NCLS Weekly Newsletter 16-Oct-2014

Dear parents,

Hope all had a nice Columbus Day weekend.  NCLS will resume this Sunday 10/19.

With a great start, our school has almost reached half of the fall semester.  This year, we would like to emphasize on building a good communication between teachers and parents.  We believe that a well maintained communication between teacher and parents is crucial to help our students learn well and to help our teachers improve the teaching quality.  Therefore, this year, we require our Chinese language teachers to communicate with parents at least every other week.  If the teacher uses teaching blog on our school website, then parents can check the teacher’s blog periodically.  Otherwise, the teacher should email parents at least every other week to update the class teaching . It is our goal to have every Chinese teacher maintain an open communication with our parents. If you feel that communication from your child’s Chinese teacher is not adequate, please let us know.  We will make sure an appropriate communication channel being built between the teacher and parents.

In addition, this school year, we planned to have a series of parent forums on how to help kids learn Chinese at home.  The first parent forum will be for k-3 grade parents on 10/26, hosted by two very experienced Chinese teachers, Ms. Ruiyun Wang (王瑞云老师)and Ms. Xiaodong Zhao(赵肖东老师).  Forum time is 3:40-5pm, room 325. We hope these forums will give parents an opportunity to get together, ask questions, discuss some general concerns and hopefully obtain some good advices.

See you this Sunday.

Ling and Li

Community News:

SEMINAR:  Date: 10/19/2014   Time: 3:45pm to 5:00pm   Place: Room #227 

Topic: Maximizing College Financial Aid Eligibility

Abstract: Various organizations try to solicit you for college tuition waiver. We will help you to understand the basic concepts; how to choose your advisers. Please join us to learn about FAFSA (Public), CSS Profile (Private), and various strategies to reduce your EFC (Expected Family Contribution).  Will also demystify “IRS Section 7702” and evaluate its pros, cons, and suitability. Please call 508-241-0546 or 617-329-1185 to reserve.
Speaker: John Shen & Richard Suder CFP CFA

Auri Elan Financial Group

Your finance deserves nothing less!



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