NCLS Weekly Newsletter 21-Nov-2013

Dear parents,

The holiday season is coming. At NCLS, we celebrate the holiday just like a big family, sharing our joy and wonderful moments together.  This Saturday, we will have our annual Thanksgiving party at ACAS Center in Woburn.  We hope you can join us and celebrate this wonderful holiday together.  Here is the detail of the party:

*We’d also like to reminder you on the CNY Program Submission 春节演出的报名表:

*Seminar this coming Sunday


11242013, 周日 3:40pm – 5pm   Auditorium

Speaker: Michael Chen   College FinAid & Tax Planning Specialist

College & Career Counselor Financial Planner & Financial Advisor

出最少的錢, 上最好的大學,子女成龍成鳳,父母輕輕鬆松! Mastermind College FinAid & Tax Planning Group
萬事達大學助學金,稅務規劃諮詢中心 (408) 996-2002 Phone (408) 904-7374 Fax Skype:

* Please note: Due to the seminar, the auditorium will not be available during the 2nd class period.  Our Children Folk Dance class will use the space outside the auditorium.

* Last reminder:  as the weather getting colder and the days ending darker when we head out of the school,  please be careful when you cross the street and drive slowly.  We wish all have a safe and joyful holiday season.

We hope to see you at the Saturday party!

Guangsong and Ling


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