Dear Parents:
– Fall 2015 Registration
Registration for Fall 2015 semester has already started on May 10. Here is the 2015 Fall Registration Procedure:
Please note that for all current in school student, please log in your account to sign up your “move up” classes. The “Move Up” period will end on 5/20. If you do not sign up your classes by then, your spot could be possibly taken by other students.
Starting 5/21, our “Change Class” period will start. You can also choose new classes that we offer in the fall. Here is the list of the new classes:
– Ma Liping Chinese first grade – 1st class period
– Children Singing Class – 3rd class period
– Math: Introduction to Calculus – 1st and 3rd class period
– Art 11: Advanced Chinese Painting (10 yrs+ and adult) – 3rd class period
– Shark Tank Jr (4-5th grade) – 1st class period (Chyten program)
– Imagination Authors (4-5th grade) – 1st class period (Chyten program)
– Imagination Authors (2-3rd grade) – 1st class period (Chyten program)
– Writing Masters: The Muckrakers (6-8th grade) – 1st class period (Chyten program)
– Effective Writers (6-8th grade) – 3rd class period (Chyten program)
– Public Speaking (6-8th grade) – 3rd class period (Chyten program)
We will send out the detailed decription of these new classes shortly.
To help parents get to know better of our math classes and Chyten classes, we are offering the following Q&A sessions this coming Sunday:
– All Math classes (including the new Calculus class) Q&A session offered by all teachers from math group at the library 2-3:30pm
– Chyten classes Q&A session offered by Matt Bowling,the Program Director at Chyten, Room 325, 3:40pm
– Support Education China Trip
Led by NCLS teachers, Nan Liang and Weidong Li, the group of 15 students went to Cuozhen, Hefei, Anhui province during this spring break. They had very successful one week exchange activities there.
The student volunteer group formed in September last year. Students participated a series of fund-raising activities which organized by NCLS Support China Education Working Group. With the support of the whole school, parents, Tan’s Education Foundation, and the Boston community, they achieved very good results. The donations have passed to Cuozhen high school, which will help 21 economically disadvantaged students there to finish their high school education.
Please check the i-movie made by team student Helen Dong for the group activities (fundraising and student training) before the trip. The yutube link is –
We will hold a school wide presentation from 3:45pm – 5pm on Sunday, June 7. China trip team students will share their story with you. All parents and students are welcome.
2015年支教团队在梁楠,李卫东两位老师的带领下, 一行共十五人于四月十八日踏上了前往安徽省合肥市肥东县撮镇中学的旅程,进行了为期一周的爱心助学交流活动。
自2014年九月起, 支教工作小组安排了一系列的募捐活动, 在全校师生,家长和波士顿社区的支持下, 取得了非常好的成绩。谭氏教育基金会也对支教项目给予了强有力的支持。此行他们将所得捐款资助了21位贫困学生,帮助他们完成高中学业。
一周的活动进行的丰富多彩, 爱心传递圆满结束。以下是由团队学生董海伦制作的募捐活动和学生培训的短片。 请看Yutube 链接:
2015年支教团队也将在六月七日下午3:45pm – 5pm向全校汇报他们的爱心传递,助学交流之旅。敬请期待。
NCLS Support China Education Working Group
-Book Distribution
This year, we will distribute books to students in their classroom on Sunday 6/7 if the tuition is paid in full by 6/4. We encourage all families register as early as possible and pay your tuition on time, and we can order enough textbooks. Otherwise, you will need to come to the library to pick up on the first school day, 9/13/2015.
If you pay your tuition by 6/4, the $10 registration fee will be waived.
If you have any questions, please send an email to :
-New School Year calendar
Please see this link for 2015-2016 school year calendar:
-Newton Festival of the Arts/Ethenic Heritage Festival Last Sunday:
Our appreciation goes to Teacher Huang Yuhong Children Dance class and Teacher Chen Wangju Chinese Yoyo class. These two classes successfully performed traditional Chinese dance and Yoyo at the Festival on last Sunday. Their fantastic performance deeply impressed the Newton community. Here is the picture link for the festival:
Pictures of Newton Festival of the Arts/Ethenic Heritage Festival
-Art Show
There are two classes that will present their artwork on 5/17. Please stop by the library to enjoy their class art work.
绘画二乙 (创意绘画, 5-6岁) Art 2B: Creative Drawing 赵嘉媛
绘画四(彩绘, 7-8岁) Art 4: Drawing/painting 赵孟瑶
– Adult TA and Student TA application Form
If you or your child is interested in NCLS teaching assistant work for 2015-2016 school year, please complete the application form (see link below) and submit it to Tian Yi laoshi at the libary. For current adult TAs and student TAs, please complete the form as well, since we need to know if you would continue with the TA work and stay at the same class.
Thanks and see you on Sunday.
Ling and Li
Community News
Date: May 17, 2015 Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm Place: Room #227
Speaker: Adam Schwartz, Ph.D.
Topic: A Guide to The College Admissions Process
This seminar will offer strategies for helping students submit the strongest possible college application and will provide an opportunity to ask questions about the daunting process of applying to college. We’ll devote special attention the importance of the college application essay.
Dr. Adam Schwartz taught writing for twenty-five years at Harvard and Wellesley and presently teaches at Babson. At Wellesley, he served on the Board of Admissions, reading hundreds of college applications. As a college essay consultant, his students have been admitted to Harvard, Princeton, Duke, University of Chicago, and Tufts, among many other top colleges.
For more info, please contact: Adam Schwartz Phone: 617-962-2322
– 剑桥中国文化中心签证服务社本周末 (5月16,17)代理签证服务通知
为了更有效地为大家服务,来本社申请签证服务者请简单填写下列登记表。没有预先填写登记表的,每份签证须交 $2.00的现场登记费。
2015年5月16日:星期六:12:00PM – 4:00PM
2015年5月17日:星期天:12:00AM – 4:00PM
剑桥中国文化中心 (Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture)
411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, Suite 214, Waltham, MA 02452
收费标准:$190.00 ($140 签证费+$50/服务费/人);
优惠政策 (符合条件的,两项折扣可以并用)
剑桥中文学校在册教职员工学生及家长,夕阳红成员每人可享有$5.00 的折扣优惠。
凡每户签证四本以上,每本再减$2.00 服务费。
本签证服务社也提供代取签证, 旅行证服务,收费标准为每件$20.00。
付款方式:支票, Money Order (Pay to CCCC) 或现金。我们不接受信用卡,请谅。
剑桥中国文化中心 (Cambridge Center for Chinese Culture)
411 Waverley Oaks Road, Building #2, Suite 214, Waltham, MA 02452
– Boston Latin School Elite College seminar on May 16 in Newton
Organized by Boston Latin School Friends of Chinese Culture,
a panel of Boston Latin School college-bound seniors
will share their experiences in college preparation and application.
When: Saturday May 16, 2015, 5:00-7:30 pm
Where: Hyde Community Center
90 Lincoln Street, Newton MA
Speakers: Celina Qi, BLS 2015, Harvard 2019
Edward Wang, BLS 2015, Harvard 2019
Sarah Wang, BLS 2015, Harvard 2019
Alex Hsia, BLS 2015, Princeton 2019
Jasmin Liu, BLS 2015, Harvard 2019
$5/pp; $10/Family
Followed by FCC Dance Party
-N&D Ballet Summer Program N&D芭蕾舞蹈学校暑期舞蹈夏令营
2015年暑期N&D芭蕾舞蹈学校将分别在Newton,Lexington,Concord地区开设暑期舞蹈夏令营。我们的舞蹈夏令营为热爱舞蹈的学员们全方面提升对舞蹈的理解和诠释提供了好机会。集中的训练能让学员无论在平衡感、协调性,控制能力和四肢柔韧度等方面都得到进步与提高。课程主要教授古典芭蕾舞(基训课,舞蹈排练,芭蕾技巧,芭蕾表演),韧带伸展,爵士舞,现代舞,中国古典民间舞,舞蹈艺术欣赏,歌舞融合,肢体语言及舞蹈体育小游戏等。N&D芭蕾舞蹈学校2013年创立于大波士顿地区,主要教授专业古典芭蕾舞为主,由前波士顿专业舞蹈演员Doyuan Chen和Nancy Lou所创办。
Newton:7/13-7/17; 7/20-7/24; 7/24-7/31;
Lexington:8/3-8/7; 8/10-8/14; 8/17-8/21; 8/24-8/28;
Concord: 7/6-7/10; 8/10-8/14
另有暑期舞蹈小课程及成人芭蕾将开设!详情请登录 或与我们联系 617-331-4279 Nancy or Dao
2015 summer, N&D Ballet School will offer summer workshops in Newton, Lexington and Concord areas. Our summer workshops will provide great opportunities for our dancers to have better understanding and interpretation of Ballet. The intensive training will improve the students’ balance, coordination, control and flexibility. The workshops will include classical Ballet basics, stretch, Jazz, modern dance, classical Chinese folk dance, dance art appreciation, body language and dance games etc.
– 明珠舞蹈学校
明珠舞蹈学校将于5月30日周六 在Newton 举办 open house 。欢迎家长和孩子们来临和参与,期待你的到来!
Open house 时间表:
9-10 Age 3-5Y
11-noon Age 6-8Y
12:30-1:30 Age 9-11Y
1:30-2:30 Age 12-17 Y
Open house location: 94 Rowe St Newton MA
For more information, please us at 347-749-5715 or visit our website: