NCLS Weekly Newsletter 12-Sep-2013

Dear Parents,

We had a fantastic first school day last Sunday!  This year, more than 200 new students joined us.  The first day was busy, yet very smooth.  We want to thank all NCLS teachers and staff, who worked tirelessly this summer to prepare for the school opening.  We want to thank all NCLS families, who brought enthusiastic and positive mind to our school.  Let’s all work together to have another successful school year.

As the first week went by, we want to give a few reminders to our parents for the coming weeks:

1.  Tuition is due immediately if you haven’t made your payment.  If you need to withdraw or change a class, you can send an email to, or come to the library on Sunday.  Note that starting from this Sunday, there is a $5 late payment fee every week if an account carries an outstanding balance, so please take advantage of our online payment.

2. If you need to pick up the textbook, please go to the accountant desk first.  You will receive a stamped book slip after the accountant checks your payment status.  Then you can pick up the book at the book station (next to the copy machine) with your book slip.

3. If you need to return the textbook, please go to the book station first.  Our staff will check the returned book, and issue a book return slip to you.  Then you can go to the accountant to get refund with the return slip.

4. Library Use:  We received a complain from Day school library this week.  Please make sure  a)NOT to use any of the library’s computers. This includes unplugging Day school computers from the Internet and plugging the ethernet cable into your personal computers.  b) if you take any books from the shelves, please put them back on the circulation desk after. c) all papers, water bottles, etc. have been thrown out or recycled;


This coming Sunday, 9/15, is our Book Sales Day.  The book sale will run from morning 9:00am to the end of the school day.  It will be in the cafeteria.  The book sale event is one of our fund raising event for our school’s Support Education program.  We hope more families can join the book sale event and support this meaningful program.


                                             絲竹春吟   第六屆青少年中國器樂比賽2013 




分組9歲及以下;乙10-13歲;丙:14-17歲;丁:18-22歲。年齡以生日在2013年10月5日     滿足歲為準,不足者,以小一歲計算。 (註: 團體參加演奏者以各組組員平均年齡分組)



1.報名費:每人 (組) 30美元,如同時報名兩項以上樂器,第二項以上之報名費為每人(組) 25美元。



徴選日期: 2013105(週六)   下午2時開始:依年齡分甲、乙、丙、丁組進行。共挑選15位 (組)參加10月12日音樂會演出。

音樂會日期: 20131012(週六)(Columbus Day Long Weekend) 晚七點半時開始(門票$10元)

徴選及音樂會地點波士頓 First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA 02116  


  1. 1.      參選者需親赴現場演奏。
  2. 2.      徴選依年齡分組進行評選,不分樂器、可以獨奏或合奏方式。挑選出優秀者(或團體) (預定共15位(組)) 參加音樂會演出。
  3. 3.      曲目:一首,可以獨奏或合奏。以傳統中國樂曲為主。演奏時間最長不得超過5分鐘,如原曲超過5分鐘需準時停止。
  4. 4.      結果:於計分完畢後同一天宣布。一個星期後在音樂會中演出。
  5. 音樂會:  (以正式音樂會形式舉行)由徴選會裡挑選的15位(組) 優秀者演出。曲目與徴選會曲子同一首即可,可以獨奏或合奏。如原曲超過5分鐘必須演奏完全曲。 表演者每人(組)發給獎金 (演出費) 獎狀。另邀請專業人士在音樂會示範演出10分鐘。 2013 邀請TBA。
  6. 音樂會門票每人10美元,演出者每人有二張免費票。

評分標準技巧:40 %,音樂性: 30 %,台風儀表 整體表現: 30 %


獎金 (演出費):( 個人或團體一樣數目)

甲:  9歲以下: $80      乙: 10-13: $100     丙: 14-17: $150     丁: 18-22: $200

評審委員: 由藝術專業人士組成。器樂指導老師不担任評審。

1, Mr. Lynn Chang張萬鈞 (winner of International Paganini violin competition, current faculty at MIT, Boston Conservatory, and New England Conservatory) (To Be Confirmed)

2, Dr. Doris Chu朱蓉 (art critics and scholar)

3, Prof. Anthony De Ritis (Chairman Music Department at Northeastern University)

4, Prof. Wai-fong Loh陸惠風 (art critics and scholar)

5, Ms. Ree-Ven Wang王麗文 (soprano)

6, Mr. Pei Yin 尹沛 (Artistic Diploma in Saxophone from Longy School of Music)

7, Mr. Chang Feng Zhang张长峰 (Guzheng soloist, founding principal of Haixin Art school of Xiaman.)



2. NECINA Youth Entrepreneurship Service(YES) Program:

Founded in 2005, YES (Youth Entrepreneurship Service) Program is a FREE program for high school students to develop entrepreneurship and leadership skills. From the 10-class program, students learn to work in teams, develop business ideas and participate in a business plan contest. The program will cover Business Plans, Product Conceptualization, Company Structure, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Public Speaking and Presentation skills. Each class will feature a distinguished speaker and an exciting instructor to show students how skills learned can be applied in the real world. Winners will have cash scholarship and possible internship opportunities in big firms or corporate.  Please check the link

Looking forward to seeing all this coming Sunday.

Guangsong and Ling






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