Community News 14-Oct-2013

Updated notice about the Tennis Tournament as we have moved the tournament date from 10/13 to 10/20 and extended the sign up deadline to 10/18.
NCLS First Adult Tennis Tournament for Support Education Program
Newton Chinese School will be holding its first adult tennis tournament (牛顿中文学校网球锦标赛) this fall. Tennis players of all levels are welcome to participate. All you need is to sign up. A voluntary donation of any amount is welcome but we suggest at least a $20 donation from each player ($40 if you play both singles and doubles). All proceeds will go toward the 2013 – 2014 Support China Education program supporting students in Chongren Yi Zhong, Jiangxi province (江西省抚州地区崇仁县一中).
Tournament Detail is as follows:

1. When: Sunday 2:00pm – 9:00pm in October (weather permitting), starting Sunday, October 20th.

2. Where: Tennis courts behind NCLS (FA Day Middle School, Newton) next to the baseball field. Additional courts: Newton North High School tennis courts.

3. How:

a. Either pro sets or 24-point games depending on the number of players who sign up

b. 2 levels: Level A: USTA 4.0 and above; Level B: USTA 3.0/3.5. If you don’t know your level, you will be placed at level B.

c. Doubles and singles (Men’s and Women’s division)
To sign up, please contact Hongxing Wang (王红星) at and Jackie Zhou (周津平) at by Friday, October 18. Indicate which level and whether you are playing doubles or singles. If playing doubles, please provide partner’s name and e-mail.

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