NCLS Weekly Newsletter 10-Dec-2015

Dear Parents:

-2016 Spring Registration

Time flies, the 2015 fall semester is ending soon.  2016 spring semester will start on 01/31/2016. The online registration for spring semester will start on 12/13.   Please visit the following link to get the detailed registration information:

For the current registered  NCLS students, you have to register between Dec.13, 2015 – Jan 3, 2016, during this period, you can only register the courses you are taking in Fall 2015 semester, this is very important step to keep your current spot. From Jan 4, 2016 – Jan 10, all classes are opened to all current registered students, you can register to other class if it has available seat. From Jan 11, 2016 – Feb 14, 2016, the registration will be opened to all students, including new students.

Regarding to Chyten programs, there are three important information you should know about them before you register for spring 2016 semester.

-The Chyten program has different syllabus comparing with NCLS classes, they have been designed as semester system. For the same class in Fall 2015 semester, the majority of teaching materials will be repeated in spring 2016 semester. For example, if you are taking public speech in Fall 2015, and would like to continue in Spring 2016, the majority teaching stuff will be repeated.

-Based on the agreement with Chyten, the maximum students for each Chyten class will be 15. If the enrollment of each class is less than 10, the class will be closed. You will receive 100% refund.

-For the cancellation policy, you will get 100% refund if you drop out within two weeks after the spring semester starts,  0% refund after four weeks.

-Chyten class in Spring 2016


Reading and Writing Skills Program Grades 4-5

Elementary school students display wondrous imaginations out on the playground, but sometimes seem to run out of ideas when putting their creativity on the written page. In Imagination Authors, our Chyten teachers encourage a love of writing through an innovative approach to classwide team book-building. Using novels like Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia as inspiration, the class designs a fantasy world including major and minor characters, settings and locales, an extended backstory and a world of wonder. J.K. Rowling has stated that she spent seven years designing the world of Harry Potter before starting to write the actual books. While we won’t be spending that much time to plan, students will work in design committees, using art work and brainstorming to design plot twists and dynamic characters before beginning the actual writing. Our Chyten teachers guide the students, providing mini-lessons on writing techniques that include the use of dialogue, character and setting description, improved word choice and plot and theme discussion. At the same time, they help to synthesize student work into one classwide novel representing those amazing imaginations.


4至5年級的寫作技巧課程小學生在戶外玩耍時通常會展現出非凡的想像力,可是當需要他們把自己的創造力表現在紙上時卻往往乏善可陳。在奇幻作家這個課程裡,Chyten的老師將通過一個新穎的教學方法,讓全班同學一起來寫書,並以將其出版的方式來鼓勵小朋友們對寫作的熱愛。老師將用哈利波特這樣的故事來激勵學生們設計出一個奇幻的世界,其中包括主角、配角、語言環境、背景故事等等。哈利波特的作者JK Rowling說她動筆創作哈利波特之前花了7年的時間來構思哈利波特的世界。當然奇幻作家的課程可沒有那麼長的時間來讓小朋友設計這本書。但是在學生動筆之前老師會把他們組成一個策劃團隊,他們將用繪畫和集思廣益的方式去設計曲折的情節和各種性格的人物,Chyten的老師會提供寫作技巧的專門輔導,最後將全班同學用驚人的想像力創作出來的作品成就一本讓小朋友們自豪的故事書。這門課要教授和傳遞給小朋友們的是:創意寫作技巧、主題發展、個性發展、情節發展、衝突和解決的方案、敘事要素、編輯方法、演講技巧、組織和建設團隊的能力,信心和自尊。


Business and Presentation Skills Program Grades 2-5

In Shark Tank Jr., students play the role of young entrepreneurs as they start with the germ of an idea for a product and business and take it through the entire entrepreneurial process. Loosely based on the TV show Shark Tank, our students will develop prototypes, formulate a business plan and devise a marketing strategy. Meanwhile, our teachers will provide guidance through contextual lessons on concepts such as wages, profits and branding while designing print ads, acting out “TV commercials,” researching real estate locations and creating replicas of their storefronts. These young entrepreneurs will apply critical thinking skills to their creative ideas while honing their presentation talents in the process. The week will conclude with our young executives pitching their ideas to a celebrity panel of parent judges. Having acquired a new understanding of entrepreneurial development, these young executives will really be taking care of business! 

小創智贏家 (SHARK TANK JR.)



In Chyten’s Drama Dictionary class, written words literally come off the page and take on a life of their own! First, students learn etymology—the study of the origin and meanings of words. This knowledge forms the basis for a lifelong process of building a more robust personal vocabulary. While building their personal word base, students also work together to create an e-dictionary, a real online class website using the site builder. Each day, they add new words, definitions and etymological descriptions to their website, adding to their ever-expanding glossary of words. Next comes the magic: students become writers, producers, directors and actors in short skits or scenes that demonstrate each word’s true meaning. These fun scenes are video recorded and embedded onto the website we call “The Drama Dictionary.” Students not only learn fantastic new words, they gain a whole new respect for words, language, creativity, technology and presentation. In the end, they will have created a website that will live on as a testament to the students’ dogged determination and augmented lexicon.



Chyten’s Effective Writer’s Workshop provides students with the writing skills and strategies needed to master assignments ranging from creative masterpieces to complex arguments to opinion pieces.   Covered are strategies ranging from acceptable alliteration to cliché avoidance to variation of sentence structure and everything in between.  More than just a “guide to writing”, the Effective Writing class teaches students how to write brilliant, animated, interesting and engrossing essays in persuasive, expository and narrative styles.  Students are also introduced to short story writing, timed writing situations and writing contests.  Emphasis is placed on use of vocabulary, powerful thesis statements, excellent content development and strong conclusions. This course is especially important in preparing grade 6-8 students for high school English writing.



才騰的高效作家工作室為學生提供了從創意寫作到復雜議論文再到觀點論述等各類寫作任務所必需的寫作技巧和策略。課程涵蓋的策略包括引薦可接受的韻律到避免陳詞濫調再到變化句子結構和一切相關內容。課程不僅僅是一個“寫作指南” ,高效寫作班將傳授學生如何書寫輝煌的,栩栩如生的,有趣的和引人入勝的議論文,說明文和敘事文。學生們還將學習短文寫作,計時寫作和競賽寫作。重點強調詞彙的運用,有說服力的論述語句,內容的精彩延伸和下強有力的結論。這門課對6-8級學生高中英語寫作做好準備尤其重要。

Our speech and debate program challenges students to write and deliver short 2 – 5 minute speeches, and later presentations to a student (and eventually adult) audience.  Students select some topics and the teacher selects others.  Students learn effective techniques for speaking to an audience including making eye contact, proper posture, using visual aids, addressing questions, proper tone and voice control.  Students also break into teams to debate topics, learning how to take sides and defend points of view.  Topics may include such questions for middle school students as “Should we have seat belt laws?” and “Should taxpayer money be used to help send humans to populate Mars?”




In order to smoothly register for next semester, all registered families have to either perform parent duty or pay parent duty fee ($ 30.00). If you want to perform the duty but have not selected duty yet, please do it as early as possible. Otherwise, you will have $50.00 fine if you did not perform your duty. If you have any question, please stop by PCC desk on Sunday.

If you have any questions regarding to the registration, please come to the library , we will have registration information desk to answer your questions.

-New classes 

will be sent later

-2016 Spring Festival Gala

NCLS event committee is organizing and preparing for 2016 Chinese Spring Festival Gala both in-school and out-school.  We strongly encourage individual and group which have interest to perform for this event to submit your program through the following link as early as possible.  If you have any questions, please feel free to send the email to

-Talent Show

The 10th annual NCLS talent show hosted by school supporting China education team will be on this coming Sunday, 12/13, at day school auditorium, starting from 4:00 pm. Please come to join us to show your support.


There is no in-school seminar this Sunday.


Li and Ming



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