Ma Liping 8th grade Fall 2019 Greeting



牛顿中文学校这周日就开学了!非常高兴这学年能和你们的孩子一起学习马立平教材的《中华文化巡礼》。我们的课程不仅会巩固和学习中文里常见和重要的字词句,增强中文阅读和写作能力,更重要的是我们会接触和欣赏中华文化的精髓, 同时和西方文化做相应的比较,训练同学们的独立思考能力。相信同学们通过这一学年的学习可以更加自如地使用中文,开阔视野,增强文化包容心。

我们的教室是309, 上课时间是2-3:30pm 。请同学们提前五分钟进教室,为上课做好准备。同学们上课需带笔和notebook, 课堂要做笔记。周日我们会发书。下面的link是我们这学年的课程表。 如果有原因不能来上课,可以看课程表补上作业。

非常期待和同学们一起度过愉快充实的中华文化学习!如果家长们有任何问题,请随时和我联系。 谢谢!


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3rd grade Ma Liping – First Class Note

Dear parents,
We had a nice first class last Sunday.  I am so happy that each child worked so hard on learning Pinyin and other new material.  I am confident that our class will do very well this year.
A few things that I want to remind everyone:
1.  Please arrive the classroom on time (2pm).  If you can arrive 5 minutes earlier to get prepared, that’ll be great.  Since this year we have a lot of things to cover in each class, I cannot delay the starting of the class.
2.  Please remind your child to bring white card and colored card for our review exercise.   We need to do these exercises in the begining of the class.  As I mentioned above,  if you are late for class, you will miss these exercises.
3.  For each week, please continue to help your child on 听写.  This week is Pinyin, we will do 听写 in the begining of the class.
4.  Please bring couple of pencils and an eraser for the class.
Thank you all for your support!
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3rd grade Ma Liping Chinese – Greetings

Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a wonderful summer! 

Newton Chinese School is starting on this Sunday, September 9th.  I’ll be so happy and excited to see all my students! After a restful summer break, I am sure they are off to a good start in our 3rdgrade Ma Liping Chinese study.  

Here are some highlights for our 3rdgrade study:

Like what we did for the 1st and 2ndgrade, we will continue to use 白字卡 and color 字卡at the beginning of each class to review the new characters that we learned during the previous class.  We will also conduct 听写to review the writings.  Reading material (阅读材料)continues to be an important part for each lesson. This is the part of the homework that they need your help and attention.  During the class, we will also read and review some of the readings.

This semester, the new (and important) thing to learn is Pinyin 拼音。Even the book only have four weeks lessons on Pinyin, I will continue to review and reinforce Pinyin in each lesson for the whole year.  As such, this year, we will have an extra Pinyin exercise sheet for each homework assignment.  It might take an extra five or ten minutes, but I think it’s important to build a soild Pinyin base for further studies.  For those kids who learned Pinyin before, it’s a great opportunity to review and make sure they fully grasp the knowledge. 

For this Sunday’s class, please try to get to the classroom @ 1:50pm, I will host a 10 minutes Parent Open House before the class, to talk about this year’s curriculum and requirements, and answer any questions parents might have.

Here is the teaching calendar for this year.

You can either tape it to the back of the textbook, or leave it on your desktop for future reference.  You can check our learning progress, the test date and the homework if your child will be absent.   

If at anytime you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.  I hope we work together to have another successful year in Chinese learning!

Looking forward to seeing you and your child this Sunday!

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Year End Note

Dear parents,

We have successfully completed the Ma Liping 2nd  grade study!  I am really proud of all of
my students as they worked so hard during the semester and made so much  progress along the way.  As the summer vacation starts,  I hope they can continue practice speaking Chinese at home.   Besides doing the summer homework (the green book),   they can watch some Chinese cartoons on Youtube,  read  some children stories (try the 童话故事 link in my blog)  with parents.  Let’s have fun in learning Chinese!

Thank you all, parents, for your continuous support during the semester.  Without your help,  our learning cannot be completed so smoothly.  Let’s continue our partnership in the 3rd grade study.

Wish you all have a great summer and I shall see you in the fall!

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在家的时候,我希望家长们能继续和孩子们说中文,让他们能经常练习。说的少的同学从词语开始,逐渐说短句, 然后到长句。说的较多的孩子锻炼用自己的话说说课文和阅读材料。在练习蓝字卡的时候,有些常用字,可以让孩子在读出字后,组词,再说个句子。这样可以检查他们是否理解了这个字。

下节课请提醒孩子们上课带两本作业本,这周的白字卡和蓝字卡, 这是我们每节课都需要的。每周的听写和阅读材料也要督促孩子们努力完成。 马立平教材确实需要家长和孩子们花不少时间,但它的学习效果也是显而易见的。 我相信只要我们齐心协力,一定能帮助孩子们学好中文。


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Revised Teaching Calendar

Dear parents,

Last week we had our in-school Chinese New Year performance.  Our kids did a terrific job in the performance.  If you have pictures, please email me, so I can post in the website.

Last week, we did not learn new lesson, instead, we reviewed some of the reading material in the 2nd unit.  This week, week 6 of 2nd unit, we will learn a new lesson.   Our test date is 3/11 and the review class is on 3/4.  Please see the revised teaching calendar 教学计划  in this site. 

Thank you.

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Happy Chinese New Year!

Dear Parents:
Happy New Year!  Best wishes for your family in the year of dragon!
Our Ma Liping Chinese class is in the fifth week of 2nd unit study.   We have three more weeks to complete the 2nd unit and have another exam, please continue to remind your child to complete the homework, bring the white and yellow cards to class and be prepared for 听写.   Another important part is 阅读材料。 Our next exam will incorporate the content from the reading material, so please make sure that they complete reading material homework each week.  Your help and supervision is needed as the 2nd unit reading material is more difficult than the 1st unit.  Our class have been doing a great job this past year.  Let’s work together to help them continue learn well this year. 
Our in-school performance is on 2/5.  I will let you know the performance time once I know it. 
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Dear parents,

 我们已经上了七周的中文课,下节课我们将结束第四课的学习,这样我们也就结束了第一单元的学习。 我们会利用11/20的课进行复习,12/4 将进行第一单元的考试。 复习材料我会在11/20前Email给大家。 12/4考试会有口试和笔试两部分。 我们需要2-3位家长帮忙口试。如果您可以,请和我Email联系。

 我们刚学了《狐狸和乌鸦》的上半部分,我在Helpful Learning Material 里放了一个小短片,可以给孩子看看。

 有的家长问我用过的蓝字卡怎么办,我建议可以把它们贴在纸上, 放在冰箱门上或显眼的地方,让孩子们经常看看认认。 学中文在于不断地重复记忆。


再这七周的学习当中,我每堂课都能感觉到同学们点点滴滴的进步, 这跟家长们的督促和帮助是分不开的。相信我们一起努力,孩子们会越学越好。


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1.  造句: 有的同学没有做,有的同学没有造完整的句子。 请家长督促并帮助孩子完成此项。 可以让孩子说,家长记下,因为有的字他们还不会写。 或者让孩子写会写的字,家长写他们不会的。

 2.  Checklist:   作业第一页的checklist 一定要填,否则老师不知道孩子是否完成了全部作业。

3.  写字: 作业里要求写的字,下堂课老师会听写。 请家长们能帮助孩子在家默写。

 4.  字卡: 有的孩子忘记剪下并拼读作业本上的白色字卡,请家长督促一下。

 5.  每堂课请提醒孩子带上蓝色字卡和白色字卡 (只带上周,不要带以前的)。

 As you all know,  Ma Liping curriculum needs a lot of supervision and help from parents.  I hope we can work together to help kids learn better.  As always, thanks for your support.


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上星期天我们学了第一课〈捞月亮〉的上半部分。 孩子们在课堂上的表现让我欣喜。好的开始就是成功的一半。希望家长能多鼓励他们。


我在 Helpful Learning Material 里放了一个〈小猴子捞月亮〉的视频,很短,可以给孩子们看看。

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