NCLS Weekly Newsletter 11-Sept-2014

Dear Parents:


We had a fantastic first school day! On Sept 7, with the full support from NCLS admin staff, PCC team, Board as well as all teachers and parents, we successfully passed the 1st busy and exciting school day.  It was wonderful to see our students back to the classrooms with smile.  We wish this be a good start to another wonderful school year.

With more new families joining NCLS this school year, we have a total of more than 1300 students now. We are trying our best to make NCLS a safe, enjoyable and quality learning environment for our students.  In order to maximize this goal, your cooperation will be very important.  Based on various feedback from teachers and on-duty PCC members, there are a few things that need to be re-emphasized:

1.  Drop-off and pick-up:

  • Only vehicles with NCLS parking permits can enter Minot Place, no other vehicles  can enter Minot Place during the school time, which is defined as 1:30pm to 5:30pm.  There will be PCC parents on duty guarding and monitoring the entrance to Minot Place  from 1:30 – 5:30 to reinforce the above procedures.
  • Absolutely no drop-off or pick-up on Walnut street at the entrance to Minot Place.
  • The designated drop-off and pick-up area will be the Albermarle Road parking area  behind the school field. Students and parents can walk across the field to the school.

2.  Parking: Since Day school has very limited parking space, only school teachers/staff with parking permit are allowed to park their cars inside parking lot, and all the rest cars can be parked on streets and nearby parking lots:  

3.  Classroom:   Please confirm your classroom number again in our website before you come on Sunday. We had a few changes after the first day.

Please note that students should not enter the classroom before 1:45 pm.  If you arrive early, please stay at the cafeteria.

4.  Book pick up: if you have paid the tuition but have not picked up your text book, please follow this instruction link to print out the book pick up slip before you come to library to pick up the book.

If you have any questions regarding registration, payment, class, you can come to the library this coming Sunday.

As always, thanks for your support and see you on Sunday.

Ling and Li


Community News

1. Lost and Found: One of our parents lost keys (on a key chain with a brown little puppet pouch attached) last Sunday during school hours in the building.  If you happened to find it, please drop it off at the library admin desk this Sunday. Thanks.

2. Seminar 

Date: 9/14/2014 Sunday      Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm        Place: Room #227

Speaker: Tracy Huang-director of YES program

Title of the topic:  NECINA主办的青年创业培训课程YES 9.0 近日开始网上报名招生

IBM以及Constant Contact联合赞助并由波士顿纽英伦中华資訊网络協會(NECINA)主办并创办的青年创业服务培训课程YES 9.0Youth Entrepreneurship Service)将于927日开始第九期的培训课程。YES 9.0課程是针对中学生设计的系列创业理念培训课程。这十节课程重在培养学生如何有效进行团队合作,如何挖掘自身领导能力的潜质以及如何推出创意新颖的创业构思和极具挑战性的创业计划。

YES 9.0 全套课程还将包括指导学生如何以最佳状态展示和陈述自己和团队的创业构想,如何掌握演讲技巧,并且如何提升领导能力。每堂课都会由经验丰富的创业和专业人士讲座进行辅导。在本期YES 9.0 培训中,获得创业创意优胜奖的个人和团队代表将会获得由赞助机构提供的在大公司和企业实习的工作的机会。

为何加入NECINA主办,IBMConstant Contact赞助的YES 9.0 全套创业理念辅导课程?

  • 开阔思路,拓展视野:你将学会如何聆听的技巧,你将学会如何以创业者,创新者和团队成员的角度去思考,分析和观察问题及事物。
  • 创业理念:你将获得一些在中学教科书中难以学到的知识和能力的培养。
  • 经历并解决实际操作中所遇疑难问题:你将能利用所学及所理解的方法针对问题解决问题。
  • 团队组建与合作:  你将学会如何与合作伙伴联手创建和管理一个强有力的团队。
  • 实习机会:你将会获有在赞助公司进行实习的机会以充实和巩固所学创业理念。


YES 9.0 课程安排:9/27/2014 – 2014/2/15 (隔周六,早9:00 am –12:00 pm)

报名费用:人均 $15。若学生家长是NECINA会员,该学生可免费参与。

开课地点:Constant Contact Innovation Lab (1601 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA)

网上报名:Online Registration

3. Annual Chinese Music Instrument Audition and Concert

中華表演藝術基金會才剛結束724日到816日所舉辦的第23屆胡桃山音樂夏令營,緊接著將於20141011日週六哥倫布假日,波士頓First Church of Boston (66 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA) 舉行竹春吟青少年中國器樂音樂會。所有在音樂會裡的演出者,須先報名參加104日的徴選。徴選會時間為104日下午二點,於波士頓First Church of Boston舉辦。報名 928截止
激勵青少年學習中國器樂的意願,引發其對中國文化的興趣,並為學子提供一個觀摩與表現的機會,六年前開始籌辦,至今已經邁入第七年。參加徴選者並無國籍與地區之限制922歲的青少年,能親赴美國波士頓參加者皆歡迎報名參加。將於1011日週六哥倫布假日,晚上七點半波士頓First Church of Boston舉行竹春吟青少年中國器樂音樂會。
徴選將依年齡分組評選,不分樂器可以獨奏或合奏方式四組,: 9歲及以下:10-13:14-17:18-22。團體參加者將以組員平均年齡分組。器樂分為絃樂、管樂、彈撥、打擊。一共將選出15()1011日音樂會中演出被選出的每人(每組)分發狀及獎金。獎金丁組 $200丙組 $150乙組$100甲組 $80個人及團體數目一樣。所有參加演出者,皆頒獎狀以玆鼓勵。報名截止日期2014928報名費每人(每組)30美元,如同時報名兩項以上樂器,第二項以上之報名費為每項25美元。
今年徴選會之評審委員有東北大學音樂系主任Anthony De Ritis及朱蓉、陸惠風、王麗文、尹沛、郭雅志、郭天生等音樂家及評學者組成。器樂指導老師不担任評審。演出曲目以傳統中國樂曲為主。演奏時間不得超過5分鐘評分技巧音樂性台風儀表及整體表現結果於計分完畢後同一天一個星期後1011日週六徴選挑選的優秀15()在音樂會中演出音樂會將另邀請專業人士示範演出。今年邀請 甄若茅演出琵琶。音樂會門票每人10美元。歡迎大眾到場聆聽比賽簡章及報名表可於中華表演藝術基金會網站下載及報名:
查詢請洽: 中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵



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