Dear Parents:
This coming Sunday, 1/25/2015 will be the 1st school day for spring semester of 2015. If your kids are new students or your kids selected different class from previous semester, please make sure to bring your kids to the right classroom. You can check this link for classroom number:
– Classroom Maintenance
Recently we have been informed by Day School that one classroom will be closed permanently due to our students removing teacher’s classroom material at multiple occasions. Although our teachers and the majority of students have tried very hard to maintain the classroom, we still found some students are not following the rules. This case is a big lesson and warning to all of us. While we requested all NCLS teachers stress the school rules to their classes during school time, we think it is necessary to have all parents remind your kids at home that we should not move any materials/ properties in the classroom that belong to Day School and keep the classroom as clean as we can.
-Spring semester registration
The registration for 2015 spring semester is still on. If you have any questions with regard to the registration, class, payment, etc., you can visit the school website or stop by library during school day.
-New classes
1. Chinese Yoyo Class(抖空竹):
12:30-1:45pm, classroom 222. The fee is $145. The teacher will be Ms. Wangju Chen (陈望菊老师) . For 2015 spring semester, this class won’t be in school register system. You can either send email to or come to the library to register this new class. We still have a few spots open for this class, please register as soon as possible.
2. Chyten classes: Imagination Authors: 4th – 5th grade
Class Time: 12:30-1:45pm Class Fee: $265 Classroom: 218
If you would like to register your child to the classes, please come to the library to register. This class is not shown in our system.
In Imagination Authors Chyten teachers foster a love of writing by helping students write and publish their own real book! Teachers continually guide the students, providing contextual lessons on writing techniques. Chyten instructors then synthesize the collective works into one class-wide novel. Each class designs a fantasy world that includes major and minor characters, settings and locales and plot twists. At the end of the course, the students receive their first real novel—published, bound and signed by our Imagination Authors.
– NCLS Chinese New Year Gala
NCLS is going to host 2015 Chinese New Year Gala on 1/31/2015 at Regis College (235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493) from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. During this biggest event, the performers from NCLS students, teachers, as well as some invited professional artists will present singing, dancing, and other programs. The ticket selling will start this Sunday at the library PCC desk, $3.00/each.
Ling and Li
Community News
Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm Place: Room #227 Speaker: Zhong Zhao
Title: Understanding Investment Risk
Many factors can play a role in the potential risks and returns associated with an investment. A thorough understanding of the risks involved with investing is important when selecting the investments that are right for you. This seminar will provide an overview of investment risk and help you to understand how to manage this risk when developing an investment strategy and selecting investment options.
Presented by: Zhong Zhao Financial Advisor
Morgan Stanley
950 Winter Street, Suite 3400
Waltham, MA 02451
-亞洲學生中心A+ Program
亞洲學生中心A+ Program
將為Boston區亞裔學子舉辦一場英文數學能力鑒定考試, 測試孩子的考試技巧和應力 考試接受學生範圍:2-11年級 考試費用:全部免費,即來即考
眾所周知,麻州教育法在2014年頒佈了推廣Common Core,隨之而來的改變的PARCC考試取代MCAS。這個考試分數將決定學生能否獲取高中畢業證書,同時也絕對真實的體現學生個人成績,學校成績,以及學區成績。作為家長的您,如何瞭解您孩子的考試技巧和應試能力呢?
眼看新的PARCC考試季節將要到了,為了提高亞裔學子在PARCC中的考試表現,亞洲學生中心「A+ Program」將於2015年2月7日新學期隆重開設針對考試技巧的輔導課程。與此同時,為了幫助家長們更好的瞭解孩子的學習情況,以及制定新學期的學習計畫,我們也特別為Boston區的2—10年級學生準備了一場盛大並且全部免費的英語﹑數學考試鑒定來幫助家長們瞭解孩子的學習及考試能力。
考試內容以英文、數學為主,試卷嚴格按照麻州教育部針對每個學年特定的標準和要求來鑒定學生的學習能力。考試地點位於Commonwealth Ave總校1106 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, 考試時間為2015年1月31日星期六, 下午1點。
「A+ Program」通過21年的精英教學經驗與獨特的教學方法,並且嚴格根據各種能力考試(ISEE, SSAT,以及最新Common Core要求下的PARCC等考試)需求,制定了一套應對考試的完整課程,包括英語語言課程和數學課程。我們採用亞洲教學理念,融入美國教育制度及系統,並根據麻洲教育部對不同年級的最高標準,研發出一套能確切反應亞裔學生需求的英語寫作﹑閱讀及數學教育課程系統,其中高中課程更採用波士頓狀元高中 [波士頓拉丁學校] 的教材及教學內容。
創始人Carl Nelson先生表示,“凡是參加過該中心學習的學生,都能在學業上紮下堅實的基礎。無論是參加波士頓高中會考、麻州會考或者SAT考試,都能夠獲得高分!”
電話預訂考試位置及報名專線: 617-338-5288/617-730-3705
亞洲學生中心「A+ Program」,上課地點可選擇在:
中國城分校:65 Harrison Ave, 6th Fl, Boston, 或者總校:1106 Commonwealth Ave,Boston(近Allston 新88超市)。
– Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) will host Chinese new year gala on 1/24/2015
Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), with Cary Memorial Library and the town of Lexington, is hosting a free Chinese New Year Festival this year on 1/24/2015. The festival will start first in the afternoon from 1:00pm to 3:30pm at Cary Memorial Library for a Chinese Culture Fair, featuring an artistic Chinese calligraphy demonstration, an interactive Chinese musical instrument exhibition, arts and crafts tables, and food sampling. In the evening, there will be a performance at Lexington High from 7:00pm – 9:00pm, with a range of entertaining and beautiful performances. The door opens at 6:30pm. Best of all, both events are free of charge for all. Don’t miss it.
– Needham Chinese New Year celebration 1/24
Message from Needham Chinese New Year Event Organizer:
Happy Spring Festival!
We sincerely invite you and your family to the Chinese New Year Celebration on January 24, 2015 at Newman Elementary School. The event is organized by Chinese Friends of Needham (CFN) and sponsored by our generous donors. We hope you enjoy a joyful and relaxing night with delicious potluck dinner, versatile talent shows, and fun kids’ games.
Details about the event: Time: January 24, 2015, 4:30-9 pm
4:30-6:00 pm: registration, kids game
6:00-7:00 pm: pot luck dinner
7:00-7:30 pm: pot luck dinner cleaning up
5:00-7:15 pm: rehearsal
7:30-9:00 pm: talent show.
Location: Newman Elementary School
Registration: please register online at
Check out the CFN website for all information regarding this event and further updates.
We invite you to take this opportunity to catch up with existing friends and make new friends. 让我们一起喜洋洋的迎接和祝福欣欣向荣的羊年!