NCLS New Courses in Fall 2013

Dear Parents:

Welcome back to all returning families and all new families joining the NCLS community! We hope you had a great summer!  Our school starts on Sunday September 8, 2013.

We are very excited for the new school year. In addition to our existing 80+ courses, we are offering two new courses in the Fall semester. The course descriptions are below:

New course 1:

趣味中国剪纸  Chinese Paper-cutting (3:40-5:00 second class)

授课老师: 赵 蕾

剪纸是中国民间流行的一种传统艺术,历史悠久,有独特的文化内涵和鲜明的民族特色。学习剪纸艺术可以陶冶情操,提高艺术文化修养,同时还能充分挖掘想象力和创造力。本课程面向牛顿中文学校的全体学生,家长以及中国民间艺术的爱好者。课程简单易学,趣味性强。 一把剪刀,一张纸,再加上想象力,很快您就能纸上生花,剪出漂亮的作品啦!

Chinese Paper-cutting Course Description     Instructor: Zhao Lei

Chinese paper-cutting is a traditional art form, which has long history and unique cultural styles. Learning paper-cutting is a good way to cultivate minds, improving cultural accomplishment, while developing students’ the imagination and creativity. All students, parents, and Chinese folk art fans are welcomed to the class. Course is easy to learn and interesting. A pair of scissors, a piece of paper, along with a little imagination, you will cut out a beautiful work!

赵老师毕业于华中师范大学文学院,获汉语语言学和USC教育学双硕士学位。她对中国民间剪纸有着丰富的经验和浓厚的兴趣,注重培养学生的想象力,创造力和动手能力。剪纸作品见赵老师的博客.  相关链接:赵老师的剪纸作品( Ms. Zhao’s Paper cutting Work)

New course 2:

中国笛子  Chinese Flute (3:40-5:00 second class)

授课老师: 镇德华



In addition, these following courses still has spaces, please register the class ASAP.

Physics Concepts and SAT II (2:00 – 3:30 first class)

任课教师:刘希纯博士 Xichun Liu, PH.D.

The primary goals of this course are to review the key concepts in Physics, and to help students in preparing for the SAT II Physics test. If you plan to pursue a math- or science-based program of study (such as science, technology, engineering or math), you probably should consider preparing and taking the Physics Subject Test. Since the SAT II Physics exam covers almost identical subjects as AP Physics B curriculum, students who are interested in learning the latter subject will also benefit from this course.

Students in 9th grade and above who are familiar with trigonometry and algebra 2 are encouraged to take this course.

幼儿学儿歌班   (3:40 – 5:00 second class)



教学内容:适合幼儿的简单易学的儿歌,大部分儿歌同时又是一首幼儿歌曲,孩子                 们学会了儿歌,也学会了歌曲。认读一些基本的字和词,每次上课学一首儿歌。 每学期共教十五首歌,孩子们在会儿歌的过程中,中文听说能力自然而然得到了提高。



书法 Chinese Calligraphy (3:40 – 5:00 second class)


We are looking forward to seeing you this coming Sunday!

NCLS Admin


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