源公司. Ambit Energy 公司是一家新到麻省的能源公司, 它能为各用户节省能源的开资, 保证给各用户带来便宜于其它公司的费用。公司与公司之间的竟争, 受益者永远是顾客, 请大家把握这省钱的良机.

凡加入Ambit Energy 的用户, 并可以享受驚人的省钱机会及利益:

1, 所有用户都会有一个免费的纲站
2, 不需转换费, 不需有合约,  唯一的改变是在你的帐单上的价钱便宜了。只是零售转到本公司上。
3, 只要转换到本公司就送上2晚的洒店, 可在18个月内使用。
4, 每个月的能源费可累积旅行奖励点数。
5, 介绍5个客户可有一份度假礼物。
6, 介绍15个客户将获得相等的能源费或免费使用能源。
7, 公司并指派特定的顾问为用户服务, 确保用户满意。

Short introduction of speaker:    Donna is a consultant in Ambit Energy Company For more info, please contact:      

Name: Donna   Phone: 978-394-6882      Email:

Or visit website:


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