NCLS Weekly Newsletter 2-April-2015

Dear Parents:

This coming Sunday 4/5 we will have Chinese school.

– Speech Competition:

1. Award list for 3/29

 在3/29进行的2015年牛顿中文学校中文朗诵、演讲比赛中年级组的比赛中,一共有27名学生参与了这次活动(另外五名同学因其它原因将参加其他两组的比赛,但分数将不作为名次计算),其中16名同学参加了朗诵比赛,11同 学参加了演讲比赛。与以往一样,在这些同学中有的是重返赛场,而更多的是今年第一次参加演讲比赛的新手。当每位参赛的同学站在舞台上,非常自信地将自己对 学习中文的热爱表现给大家,并向大家展示他们的中文水平时,我们看到了他们的勇气,看到了他们的热情,看到了他们的坚持,更看到了未来在异国他乡传承中国 文化后继有人的希望。因此,对所有参赛的同学来讲,无论他们是不是可以拿到奖项并不重要,重要的是他们的参与,所以他们个个都是赢家。













2. Speech Competition on this Sunday 4/5




比赛将在3:40准时开始。为保证参赛学生能有一个良好的比赛环境,同时也让更多的家长和愿意观摩学习的学生有个宽松的场地,今年的比赛仍将在礼堂进行。当日参赛的学生有30多人,我们又必须将比赛在有限的时间内完成,所以我们要求所有参赛同学一定要在3:25准时到礼堂报到,过时不到者将按自动弃权处理。 朗诵比赛将先进行,比赛的顺序将按照参赛学生姓氏的字母顺序由低向高进行;之后进行演讲比赛,比赛的顺序仍按照参赛学生姓氏的字母顺序由低向高进行。比赛 结果将在周一或周二发给所有参赛学生的家长。学校将在比赛当日发给所有参赛学生礼品卡,以资奖励。其余获奖学生的颁奖仪式将在学期结束前与毕业班的毕业典 礼一起进行。学校会在仪式举行之前将通知发给大家。

– Math Contest

Math Program group will have annual Math contest on this coming Sunday, 4/5.  Hope all students do your best and make great achievement.

– 2015 NCLS Spring Art Exhibits This Sunday

NCLS art classes will host art exhibits this month during school time.  If you are interested, please stop by the library to see our students’ art work.  This Sunday the following art classes will have exhibits:

绘画五乙(彩绘, 6-7岁) Art 5B: Drawing/painting   史清

绘画五甲(绘画与着色 8-9 岁)Art 5A:Drawing & Coloring 8-9  刘凤英

绘画三(素描, 9-10 岁) Art 3: Sketching  吴富民

– Classroom Maintainence

After last Sunday’s school, NCLS received another complaint from Day Middle School reporting that things on the teacher’s desk were messed with.  Please remind your children, don’t touch any Day School teaching facilities unless the room teacher approved. If we continue to receive complaints from Day school, we may lose another classroom.  It will create huge negative effect for NCLS. Your effort will be greatly appreciated.

– School Journal:   March journal has been posted on our website. Enjoy reading.

Thank you and see you this Sunday.

Ling and Li


Community News:

1. Seminar:  There is no seminar this Sunday 4/5

2. NECINA Financial Innovation Conference:

2015 NECINA Financial Innovation Conference

      Cutting-edge Technologies in Financial Services: Applications & Outlook

Date/Time:  Apr. 18th, 9:00AM – 1:30PM
Venue:  KPMG, Two Financial Center 2nd Floor, 60 South Street, Boston, MA 02111
Registration:  Click here to register (
Join thought leaders in Financial Innovation for in-depth presentations and discussions, exclusive networking opportunity. A must-attend event for finance and technology professionals in New England area.
Speaker Spotlight:
Michael A. Ervolini, CEO at Cobat Research LLC
Over 30 years of experience in institutional money management and software development. Expertise in helping portfolio managers improve skills and investment process by understanding their behavioral tendencies
   Flora Sah, SVP/COO, at Risk Management, State Street Corp
Serves as both officer of Enterprise Risk Management and global head of Risk & Regulatory Technology Solutions. Proven catalyst for utilizing data to improve organization risk management performance in global setting
   John Fawcett, Founder & CEO, at Quantopian
Serial entrepreneur of financial software development and go-to-market strategy. Focus and specialties include: fintech, distributed system design, financial research systems, and open-source technology and strategy
Fred Kam, Director at UBS Financial Services
IT Director of client reporting with UBS Financial Services responsible for wealth management clients; part of the management team for mutual fund and brokerage businesses
Mark S. Cohen, CFP. Morgan Stanley
Associate Vice President and Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley wealth Management with over 35 years of industrial experience. Expertise of how to utilize advanced technology to secure a successful financial future for individuals and organizations
Conference Contact:
Gwen Ren:
Jian Xu:
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