Dear Parents:
We have no school this coming Sunday (Oct 12, 2014) due to Columbus Day. Wish everybody have a good weekend. The school will resume on Oct 19, 2014.
1. Fire Drill last Sunday:
This past Sunday, we successfully finished our annual fire drill. Thanks a lot to school admin team, PCC team and teachers/TAs for all of your hard work. The whole building was emptied less than five minutes which meets the requirements of Newton fire department. However, there are a couple of important things that need to be addressed during the exit process.
1. After all people exited the building, the majority of people just stood near the building doors instead of walking far away from building. There were two classes stayed near the door exit 1. This was absolutely unacceptable. For all people who withdraw from Exit 1, you need to walk towards walnut street as quickly as possible.
2. The main entrance driveway is not clear. The majority of parents just stood on the main entrance (driveway) that will make other people difficult to move forward and even worse, the fire trucks will be difficult to get in.
The purpose of the fire drill is let everybody get familiar with the general emergence exit process, strengthen the urgent feeling, know where to go if something happens in the building. The safety of our community is always the school’s top priority.
2. Talent Show on 11/2:
On Nov 2, 2014, China support education program of NCLS will host talent show at school auditorium from 5:00 to 7:30 pm, if you have interest to attend, please click the following link to fill out the registraion form:
随着又一个金色秋天的来临,牛顿中文学校支持中国教育事业和资助中国贫困学生交流计划进入了第九个年头。学校支教计划的募捐系列活动也拉开了序幕。历年组织的青少年和家庭募捐才艺表演,在支教计划的募捐系列活动中,起到了十分重要的作用,也受到了同学们和家长们的热烈反响。同学们用他们学到的各项才艺,通过表演会,将我们社区的爱心联结起来,将我们一个个家庭的支持和关怀,带给中国的贫困学生,帮助他们有更多更好的学习机会和学习条件。我们知道,知识是改变人生道路的根本,帮助中国的贫困同学受到好一点的教育,是我们能够给予的最好礼物。 我们热忱期望勤学苦练各项才艺的同学们,和拥有十八般武(舞) 艺的家长们投身到这个大舞台来,参加今秋举办的青少年和家庭募捐才艺表演。我们将选送优秀节目参加学校的演出。希望通过这个机会,让更多的家长和同学了解牛顿中文学校的支教计划。才艺表演的具体安排如下: 时间: 2014年11月2日, 星期日 5:00pm – 7:30pm 地点: Auditorium, F.A. Day Middle School, (牛顿中文学校礼堂) 报名办法: 请填好报名表, 于11月2日前投入报名箱. (报名箱放在中文学校二楼图书馆) 或网上报名,请电邮 售票办法: 票价: 个人 $10,家庭 $20 (欢迎其它捐款, 数目多少不限) 时间: 10月19日, 10月26日和门口售票 地点: 牛顿中文学校一楼入口处, 二楼图书馆 请所有有兴趣的同学和家庭积极报名参加, 也恳请老师, 家长们关心, 支持这项活动。在我们一起享受精彩的才艺表演时,我们没有忘记我们远在中国的贫困学生,我们的心连在一起。如果你有什么问题的话,请联系牛顿中文学校支教工作小组
Enjoy the Columbus Day weekend and see you on 10/19.
Ling and Li
Community News:
1. 1st Asian Cultural Festival (sponsored with Newton Community Pride, FREE to the public)
Newton Chinese School will have couple of tables there to represent our school and have various cultural activities
Date: Saturday October 11, 2014 (Columbus Day weekend) Time: Noon – 5 PM
Place: Newton City Hall (1000 Commonwealth Ave, Newton, MA) Parking: On and off street, FREE
Event Program (tentative): Noon – 2pm/2:30pm: 1) Food vendors providing Asian cuisine for purchase;
2) Vietnamese sugar cane juice freshly pressed onsite; 3) Children’s Village activities (Vietnamese triclye, Vietnamese martial arts demo, chopstick challenges, arts and crafts, and other activities and games of Asian culture), workshops and demonstrations for adults and youth (e.g., Japanese flower arrangement, Origami, herbal medicines and other Chinese healing, calligraphy, tai-chi?, some sort of cooking techniques such as Vietnamese summer roll making, food carving, and more…) 3) Vendors providing arts, crafts, and wares for sale2:30pm – 4:30 or 5: 1) Vendors are still around 2) Cultural performances –
1) Chinese (Chinese yo yo by GBCCA, Bright Pearl Traditional Chinese Dance, dragon dance );
2) Korean (Korean Sogo “hand drum” dance by Quincy Korean School and Boston Korean Dance Team)
3) Japanese (Taiko drum?)
4) Filipino (DANCE PHILIPPINES Performing Arts Company)
5) Vietnamese (Martial Arts 15 minutes)
6) Thai (Music and dance)
7) Indian (Kathak Chhandika or Boston Bhangra)
2. 剑桥中国文化中心中国签证服务社代理中国签证服务通知(2014年10月25,26日)
重要说明: 申请人请务必使用2013年8月21日颁布的新版签证申请表。 请按照中华人民共和国驻纽约领事馆网页上有关“新版签证申请表使用通知(2013-08-21)”和“关于自9月1日起调整签证申请办法的通知(2013-08-29) ”填写签证申请表,并准备好所有申请签证所需材料。 中华人民共和国驻纽约领事馆签证服务的网址:
剑桥签证服务社启 2014年9月15日